(assertion of “gaping flaws” in biology)
Barbarian suggests:
Hey, be impolitic, and mention them. Sounds like an interesting source of discussion.
not my field, but i have heard a few interesting things mentioned by the protestants, i just dont know them well enough to defend them,
Barbarian asks:
So what makes you think that they exist? If you don’t know what you’re talking about, is it possible that you are just wrong?
Barbarian observes::
I have done that. And it was all hooey. None of it had any value whatsoever.
so which of the above posts is true?
I restored the context for you.
the one at top saying i am wrong in the contention that there are arguments against evolution.
The one where I asked you for the “gaping gaps?” You apparently don’t know of any; you declined to say what you thought they were.
or the lower one where you admit to having the examined them yourself?
I’ve seen the claims. They are, so far, all foolish misunderstandings of science. I suggested that you might show us your list, but you seem to have no idea of what you were talking about.
nor do i care to if you interested i am sure that you could find interesting things by googling intelligent design, though i think you might take some time to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Barbarian observes:
Tell us about your research.
did i say i did any research? i think i advised research, thats the problem with pithy posting.
So you never actually looked into it? Why are you telling us about things you don’t understand?
as an argument i dont know, it just happens to fit there in my personal schema. i would have to research the subject first.
Wouldn’t it have been better to learn about it, before you posted an opinion on it?
please, qoute my posted opinion on it,
I did, but you removed it. I restored the context for you.
i think your so busy being pithy, you read to much into it. i think i pretty much agreed with evolution in general
I don’t remember anyone saying you didn’t. I’m asking for you to tell us about those gaps. You really don’t know, do you?
Barbarian observes:
Keep in mind, if some part of scripture is figurative or allegorical, a literal interpretation would admit this fact.
St. Augustine, in “The Literal Meaning of Genesis”, argued that a literal reading had to acknowledge that it was not a literal history.
In other words, it was allegorical in many ways, and any attempt to make it something else was not a literal interpretation.
yes, he was a man of his time
And continues to be regarded as one of the Doctors of the Church. The Church permits you to construe Genesis as completely literal if you want, but Augustine’s point is today as “up-to-date” as it was then.
but go ahead and try to use that as a setup for whatever point you want to make.
The point is obvious. Whoever tries to set science at odds with Christian faith is at odds with the teaching of the Church.