Ex-Mormon here. I have stopped studying Catholicism for now

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I can tell you’re an ex-Mormon. As a Mormon, I had resigned myself to going to the Terrestrial Kingdom. I’m married, but my husband never wanted to go to the temple. He was LDS but had never quite converted to all aspects of their gospel.
I can’t imagine how scary the idea of outer darkness is 😦 I really pray that God gives you peace. Put your trust in the saving power of Christ, and follow the Ten Commandments and keep studying and praying. He will not let you go
He quoted from Lumen Gentium as his source. I had already known about the quote, but I thought it was for people who KNEW Catholicism was true and abandoned it anyway. I don’t like threats.
Coming to a Catholic forum, and announcing that you are not exploring Catholicism kind of leaves us in a bind. Seems a bit stand-offish, even.

What kind of discussion are you looking for? Do you want advise about the meaning of this quote and how it applies to you? Advise about discerning God will in general? Help us out here!
Actually I’ve never been LDS. I went to college in Utah and had to learn how to defend my Christian beliefs from everyone who thought I was just ignorant of the wonders of Joseph Smith.
A lot of non-catholics have issues with Marian devotions and Many Catholics don’t really understand her either.

First, Mary said yes to God when it definately was not in her best (worldly) interest to do so. (I had a professor of theology tell me the only prayer needed is Yes).

Second, she is the Ark of the New Covinent. The original Ark of the Covinent had The tablets of the law, manna, and Aarons rod. Mary, when she was pregnant had Jesus (the Word of God), Jesus (bread from heaven) and Jesus (who will rule the world with an iron rod (Rev 12:5)).

There are so many other astounding things about her, in scripture, it is on Ah Ha moment after another. Check out Brant Petre’s book Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary.

Thank you. I have that book. I feel like I may be getting a little closer on Mary. My tendency is to start to accept, and then draw back.
Wonders of Joseph Smith? What a laugh that is now. They had neglected to tell me that he had married 11 of other men’s wives. His tendency was to send the men on missions, and take their wives while they were gone.
Or the one that states women will ONLY get to heaven through a man
I still don’t understand how that works if the number of “worthy” men outnumber the “worthy” women and you have to be married to get into the Mormon heaven.
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The kicker is the LDS can’t explain it either? A lot like a man having his sealed forever family. As a child he was sealed to his father but yet when he gets married he is sealed to his wife and children. When his children marry they are sealed to their spouses and children. When those children marry they are sealed…well I guess you get the point. I don’t Joseph really thought that one through.
Other than saying the Rosary, I do find myself praying to Jesus and God the Father.
Bishop Robert Barron’s Catholicism DVD set is wonderful !!! Available as individual episodes via Amazon streaming, or purchase the box set. I wouldn’t worry about what your over zealous friend thinks. If God wants you to be Catholic, you will know it. It’s a commitment. Not something to casually decide. Meanwhile, I really recommend watching Bishop Barron’s series - you will enjoy it.
Tonight it has occurred to me that whether or not it’s true, God may not want me to become Catholic. Perhaps that is why I have become assailed with doubts. If it is true, it is likely that I’m just not ready. I’m no spring chicken and don’t have forever, but I can’t join up with doubts in my heart.
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If you know that your heart and head are not yet aligned, you can be free to lean on the graciousness of God and ask for his assistance to continue to illuminate you.

If you are more disposed to being afraid of the unknown and all that you could be surprised by (negatively) in the future, that could be indicative of needing to take more steps forward in faith, though not necessarily jump in the deep in by joining. God’s grace is real and he gives it abundantly to his children who cry out to him. The Blessed Mother also comes to those who cry out to her - and she always points us to her son.

My wife any I are on the same journey, albeit from a reformed Christian background. There’s a lot of unlearning going on, particularly in how we read scripture and that I expect will continue after we anticipate joining at Easter this year. Very excited 🙂
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Tonight I’m thinking that I might just need more time. I can’t join with these doubts. I may go back to reading the Church Fathers, but that could lead me to also considering the Eastern Orthodox Church. There is a Greek church near me, but it is small because the Greek population here is small. How would I feel at such a nationalistic church? I don’t believe that I can be Protestant because of Sola Fide; it doesn’t make sense to me, and isn’t what i see when I read the Bible. I may eventually start a new thread where I talk about what I am doubting. Other than Mary, I haven’t want to talk about my doubt issues here.
do you have an rcia director, deacon or priest who you have met with to work through some of your questions?
I can’t join with these doubts.
Nobody would ask you to join with your doubts and the little information you have. Where I think you are, it would take at least a year’s journey, maybe more, totally dependent on you and your faith journey. The Catholic Church has a process for inquirers into the faith: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

Call the parish near you to find out more. Classes often begin in the fall.
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It’s completely understandable that you are not comfortable entering the Catholic Church. Why stop studying, though? Study everything and keep seeking the truth. We only have so much time in this life. It’s when we despair of truth and grow obstinate in pride that we endanger our souls, and so many in this culture today are settling for far less — infinitely less — than what they were made for.
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but I can’t join up with doubts in my heart.
Jesus said “Follow Me” and you can do that daily and see where that leads you. You can read the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes of Matthew 5 and consider how that speaks to you. We can pray the “Our Father” and consider the “Communion of Saints” with whom we are praying. Jesus said to “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness”. We can seek that out. The “Our Father” prayer continues with “(May” Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. Submit to God’s kingdom and God’s will in your own life and seek the extension of God’s kingdom and God’s will being done among others. The Catholic Church has been bearing fruit for 21 centuries. But, follow the light and understanding that you have and do the next the thing and the next and the next.
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