Ex-Mormon here. I have stopped studying Catholicism for now

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Please continue to read and pay no attention to lay people who speak from a place of pride instead of love. You can definitely sense the prideful types!

The Church Fathers are awesome. Keep it up! 🙂
I agree, keep reading the Church Fathers and Praying :weight_lifting_woman: . We would be so happy to have you in the Church. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I find it hard to share my journey because people can be so judgmental, so I find this post very inspiring.
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Catholicism actually teaches that there are different levels of Heaven, and that at the top level people experience a process called Deification (called Theosis in Eastern Orthodoxy). These are ancient Christian teachings, but Protestants had thrown them away. Thus they were unknown to Joseph Smith until he become friendly with some Catholics in Nauvoo. After he died, they discovered Catholic literature in his library.
I have returned to reading them. It is important to me to learn to understand ancient Christianity.
If you once knew the light (according to what Mormons say is the light) and then abandon it, you get thrown there to be ruled by Satan forever.
I think you are right if you think that Catholicism has a similar (not exactly the same of course) teaching. Others please correct this but is it not true, that if you know that the Catholic religion is the one true religion founded by Jesus and you abandon it (while still knowing it is the true religion) and you do not repent, then in such a case you cannot be saved?
Catholicism actually teaches that there are different levels of Heaven, and that at the top level people experience a process called Deification (called Theosis in Eastern Orthodoxy). These are ancient Christian teachings, but Protestants had thrown them away. Thus they were unknown to Joseph Smith until he become friendly with some Catholics in Nauvoo. After he died, they discovered Catholic literature in his library.
Interesting! If you have any links to share either on Catholic levels of Heaven and/or Joseph Smith adopting Catholic belief in this regard, please share. Thanks and God bless you!
If you once knew the light (according to what Mormons say is the light) and then abandon it, you get thrown there to be ruled by Satan forever.
I think you are right if you think that Catholicism has a similar (not exactly the same of course) teaching. Others please correct this but is it not true, that if you know that the Catholic religion is the one true religion founded by Jesus and you abandon it (while still knowing it is the true religion) and you do not repent, then in such a case you cannot be saved?
I have a slightly different understanding but I also remain open to correction. My understanding is centered on the word “abandon.” Most often we think it means to leave it for another like Protestantism but that is not the only way to abandon ones faith. Many Catholics believe in their heart that the Catholic religion is the one and only true religion but actually “abandon” it by practicing the requirements only but never experiencing a personal heart change. As long as you were baptized and keep the obligations you can be saved.
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Catholic religion is the one true religion founded by Jesus and you abandon it (while still knowing it is the true religion) and you do not repent, then in such a case you cannot be saved?
From what I understand from Bishop Barron’s view on salvation, catholicism has the fullness of the means of salvation. It doesn’t necessarily meant you cannot be saved outside the church, but it is more likely that you will be saved within the church.
I have a slightly different understanding but I also remain open to correction. My understanding is centered on the word “abandon.” Most often we think it means to leave it for another like Protestantism but that is not the only way to abandon ones faith. Many Catholics believe in their heart that the Catholic religion is the one and only true religion but actually “abandon” it by practicing the requirements only but never experiencing a personal heart change. As long as you were baptized and keep the obligations you can be saved.
If they focus on works only and lack the faith, then it is wrong. As for faith only, it’s more common amongst protestants and I feel it can also go in a negative way. You can believe in Christ but not practise the faith altogether, have an intellectual assent. The best way is to have an active faith accompanied by acts of love, it doesn’t go wrong.
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When I first spoke to a RCIA director she told me that it’s not necessary to embrace every Catholic belief ( such as Marian prayers ) in order to become a Catholic. She was an older, experienced teacher, on her way to retirement - a wise guide. I have been a Catholic for 6 years now, and the Mary aspect grows important in my life sometimes, and then recedes again. I can be relaxed about it. After all, faith is a gift from God and not something we generate ourselves. Not everyone is called to be a Catholic - don’t worry - you will know if it’s where you belong.
You can believe in Christ but not practise the faith altogether, have an intellectual assent. The best way is to have an active faith accompanied by acts of love, it doesn’t go wrong.
About 10 years ago, I saw an online video of a Protestant youth group meeting where the speaker REALLY laid into the kids by saying “How can you claim to have been saved if you still have homelessness in your community? You say that you are “Once saved, always saved”, yet you’re not witnessing to people, not just in your words but in your lives?”
Yeah that’s the way it works. Faith alone in their idea is essentially an active faith made up of works such as evangelism. I do see little difference in practice between catholics/protestants in this area. I think the big difference are the extremes, you have protestants on one hand, that attribute themselves to be saved once they believe and stopped going to church altogether. You have catholics, that attribute themselves to be saved based on their efforts, becoming one with ritualism and not understanding why they do the practice. Neither is desirable, but for the purpose of theology and family experience, I do go with an active faith accompanied by acts of love.
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Mormons totally deny grace. You have to be perfect to qualify for God’s grace, but if you’re perfect, why do you need it?
Mary and the saints prayed to God when they lived on earth. Once they pass on to glory and eternity, they continue to pray to God. Almighty God hears and answers their prayers.
Mary was not afraid to be with Jesus as He was crucified. Many others were afraid.

“Eve, in her disobedience, stretched forth her hand toward the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; Mary, in her submission to the designs of God, stretches forth hers to the tree of the Cross.”
Mormons totally deny grace. You have to be perfect to qualify for God’s grace, but if you’re perfect, why do you need it?
This is an incorrect interpretation of Latter-day Saint belief. Latter-day Saints belief that we can be made perfect through Christ.

Note D&C 76:69 which describes those who inherit Eternal Life…

These are they who are just men made perfect through Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, who wrought out this perfect atonement through the shedding of his own blood.

I hope this helps…
No it’s not. Your scriptures say you are saved by grace AFTER all YOU can do. Perfection.
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No it’s not. Your scriptures say you are saved by grace AFTER all YOU can do. Perfection.
Au contraire… We cannot perfect ourselves. It’s not something we can do. We can repent of our sins and imperfections to in order to access the power of Christ’s atonement. Grace.
According to Mormonism, doing all you can do means perfection.
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According to Mormonism, doing all you can do means perfection.
I respectfully disagree. Please provide an authoritative Latter-day Saint source for your assertion. In the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, the entry for Perfection specifically says “Mormons believe that Jesus Christ provides the means for all humans to become perfect.”
What does “all you can do” mean? What commandments are you unable to keep? Which commandments does God look the other way and say, he can’t do those ones?
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