Already answered: I would expect to see none. Considering automata is actively and happily employed by even we human designers, the idea that the existence of automata itself is somehow evidence of a mindless fundamental origin of our universe is laughable. If there is a God, certainly a God as even deists and classical theists conceived, there is no such thing as automata operating entirely free of will. But if there is no God - if there is fundamental, universe-starting/sustaining mindless force - we have no evidence of it. It goes against common intuition and undeniable evidence, it exists as a force we’re unfamiliar with - because design is the one thing we can be certain of.That’s the same claim. Not contrary at all. What would you consider evidence for “mindless development” of the universe? We have an ever growing body of observation and knowledge that supports the operation of the universe as automata – proceeding according to law rather than will. But as you said, you can always surmise there is a will underneath any law. If that’s the case, what would you expect to see as “evidence for the positive claim of mindless fundamental physical luck / eternity as a creative force”?
Again: This doesn’t prove God exists. It just establishes deism as intellectually more reasonable than atheism.
Too bad everything the FSM establishes in that vein equally applies to the atheist’s conception of our existence’s origin. ‘I can imagine the universe coming into existence in a past event of lucky unguided sprung-from-nothinghood, or just an unfalsifiable proposition of backwards-eternality!’ It’s the spaghetti universe.It’s valuable as pedagogy. We can see through the FSM (and the like) who “powerful” invented answers can be, and how illusory that “power” is if demands are not made for the actuality of the agent as means of proceeding. If you don’t have to establish the reality of your agents as part of the explanation, you can “reason” your way to anything you want! Also sprach FSM.
FSM is a lame joke made by an angry atheist. Repeated so many times now that even other atheists are getting tired of hearing about it. It’s the Yakov Smirnov of slurs.
You have a choice between two entities as an atheist - ‘mindless eternal pre-existence’ or ‘mindless popping out of nothingness’. These are events, origins, entities. That you file them all under ‘Part of the universe, therefore it’s one with the universe, therefore there’s just one entity compared to two’ is as satisfying is ‘The universe is part of God, therefore God comprises everything, therefore there’s just one entity compared to two’.OK, well what is this mysterious entity then. My understanding is that the universe may be an uncaused cause in its own right, and thus a single entity, a unity, a monad. If that’s the case, how do you get two entities out of that? The universe, and what, specifically?
As I said, I can play that game as well and argue all things in my cosmology comprises a single actual thing. But intellectually, the origin occupies a particular frame of reference, it’s a particular proposed entity. Should we file both options of ‘eternally pre-existing’ and ‘popped out of nothingness at a finite point in the past’ somehow the same exact thing, because both are atheistic descriptions of the same universe? Or do you get out of it by saying in such a case you’re comparing one universe to another - in which case the theist/deist just argues the totality of their explanation is one more single universe in the running.
False.Theistic recipe for existence of our reality:
- One creator deity
- universe, created by, and distinct from (1).
Atheistic recipe for existence of our reality:
- universe.
Theistic recipe for existence of our reality:Maybe you can correct the atheist bill of materials in terms of entities for me?
- One deity immanent throughout all of our universe and existing in part beyond it.
- One exceptionally lucky universe.
As opposed to your strained philosophical gymnastics and downplaying of evidence and reason when it doesn’t suit you?I have a hard time believing you don’t see the reductio here; what is the origin of God, then? Please don’t tell me it’s a ‘brute fact’, as that simply announces self-indulgence on your part, obvious special pleading.
Funny how you didn’t ask if the deity explanation requires luck - because it obviously doesn’t. Included with MD is a rational mind, which provides a non-luck explanation of the universe having the properties it does, and fits both the intuitions and existence of PD itself. The problem here isn’t merely citing brute fact - both of us have to do it. It’s how awkward the fact is. The atheist’s is inelegant to say the least.
Considering the philosophers of mind - atheists included - have lately been given to explanations of panpsychism, proto-panpsychism, property dualism, and otherwise to explain issues related to mind, I find this charge highly amusing. Doubly so since you brought up SETI as an example of principled design-detection - I guess SETI isn’t an intellectually sustainable project in your view, then, since it presupposes a mind without evidence?We do not know mind exists prior to the development and appearance of mind as a physical phenomenon. If you dispute that, than please show me how to verify the existence of mind prior to the evolution of the brain, or whatever you might call the “mind-maker” for some form of sentient life somewhere else in the universe.
Now, I can provide reasons to think that a mind does not necessarily take the form of an evolved brain as we know it - unless you’re about to reject the idea of AI having a mind. And I’ve repeated that I can’t prove the existence of this fundamental-mind origin I’m talking about, anymore than you can prove the existence of mindless origin. I can actually provide a model, however - simulation. Amusingly, you can’t even provide a model: As far as you can get is creating a simulation, and then telling people “Now, so long as you imagine I wasn’t involved in this, the model works!”
Irrelevant as a practical matter? The solipsist can engulf all of the ‘practical matter’ within his solipsism if he intends to. His pain may be real - the fire doesn’t need to be. Put someone under hypnosis and tell them they got burned - they’ll react in kind. It really IS in their head in that situation, but that means nothing. To the solipsist, there’s no practical difference between the experience of pain under hypnosis and the experience of pain under another situation.Solipsism is necessary to reject as a practical matter, and just isn’t relevant beyond covering logical possibilities. Reality is real, as the smell of burning hair from your fingers will attest.
Let me guess - you burned your hand in order to disprove solipsism? If so, that’s comedy writ large.
As I said - if you’re asserting to me that 2+2=5 truly sometimes, so long as you get your programming right, my response is to laugh. I can’t even take you seriously. I notice that requested ‘I made a circle triangle!’ program isn’t forthcoming either.Do you write software? This is a virtual system, so “actual truth” is undefined until it’s reified as a matter of code in the virtual system.
You’re wrong. 2+2=4 independent of P-existence. It’s true in all realities. Sorry, I’m a realist about mathematical truths, among other things.I suspect you are thinking ‘true’ must be somehow cloned from P-existence.
Are you saying simulations don’t really exist / aren’t actual, just because they’re simulations? Again, ridiculous. If we’re in a simulation right now, our reality is still actual. It doesn’t become somehow ‘non-actual’ just because our P-existence != PRG-existence in practice.I’ll get to your other points as time allows, but this stuck out as an important question. What does ‘actually true’ mean when we are building a NON-ACTUAL context, a virtual universe?