Well, its not difficult to see that damage control is important. We don’t want certain weapons to be in the hands of lunatics, and since we don’t know who the lunatics are we need gun regulation. Gun regulation is a legitimate and reasonable way of reducing the harm that could potentially be done by a weapon. If a lunatic goes into a school with a hand gun, a larger number of people have a higher chance of survival than if they go in with an AR-15
But you don’t seem to care about that because clearly owning an AR-15 is more important to you than reducing the number of victims that would come to harm because of that weapon.
So it stands to reason that we would ask if you even care. Because it seem to us, assuming that you are a reasonable person, you would care and therefore would agree that sacrifices have to be made for the greater good.
But i apoligise. Because i cannot truly determine if you care or not and perhaps that’s not a fair thing to say. Perhaps you do care but you just cannot comprehend why gun control is more important.