Well, its not difficult to see that damage control is important. We don’t want certain weapons to be in the hands of lunatics, and since we don’t know who the lunatics are we need gun regulation. Gun regulation is a legitimate and reasonable way of reducing the harm that could potentially be done by a weapon. If a lunatic goes into a school with a hand gun, a larger number of people have a higher chance of survival than if they go in with an AR-15
But you don’t seem to care about that because clearly owning an AR-15 is more important to you than reducing the number of victims that would come to harm because of that weapon.
But i apoligise. Because i cannot truly determine if you care or not and perhaps that’s not a fair thing to say. Perhaps you do care but you just cannot comprehend why gun control is more important.
First: I don’t own guns and most likely never will.
However, there are at least two issues with your argument.
- if AR-15s are banned, crazy lunatics will find other ways to commit mass murder. That 19 year old wanted to go into that school and kill people. If he didn’t have an AR-15 he would have figured another way… perhaps with a homemade bomb, machete, chainsaw, etc.
Point is, you can legislate against sickos like this because mass murders will always find weapons to commit mass murder.
- the reason AR-15s are legal, and should be, is because the purpose of the 2nd amendment isn’t for hunting. The purpose is to allow the people repel invasion and (though local and/or state govts) the ability to over throw the govt by force if necessary.
We the people were granted the power. We have the power to change the govt by our vote. However, if a tyranical govt refuses to leave power after vote of the people, the people have the right to use their second amendment to organize a militia against the govt.
Such a militia can only be effective if they are able to at least conduct gorilla warfare against an illegal govt. Weapons like AR-15s would be necessary in such a militia.
While I pray such a thing never happens, that’s was the real reason the founders gave us the 2nd amendment and why it’s placed at the top. Because Bill of Rights were ordered in order of importantance to the Founders.
In closing, I think what we really need to do have more security. Just like when towns in the Old West would require people to check their weapons at the gate during a town festival, we need ways to protect our schools.
After all, if we can protect almost every office building in NYC, DC, LA, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, SanFran, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, etc; then we should be able to have secure schools. The fact that we (as a nation) care more about protecting adults at work than children at school is sad. After 9/11, we clamped down on our city office buildings to protect them from terrorists, but we left our kids as a soft target. And trust me, this 19 year old murder is a terrorist- a domestic terrorist.
Let’s get to the real root of the problem and cure our society from people wanting to commit mass murder in the first place.
God Bless