Explaining Wrongs of Contraception to Non-Catholics

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I have to say something and try to do it respectfully. The morning after pill does not produce a “chemical abortion” as was stated above. It merely inhibits the egg from being released. If there is no egg when the sperm makes it’s way up the fallopian tube there can be no pregnancy. Please get this difference right! thanks

Please read post #9.

Please read post #9.
Please see her post #16 - it wasn’t “her” posting… it was her wacky neighbor posting under her name.

Also, as a side note… I agree with everything that’s been said on this thread - except for the title. I think it should have been “Explaining the Wrongs of Contraception to Everyone.” Many Catholics I know do not believe contraception is wrong (or they choose to use it anyhow?) and MANY MANY Protestants in my old church believed using contraception was wrong. Families of 6, 7, 8 children were not uncommon.
I find this just a little strange. I’m in total agreement with you on contraceptives. However, the Catholic/Protestant thing is what has me puzzled. I know ALOT of Conservative Protestants that believe it’s a sin to use birth control, yet just about EVERY Catholic I know uses it. :confused: (I know it’s written that Catholics are supposed to, but the statements and the actions are two different things)
If every act has to be open to life for their to be true self giving, then sex after 50, during inferitle times, and especially during pregnancy should be avoided. Sorry you can’t have it both ways.
Lets also not forget that there are those women who have to take birth control for medical reasons. My wife has endometriosis and if she didn’t take the pill she would be in a LOT of pain (the cells that contract in the uterus are in the abdominal cavity causing scar tissue and extreme pain and cramping). She takes lupron rounds when she can but you can’t do that for too long. I understand you convictions but there are some women who need to use these drugs. Ironically had my wife not been on birth control she would have been infertile by now so for us being open to life means that we must be on the pill until such time as her doctor gives us the green light to start trying to have children.
Shemele, the Church does not forbid the use of these drugs for medical purposes. The problem is not the drug itself but the purpose it is used for. If your wife is not using it in order to prevent conception it is not a sin.

Cynic, the Church teaches us that every sexual act must be OPEN to the transmission of life, NOT that it “must transmit life”. It is up to God, not us, to decide whether this will in fact occur. It was God who decided the woman would be pregnant and infertile at certain times. And God even occasionally decides to create a new life from a mother who had apparently passed menopause.

A couple of nitpicks in the original post. For “self-gratification”, read “mutual pleasure and union of husband and wife”. For “self-Mastery” read “Self-Abuse”. Self-mastery is a good thing.
Cynic, the Church teaches us that every sexual act must be OPEN to the transmission of life, NOT that it “must transmit life”. It is up to God, not us, to decide whether this will in fact occur. It was God who decided the woman would be pregnant and infertile at certain times. And God even occasionally decides to create a new life from a mother who had apparently passed menopause.

A .
onviousely this isn’t possible during pregnancy, What’s the catholic positon on relations during pregnacy?
Last, those who support Contraception must also support other forms of sexual “self gratification” without being “open to life” — such as Homosexuality (man & man), Self Mastery (man & himself) , Beastiality (man & animal) & Pedifilia (man & boy).
I disagree with this point, that those who support Contraception must also support Homosexuality, Masturbation, Bestiality or Paedophilia - certainly the last two (Beastiality and Paedophilia).
Yours a non sequitur argument; you seem to have made a huge assumption. That somebody supports contraception (though I myself do not, nor am I defending those who do) certainly does not mean they will support Homosexuality, Masturbation (okay, maybe this one) but most certainly not Bestiality or Paedophilia. It is an assumption and a generalisation to state those things as though they are facts.
Shlemele, I also have endometreosis. In fact, I was told that I wouldn’t get pregnant. The fact that I did HELPED my endo. The dr says that is about the only way to truely control it, by being pregnant/nursing/pregnant/nursing regularly. If I had continued taking the BC Pills that I had been pushed on at the beginning of my marriage, I would have missed that window of oppurtunity to have children. Also, I do believe that I lost a few children due to the pills now that I know more of what to look for.
Shlemele, I also have endometreosis. In fact, I was told that I wouldn’t get pregnant. The fact that I did HELPED my endo. The dr says that is about the only way to truely control it, by being pregnant/nursing/pregnant/nursing regularly. If I had continued taking the BC Pills that I had been pushed on at the beginning of my marriage, I would have missed that window of oppurtunity to have children. Also, I do believe that I lost a few children due to the pills now that I know more of what to look for.
My wife started the pill swhen she was 16, had she waited untill we were married she wouldn’t have had a chance (her sister was put on pills 2 years after and is having trouble getting pregnent) the thing is though that we both have problems and will have to have some surgeries before we can start trying. My wife was supposed to go in for her yearly but her doc (R.C. by the way) has an inept staff that scheduled her out for a year. I will probably need a surgery for vericasile on my right side (already had one for my left) but I will probably be able to get that taken care of through insurance an it is causing some discomfort.

One thing that I also have to take into conciteration is that if my wife does get pregnent she might require some significant bed rest. Miscarages are much more common with endometreosis. I suspect that this might be the case with yours as well. My MIL went through several and the endometreosis is hereditary so miscarages have been common on my wifes side. So not only do we have to pay for hte surgeries but we also have to be able to live off my salary. I am a salesperson and I just started at a new store so I might actually be doing ok here soon (I have noticed that God honors an honest man, especially in a business like mine). So maybe in a cupple months that will be an option. I do really want kids but my fear is that God might be saying no, or not in this way…
I disagree with this point, that those who support Contraception must also support Homosexuality, Masturbation, Bestiality or Paedophilia - certainly the last two (Beastiality and Paedophilia).
Yours a non sequitur argument; you seem to have made a huge assumption. That somebody supports contraception (though I myself do not, nor am I defending those who do) certainly does not mean they will support Homosexuality, Masturbation (okay, maybe this one) but most certainly not Bestiality or Paedophilia. It is an assumption and a generalisation to state those things as though they are facts.
Of course someone who accepts contraception may not support homosexuality, masterbation, beastiality and paedophilia but your missing the point.

Human sexuality has two factors - openess to life & gratification. Contraception takes the gratification and not the openess to life. Therefore the argument for those who support contraception must also defend other forms of sex which takes the gratification but leaves behind the openess to life like homosexuality, masterbation, beastiality and paedophilia.

The Catholic belief of sex is love-making & life-making can never be separated.
One of the lastest best speakers I have heard on the subject of the life issues (contraception, infertility, pregnancy, adoption, miscarriage, etc) is Jeannie Hanneman from Elizabeth Ministry.

She is a frequent guest on the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio (Catholic Family Radio) on Monday thru Friday at 3-6 PM Central Time. You can also get the show thru the internet at relevantradio.com/docs/index.asp



Jeannie Hanneman is the Senior Director of Mission for Relevant Radio

She is a Family Life Minister, Early Childhood Specialist, Parent Educator and Retreat Director. She is an internationally recognized speaker, author and consultant. She is the founder and executive director of the Elizabeth Ministry.

web site: www.elizabethministry.com

**POPE PAUL VI INSTITUTE **for the Study of Human Reproduction
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Email: popepaul@popepaulvi.com
web site: www.popepaulvi.com
How I explain wrongs of contraception to non-Catholics in simple terms “because the Church tells me so”. My ADHD brain just can’t get too complicated. I’m quick and to the point!

I just had this discussion with a co-worker just the other day, explained the whole cafeteria Catholic “thing”. She told me she had stopped using the pill and was asking me about how I monitor my ovulation. She isn’t Catholic, I’m not sure what her motivation was to stop the pill. It may have been for health since I have told her since she is in her upper 30’s and is a smoker, that her risk for developing blood clots is huge.
Of course someone who accepts contraception may not support homosexuality, masterbation, beastiality and paedophilia but your missing the point.

Human sexuality has two factors - openess to life & gratification. Contraception takes the gratification and not the openess to life. Therefore the argument for those who support contraception must also defend other forms of sex which takes the gratification but leaves behind the openess to life like homosexuality, masterbation, beastiality and paedophilia.

The Catholic belief of sex is love-making & life-making can never be separated.
I agree with your point, it was just that the original poster had put it in a slightly offensive and non-logical way. 🙂
If every act has to be open to life for their to be true self giving, then sex after 50, during inferitle times, and especially during pregnancy should be avoided. Sorry you can’t have it both ways.
Old Abe’s wife Sarah had it both ways…with GOD all things are possible!

The logic of this short post is so “short-sighted”, it barely requires response…
I believe we have gotten off track with this thread…in response to the ORIGINAL question…It would be wonderful if everyone was Catholic, however, I don’t think it fair to say contraception is “wrong” for Non-Catholics. That is a belief of our faith. That would be like someone of another faith expecting us as Catholics to follow what or how they believe. Besides I think most know what the Catholic position on birth control is. Pick your battles I always say, and birth control isn’t one of them.
~ Kathy ~
It would be wonderful if everyone was Catholic, however, I don’t think it fair to say contraception is “wrong” for Non-Catholics.
~ Kathy ~

I have to disagree with your statement. Anyone (whether Catholic or non-Catholic) who has tried a little bit to educate themselves on Birth Control knows they are abortifacient in nature.

We know life begins when fertilization takes place and the one-celled human embryo is formed. Birth control irritates the lining of the uterus so the human embryo (which has been created 7-10 days prior) cannot attach to the uterus wall and therefore kills human life. No matter if your Catholic or Non-Catholic, this is an easy concept to understand.

See all.org/
click on letter “C”, then click on “Contraceptives” for more information.

Remember, Dr. Scott Hahn was anti-Catholic until he did some research on birth control and this was the beginning of both Kimberly Hahn & himself to realizing Catholicism is the True Church. Read “Rome Sweet Home” by Dr. Scott Hahn.
I just wanted to put my 2 cents in about the book by Scott Hahn, “Rome Sweet Rome”. It is an awesome book & I would give it to any of my friends to read that use ABC.
I don’t think it fair to say contraception is “wrong” for Non-Catholics. That is a belief of our faith. That would be like someone of another faith expecting us as Catholics to follow what or how they believe. ~ Kathy ~
Well as Catholics, we believe these things, not because they are arbitrary rules, or that they work for us, but because they are the Truth. So it is wrong for all people, Catholic or not, to use birth control. The use of ABC is objectively bad, just like it would be wrong for someone to steal, even if they didn’t know what stealing was. The harm is still done. Now it is probably not a MORTAL SIN for most non-Catholics, because they don’t know it is wrong. And it is true, you should pick your battles. You might be able to convince a non-catholic about the abortifacent nature of the pill, but not convince them that other methods of ABC are wrong. There might be other issues you are called to evangelize before that one.
I was working last night as a busboy when I was posed this question by my coworker. Shes quite the secular lady, sweet and caring and all, but to her sex is cool, you know that type. It was a slow night and somehow we got on the topic and she came at me with the good ole’ population problem. Its quite easy to show the flaws in their logic when you have Truth on your side. Anyways she was like "Oh but what about all the poor people in Africa and the overpopulation we have, without contraception its just going to get worse. First, I told her, you can fit the entire world’s population into the state of Texas with a good 18,000 sq. miles left or something (thats with eevryone having 5 sq. ft of space. and the USA alone could feed the rest of the world if they ate only what they needed. Then I told her that the user-effectiveness of contraceptives is something like 92% vs. 98.9% with NFP. So if everyone did like the Catholics and practiced NFP there wouldn’t be the large “overpopulation” and the divorce rate wouldn’t be so high etc. Then a customer mysteriously needed water and she was off 😉 I definately think I got to her. Just show them the logic in our truths, and don’t be hating on them, and I’m sure they’ll at the very least think about it in a different light…

Damn I love Catholicism. 😃
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