Ok fair warning, I’m playing devils advocate here so don’t take this too harshly…

This doesn’t take into account the fact that there needs to be land to grow crops, clean and distribute water ect. This might not seem like a bug deal unless you figure how many different things you consume in a year. Once you figure in farm land for all the fruits and vegetables and food for the meats you are talking about a much larger area than texas. If the whole world lived like the US imagine what the result would be! Now take into account the fact that not all places in the world can support the kind of agriculture the states can… Very soon it becomes evident that our 5X5 squares probably need to be in at least acres to sustain a viable population (not starving/diseased)First, I told her, you can fit the entire world’s population into the state of Texas with a good 18,000 sq. miles left or something (thats with eevryone having 5 sq. ft of space.

Again a great idea and in truth we do produce enough foodstuffs to feed the world. The problem isn’t in production but rather in preservation and distribution. On the preservation end much of our food rots on the vines. I worked several years in a packing shed that shipped peaches, nectarines and plumbs and I can tell you a significant amount was thrown out because of rot. Much of the fruit that was just cosmetically damaged was given to gleanings for the hungry so there wasn’t much waste. The problem is though that for what it would cost to ship the produce you might as well invest in infrastructure. On the distribution end I have heard many stories of food relief rotting at the airport because of politics. Combine that with the cost of shipping and we again see that building infrastructure makes more sense.and the USA alone could feed the rest of the world if they ate only what they needed.

I’m not sure where you are getting your figures but you are not taking into account method of birth control. Sure not every method is 100% but I know the pill is above 99% when used correctly. Condoms and other methods do have a lower effectiveness but by the same token NFP is only effective at all when used correctly (and to be honest it’s best to reference statistics, there are too many bad sources out there) Here is from the FDA website, the out of 100% means that the number of failures can be directly converted to a percentage (1 of 100 is 1%)Then I told her that the user-effectiveness of contraceptives is something like 92% vs. 98.9% with NFP.
Periodic Abstinence
FDA Approval Date: N/A
Description: To deliberately refrain from having sexual intercourse during times when pregnancy is more likely.
Failure Rate (number of pregnancies expected per 100 women per year): 20
Some Risks: None
Protection from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): None
Convenience: Requires frequent monitoring of body functions (for example, body temperature for one method).
Availability: Instructions from health-care provider
Again I’m not trying to rain on your parade, just do some research… There is a book called “How to lie with Statistics” and it shows how some people can get totally different numbers out of the same population.Oral Contraceptives–combined pill
FDA Approval Date: First in 1960; most recent in 2003
Description: A pill that suppresses ovulation by the combined actions of the hormones estrogen and progestin. A chewable form was approved in November 2003.
Failure Rate (number of pregnancies expected per 100 women per year): 1-2
Some Risks: Dizziness; nausea; changes in menstruation, mood, and weight; rarely, cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, blood clots, heart attack, and strokes
Protection from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs): None
Convenience: Must be taken on daily schedule, regardless of frequency of intercourse. Women using the chewable tablet must drink 8 oz. of liquid immediately after taking.
Availability: Prescription