It’s a pretty strong claim to say that every measurement of the oblateness of the earth since Cassini has been a fraud. Not only is it a strong claim: it is a ridiculous claim that you haven’t got the slightness evidence for. Let me remind you again of the measurements of earth flattening made in the 20th and 21st centuries:
Correct. There have been several since. They don’t change much. Here are some:
1910 Hayford 297
1924 International 297
1927 NAD 27 294.978698208
1940 Krassovsky 298.3
1966 WGS66 298.25
1967 New International 298.24961539
1967 GRS67 298.247167427
1972 WGS72 298.26
1979 GRS80 298.257222101
1983 NAD83 298.257024899
1984 WGS84 298.257223563
1989 IERS 298.257
2003 IERS 298.25642
What exactly was the fraud? That the earth is oblate? That’s not a fraud - it’s a fact.
He did indeed, backing the Cartesian system of vortices. He has since been shown to be wrong.
I think that’s what’s called sour grapes. Newtonian mechanics is what works and is used for all non-relativistic engineering including calculating spacecraft trajectories. Rather successfully, I should add.
Really? Johannes Kepler, Christoph Scheiner - and then there is a rather fine astronomer called Galileo Galilei. Continuing, Jeremiah Horrocks, Hevelius, Huyghens, Edmund Halley. How many more do you want?
Let me start with the fraud. The fraud was/is that Newton’s theory that a rotating earth would cauisae it to be oblate. Thus when they forged an oblate earth it was portrayed as proving the earth rotates. Hecd2 would have you readers believe this was acomplished. Now before I show the fraud, I want all to see an even bigger fraud, – think up a theory, make a prediction abouit it, and if the prediction happens to be shown to be true, offer the prediction as PROOF for your original theory. That is heliocentric science for you.
Now read how Newton was ‘proven’ correct in his heliocentric theories:
‘Experimental evidence supporting this idea [that the earth is shaped like an orange] came in 1672 as a result of a French expedition to Guiana. The explorer [Jean Richer (1630-96)] found that a pendulum clock that kept good time in Paris lost 2½ minutes a day at Cayenne near the Equator. At that time no one knew how to interpret the observation; but Newton’s theory that gravity must be larger at the poles (because of its closer proximity to the Earth’s centre) than the Equator was a logical explanation.
It is possible to determine whether or not the earth is an oblate spheroid by measuring the length of an arc corresponding to a geodetic latitude differences at two places along the meridian (the ellipse passing through the Poles) at different latitudes, which means at different distances from the Equator.’ —
Encyclopaedia Britannica, chapter: Earth, p.535.
Measuring a piece of a meridian line does not, of course, suffice for the earth’s whole circumference. Nevertheless, the Earthmovers, we see, were/are determined to have their way, and all are led by the nose to accept Newton’s theory is correct. Thus they keep repeating everywhere:
‘He [Newton] argued that the Earth at an early pastry stage would bulge out about this distance [14 miles]. This bulge had not yet been observed. A short time later, measurements of the earth confirmed the prediction.’ —E. M. Rogers: Physics… p.325.
in 1700 King Louis XIV of France approved Cassini’s last great expedition. With the aid of his son Jacques Cassini and others, he measured the arc of meridian from Paris north to Dunkirk and south to the boundary of Spain, and, in addition, he conducted various associated geodesic and astronomical operations that were reported to the Academy. The Cassinis knew that it would be virtually impossible to measure every kilometre of meridian from Pole to Pole at the time. At best, all that could be achieved was a partial measurement. Consequently they decided to measure where it was most convenient, restricting their efforts to Europe in the northern hemisphere.
The results showed the length of a meridian degree north of Paris was 111,017 meters or 265 metres shorter than one south of Paris (111,282 meters). This suggested that if this trend occurred in the southern hemisphere, the earth has to be a prolate spheroid, not flattened at the poles as Newton proposed, but the opposite, slightly pointed, with the equatorial axis shorter than the polar axis, that is, kind of egg-shaped.
In 1720, the Cassinis published their findings.
This finding, of course, was completely at odds with Newton’s theory. Nevertheless, incredibly, or should it be, predictably, in spite of the Cassinian figures, and we are talking about one of the most respected measurer in Europe at the time, the British scientists William Whiston (1667-1752), John Keill (1671-1721) and John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683-1744) continued to acclaim Newton’s theory as true. Then, in 1732, at the Paris Academy of Sciences, Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis joined Newton’s supporters to be followed by the prominent scientist Clairout. Indeed, such was their quest for a bulging earth that they decided to try to falsify Cassini’s figures and thus clear the way for a triumphant Newtonianism. To this end they decided they would conduct a new survey that they believed would show Cassini’s measurements as erroneous. This time though, they would measure two points on earth where the differences would be greatest if it were an orange shape, at the Equator and at the Poles. This they claimed would confirm the Newtonian theory.