Does anybody else practice the family bed?
Our 14 month old has been sharing our bed since he was 6 months old, my husband is not overly thrilled, mostly because he is nervous he will roll over on our son. I have tried to get our son to sleep in his crib but he cries for hours ( no joke) so I end up bringing him into our bed and he goes to sleep the minute he is next to me. I don’t know if its good or not, our older three never needed this and were great crib and then bed sleepers but we seem to have a rather big problem going now.
Any advice, help, suggestions???
Our 14 month old has been sharing our bed since he was 6 months old, my husband is not overly thrilled, mostly because he is nervous he will roll over on our son. I have tried to get our son to sleep in his crib but he cries for hours ( no joke) so I end up bringing him into our bed and he goes to sleep the minute he is next to me. I don’t know if its good or not, our older three never needed this and were great crib and then bed sleepers but we seem to have a rather big problem going now.
Any advice, help, suggestions???