Our three little ones have slept with us. My 16 month old is still there- though in the Fall she’ll be moved either to a toddler bed right next to our bed, or a twin bed pushed up against our bed- as I am due with our next child in December.
I don’t remember who it was who was concerned with their child (8 month old?) not sleeping through the night… but- the time I have found with my children and my friend’s attatchment parented children- is that they begin to more routinely sleep through the night around 22 months. Very often around that 8-9 month old stage and for the next several months, their night waking will actually increase, as they are spending more time throught the day separated from you- because of crawling and walking. Around 22 months the huge developments in gross motor skills really slows down and they really seem to be more secure in the newly achieved freedom- also the constant barrage of new teeth slows down.
I have to say- with number three- I just don’t even think about it- her sleep is not even on my radar. She will sleep as well or as badly as she will-- and all I can do is try my best to create a favorable environment. With our first, however, we spent so much time, peace, and energy trying to “fix” his sleeping… in retrospect, it would have been easier just to surrender it and try to be as nuturung as possible. Our culture is obsessed with baby sleep- it is very bizarre- as though it is a measure of how good of a parent you are… I don’t understand how that happened…
And not at all passing judgement on other’s decisions, but for us, we try to move our children out of our bed into an adjacent bed (and then eventually move bed and child into another room together with their siblibgs) by around age two- I was reading St. John Vianney (Sermons of the Cure de Ars)- and that was his instruction to his parishoners. I felt very convicted by that and prayerfully came to the conclusion that that was right for our family. Just to share what was laid on my heart-- not at all a critique of others choices-- as each parents know their children and situation best!!
I don’t remember who it was who was concerned with their child (8 month old?) not sleeping through the night… but- the time I have found with my children and my friend’s attatchment parented children- is that they begin to more routinely sleep through the night around 22 months. Very often around that 8-9 month old stage and for the next several months, their night waking will actually increase, as they are spending more time throught the day separated from you- because of crawling and walking. Around 22 months the huge developments in gross motor skills really slows down and they really seem to be more secure in the newly achieved freedom- also the constant barrage of new teeth slows down.
I have to say- with number three- I just don’t even think about it- her sleep is not even on my radar. She will sleep as well or as badly as she will-- and all I can do is try my best to create a favorable environment. With our first, however, we spent so much time, peace, and energy trying to “fix” his sleeping… in retrospect, it would have been easier just to surrender it and try to be as nuturung as possible. Our culture is obsessed with baby sleep- it is very bizarre- as though it is a measure of how good of a parent you are… I don’t understand how that happened…
And not at all passing judgement on other’s decisions, but for us, we try to move our children out of our bed into an adjacent bed (and then eventually move bed and child into another room together with their siblibgs) by around age two- I was reading St. John Vianney (Sermons of the Cure de Ars)- and that was his instruction to his parishoners. I felt very convicted by that and prayerfully came to the conclusion that that was right for our family. Just to share what was laid on my heart-- not at all a critique of others choices-- as each parents know their children and situation best!!