:clapping: Steve, you took these word right out of my mouth!?! I have ‘worn’ all three of my children and love it. My 7 month old doesn’t seem to nap without it right now, but I know from experience, that it is a phase and it will be over too soon for this mama’s comfort. We have a family bed, currently occupied by me, dh and dd7mo most nights. Ds5 and ds7 were out and in their own beds before 2 years, but I still occasionally find them fast asleep on dh’s space when they have awakened early and wanted to be close to me and sis.KAMZ
If that still doesn’t help, then invest the time and money (about $30 and three weeks to master) of a baby sling. Our second born wouldn’t take naps ANYWHERE but in our arms. But with a baby sling, you can let them sleep away peacefully and your hands are free to read, play, etc. while they are in your arms. You’d be surprised how much they can sleep through when they are snuggled close to you.
I cannot imagine that Our Blessed Mother would want me withhold affection or comfort to my (and, ultimately, Her) children…