The assumption that the msrriage was valid could be wrong. And according to the Catholic journal, US Catholic, April 1997, p. 7, in the diocese of St. Paul Minnesota, 97 percent of all those who apply for the annulment are given it by the tribunal. So all along, their marriage has been Sacramentally invalid, which they are just finding out now. There are about 550 cases per year in that diocese.
I still don’t follow where you’re going. To me you are mixing apples, with oranges with…Fate of Eastern Catholic Churches.
I don’t know whose assumption you are insisting on. Who is the “they” who are “just finding out”? The divorced husband and divorced the wife who initiated the proceedings and can’t wait to have a Decree of Nullity so they can normalize their current marriages? The divorced husband or the wife whose spouse, from whom they have been divorced for some time often years, initiated the proceedings and who they want nothing more to do with? The husband or wife whose spouse, from whom they have been divorced for some time often years, initiated the proceedings and who has provided a strong defense against the claim?
I am stating a fact. The Church
always presumes that
every marriage is valid. It is valid until one of the parties, the husband or the wife, petitions for a Decree of Nullity. They must already have been legally divorced before the Tribunal can be approached in any way. Both husband and wife are represented in the tribunal. The materials are provided by the husband and wife-- the tribunal doesn’t go out sleuthing, they take the materials that are provided to them-- with that material the (ex) husband and the (ex) wife have provided a finding is made.
Once the tribunal that was competent to hear the case makes a finding if the finding is that there was a defect then automatically case goes to a court of second instance for additional review. If the finding is ratified by a court of second instance then the marriage is finally given a Decree of Nullity.
The Church presumes the marriage is valid. It is the petitioners, the husband or the wife, who are engaged in trying to persuade the Church otherwise.
Of this 97 percent that sometime prior to this April 1997 reporting were granted a Decree of Nullity in the St Paul MN tribunal how many were contested by the husband or the wife?
To me this tread has gone quite off topic- Fate of Eastern Catholic Churches if Orthodox are Reconciled - so I’m done posting on this sub topic.