Father Groeschel and the Charismatic movement

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I was listening to Catholic radio the other day when I think I heard Father Groeschel saying he expects that in the future, the greatest things in the Catholic Church will come from the Charismatic movement.

I’ve been kind of sceptical (and admittedly ignorant) about this movement, but if Father Groeschel expects great things…well maybe there’s a lot more to it.

Did I understand him correctly?
One could assume so, as he is in good company (e.g. the Pope).

Of course, there are a few people around who think that the Pope doesn’t know what he is talking about… and surprisingly, they are not all liberals (although that group seems to be the majority of the subset).
One of the things that people are really ignorant about is that there are only 7 bishop-approved Charismatic parishes in the world, Christ The King Catholic Church in Ann Arbor, the one that i attend, being one. There are a lot of Charismatic groups in parishes all over, but people mistake them for actual Charismatic parishes. A lot of the abuses and things that people experience are groups that haven’t been officialized by a bishop and may very well be practicing doctrinal and liturgical abuses. This may clear A LOT up.
There are a lot of Charismatic groups in parishes all over, but people mistake them for actual Charismatic parishes. A lot of the abuses and things that people experience are groups that haven’t been officialized by a bishop and may very well be practicing doctrinal and liturgical abuses. This may clear A LOT up.
There are many authentic Catholic Charismatic style Masses celebrated in Parishes which are not totally Charismatic. Be careful how you say things.
I am still waiting for some one to tell me of a declared Saint of the Church that is what we would call Chrismatic by todays standards.

If you can’t then I wonder if it is an invention of man.
Renewal is only recently recognized in the Catholic Church, but I believe these gifts have been always present, just either unmanfested, or manifested differently.

St Teresa comes to mind–Perhaps she was praying in mere sounds in her ecstacies. Today this would be called Praying in Tongues. Charismatic Catholic is just a new definition of someone who is filled with the fire of the Spirit, and looking to increase that fire, and use gifts for the benefit of the community.

Most of the objections to Charismatic style worship are to abuses in the movement. There are many abuses in any style worship—we do not condemn the whole style because of the abuses.

The prayer groups are people who wish to worship is a more enthusiastic style, and usually devote much time to healing prayer. Many of the people are also a part of a traditional Parish and attend traditional Masses each Sunday.
I am still waiting for some one to tell me of a declared Saint of the Church that is what we would call Chrismatic by todays standards.

If you can’t then I wonder if it is an invention of man.
Try reading the Acts of the Apostles with an open mind. I guess though that none of those early Christians are “Declared Saints.” Abuses? You want abuses, read some of Pauls letters. Abusers are like the poor, they will always be with us. In some quarters, like the Papacy for example, the Renewal, like the Knights of Columbus, is seen as one of the more conservative or orthodox groups in the Church. Check out some of the priests, profs, and students at the University of Steubenville. Orthodox with a capital “O” and Charismatic with a capital “C.” 👍
There are many authentic Catholic Charismatic style Masses celebrated in Parishes which are not totally Charismatic. Be careful how you say things.
Can you please describe more the bolded portion of your quote?

What is a Catholic Charismatic style Mass? and how is that not an abuse as there is only the Mass.

I beleive that there will be a time when some Catholic Charismatics are called on the carpet as Lift Teen recently was.
I am still waiting for some one to tell me of a declared Saint of the Church that is what we would call Chrismatic by todays standards.

If you can’t then I wonder if it is an invention of man.
St. Paul.
I am not an alum of ANY charismatic experience, nor have I sought it in the way that it appears in churches today. But I have an e-quaintance on another forum who lives in the Chicago area. Some time in the 1960s there was a group of some 15 Chicago Jesuits who became involved in the charismatic movement. Apparently, by the early 1970s they were too hot to handle and were all sent to the Philippines to get them out of the way (or maybe the Bishop and the Society of Jesus were prophetic).

Well, who are the most faith-filled and generous people in YOUR parish today? Who is nurturing the faith and living it with grace and enthusiasm? Where I’m standing, the Filippinos are at the front of THAT parade! God LOVE 'em!
St. Paul.
St. Paul? Really? Ok, I’ll admit that I’m pretty skeptical concerning the Charismatic Renewal (but I don’t harbor any ill feelings towards those involved). That said, how could St. Paul be characterized as charismatic by today’s standard?

From what I’ve read browsing through these threads, it seems modern charismatics make a big distinction between talking (or prophesizing) in tongues and praying in tongues. In fact, I’ve yet to see a poster who has claimed to speak/prophesize in tongues in an interpretable language. Most seem to suggest they pray in tongues with humming sounds, or something unitelligible.

Now my understanding of the Apostles (including St. Paul), is that they were given the gifts of tongues in order to prophesize, as at Pentecost when they proclaimed the Word to peoples of different nationalities who could understand them in their native tongues. However, I have never read (if there are verses in Scripture, please post them for me) of any of them praying in tongues. In fact, doesn’t St. Paul say the the Holy Spirit does that for us?

I’ve also never seen evidence in Scripture that those the Apostles healed were standing, then were knocked over by the Spirit, or were slain in the Spirit (I’m not sure of the terminology). If someone could enlighten me, please do…
I’ve also never seen evidence in Scripture that those the Apostles healed were standing, then were knocked over by the Spirit, or were slain in the Spirit (I’m not sure of the terminology). If someone could enlighten me, please do…
Not in Scripture and not inline with the Church Tradition, according to Fr. Richard Bain and Cardinal Suenens ( see “psychological or spiritual” thread)
Corpus Cristi:
One of the things that people are really ignorant about is that there are only 7 bishop-approved Charismatic parishes in the world, Christ The King Catholic Church in Ann Arbor, the one that i attend, being one. There are a lot of Charismatic groups in parishes all over, but people mistake them for actual Charismatic parishes. A lot of the abuses and things that people experience are groups that haven’t been officialized by a bishop and may very well be practicing doctrinal and liturgical abuses. This may clear A LOT up.
Your parish was approved by the former Bishop Pavish…

And I have heard more than once that Fr Ed has often had second thoughts on his request for approval. He is actually a very good homilist and orthodox priest… but I think he caved on the Charismatic request.
Btw, when dealing with Charismatic, remmeber the magic verse, 1Cor 14:27-28. If they violate it don’t come near them.
One could assume so, as he is in good company (e.g. the Pope).

Of course, there are a few people around who think that the Pope doesn’t know what he is talking about… and surprisingly, they are not all liberals (although that group seems to be the majority of the subset).
Infallibility doesn’t mean that the Pope always know what he’s talking about.
Btw, when dealing with Charismatic, remmeber the magic verse, 1Cor 14:27-28. If they violate it don’t come near them.
Yes, and let’s not forget Matthew 7:1-5.
I agree totally ByzCath…I may be close minded, but I just don’t buy into this whole Charismatic thing…
Can you please describe more the bolded portion of your quote?

What is a Catholic Charismatic style Mass? and how is that not an abuse as there is only the Mass.

I beleive that there will be a time when some Catholic Charismatics are called on the carpet as Lift Teen recently was.
Father Groeschel sure seems to be “in the loop”. His stuff I hear on Catholic radio concerning all other things Catholic certainly seem to be sensible. I really feel like I would have to trust his views about charism, even though charism really seems “different”.
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