Fr. Groeschel and his Conventual Franciscan Friars of the Renewal live in one of the most dangerous sections of New York City. They sleep on hardwood floors, go everywhere in their full habits, and are in constant danger from both the local gangs and druglords, who think at first that they are cops in disguise, and the cops, who think they are gang members and drug lords hiding guns under those long flowing habits.
And yes they are charismatic. It’s not hard at all to be both Catholic (solidly, obediently, sacrificially Catholic) and charismatic.
What continues to baffle and frustrate me on these boards is the near-constant insistence of some that ALL charismatic Catholics are theologically dangerous and behave a certain way, or that the one of two charismatics they once knew --or heard of --represent ALL charismatic Catholics. It’s stereotyping, pure and simple.
One has to step back and see the Renewal worldwide and consider the fruits of this movement. Every group has flake cases. Ours is no exception. Apparently those flakes have gotten way more attention than the hundreds of thousands of Catholic Charismatics who are quietly living lives of devotion and faith. What may be different about charismatics is our willingness to remove flakes from leadership, and then to continue to minister to them even when they have embarassed us and discredited our movement rather than tossing them out.
Many bishops and theologians support the Charismatic Movement. While this does not prove its legitimacy – any more than the same proved the legitimacy of the Arians,-- it does show that this is not some weird, flipped out fringe movement among the uneducated and ignorant. There is substance to this movement, and it exists SOLELY to serve Mother Church.
The Renewal is an** approved lay apostolate** of the Church. Worldwide, it’s members are involved in some of the most outstanding solidly orthodox and obedient Catholic evangelization and outreach ministries, from living in drug infested inner cities in the USA to running hospitals in the poorest most war torn areas of Africa to delivering Communion to outlying rural areas in Brazil. We have a growing number of vocations coming out of our movement and have been instrumental in gertting Adoration restored in many parishs worldwide.
Here are the documents that show it IS approved. There are two major movements with the Catholic Charismatic Community: ICCRS and CFCC. Both are approved lay apostolates. Both function in full obedience with the Holy See.
This links you to the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) site, with documentation of their relationship with the Vatican, ICCRS is a JURIDICAL PERSONALITY “ad instar”, i.e. corresponding to a PRIVATE ASSOCIATION OF THE FAITHFUL (Cf., CC 321-329,116, §2).
Here is the site for the CFCC, also known as the CCCF, which is the branch in which I function as a member of a Covenant Community.