[…] I think it was needed for many to come to fully realize the actual torture and pain Our Lord went through […] I think we need to see what He actually suffered to call it to mind.
Film wasn’t invented until the 20th century, so for 19 centuries Christians went without the bloody depictions of Christ’s suffering that we have now in certain Hollywood films. You’re saying that we “need to see it”. So by your reasoning, the earlier 19 centuries of Christians had an inadequate understanding or appreciation of Christ’s suffering because they had no gory films. This is nonsense. Prior to the modern age Christianity had no need of these films, why would it need them now? Consider this: if you’re informed that someone died in a car accident, do you need to see their mutilated corpse, or do you need to watch the incident caught on CCTV for you to empathize and/or understand? I think not. Similarly, if you can’t understand Christ’s suffering without seeing it depicted in bloody detail, something is quite wrong.