Well, I think it is obvious to everyone here that rarndt01 is in fact not a Catholic, at least not a Roman Catholic in communion with the Holy Father–whether he is SSPX or another of the traditional schismatic groups is something he’ll have to tell us.
As such I’m pretty sure he will not listen to anything or any source that might be used to defend these teachings by anyone who actually believes that there is a Pope today… but, for everyone else who is willing to listen, see below.
Also the Catechism of the Catholic church is our statement of faith and not what some individual Pope writes in his proclamations on a feast day.
Well, I’m guessing that since rarndt01 will deny that the current Pope is the Pope, he will also deny that the current Catechism is valid. So the fact that in #966 of the Catechism it clearly states that Mary is “Queen over all things” probably isn’t good enough for him.
As for Scott Hahn making baseless assumptions, I still maintain he goes beyond the witness of the early church and in fact I would challenge him publicly to offer evidence from ANY early church Father or noted early church bishop that held to the fantasy beliefs he fosters. NO EARLY CHURCH FATHER ever wrote or taught Mary was Queen of heaven over the angels and the apostles and the saints. Only our Lord Jesus was given that privilege by the Father.
Also, NO EARLY CHURCH FATHER ever wrote that Mary was called the new ark of the covenant either. Actually, the ark we are to enter into, is Jesus, himself BY FAITH. He is our ark.
Hahn doesn’t have to – I can. Who do you think St. Athanasius was anyway?? St. Athanasius was not only an Early Church Father, but also a “noted early church bishop” as you so put it… unless 296-373AD isn’t early enough for you (even though that’s before Ambrose, Augustine and multiple other early church Fathers).
See Catholic Encyclopedia (written in 1917 by the way… so I think the schismatics even consider that old enough to be “real”
As for the Queenship of Mary, if the use of the Hail Holy Queen (a very old prayer), the use of the 5th mystery of the Glorious mysteries of the rosary (the Coronation of Mary–dating back centuries), the litany of saints and early church theologians and yes, Church fathers, listed in the encyclical *Ad Caeli Reginam, *the later writings of St. Bonaventure (
cin.org/saints/mirror.html), and St. Thomas Aquinas (“she is the Queen of Mercy, possessing everything in the kingdom of God’s justice”) are not enough proof, I am not sure what could be.
In any case, whether you accept it or not, and whether you are a schismatic or a heretic or a Catholic in good standing, you need to show more charity in your treatment of Scott Hahn’s name and reputation. (After all, slander is something that I believe was still considered a sin back in the day of St. Pius X, was it not? )
God bless you,