Federal Executions Pit The Trump Administration Against The Catholic Church

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In a statement on the resumption of federal executions after a 17-year hiatus, Attorney General William Barr said the death penalties were justified because the people sentenced to die had been convicted of “horrific crimes.”

In his 1995 encyclical The Gospel of Life, Pope John Paul II declared that “the dignity of human life must never be taken away, even in the case of someone who has done great evil.” His successor, Benedict XVI, called on governments “to make every effort to eliminate the death penalty and to reform the penal system in a way that ensures respect for the prisoners’ human dignity.”

Pope Francis in 2018 took the cause one step further, revising the Catholic Catechism to make clear that capital punishment is “inadmissible” in all circumstances.
When I used the word “unprecedented”, I am referring to the 20th and 21st centuries. The last time there were 10 or more executions in a year was 1896, and it’s been more than 100 years that people were executed in the power transition period. It is likely that no people of color were executed earlier this year because of racial tensions, but now four of the five being executed are black people.
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A lot of Catholics prefer the execute approach over our various Popes’ approaches.
A lot of Catholics prefer the execute approach over our various Popes’ approaches.
It’s our Church approach to end the death penalty, the magisterium, which draws its conclusion from the guidance of the Spirit.

So, from where comes the “execute approach”?
For 2000 years, the Church has acknowledged the authority of governments to use capital punishment.
It’s our Church approach to end the death penalty, the magisterium, which draws its conclusion from the guidance of the Spirit.

So, from where comes the “execute approach”?
It’s been around for 2000 years.

Our country is not Catholic-centere. I hope only that there is a consistency in how this is viewed.

Capitol Punishment is not an intrinsic evil. I read that on this forum, it’s some kind of other thing.
The Church does not promote the death penalty, it recognizes the authority of governments to use it.
I am against the death penalty.

But I also recognize absolutely the horrible things that the guilty have committed. These are often very egregious acts.
The Church does not promote the death penalty, it recognizes the authority of governments to use it.
Well, the Church no longer recognizes the government authority to use it today. So from where comes Barr’s decision to uphold the DP?
But I also recognize absolutely the horrible things that the guilty have committed. These are often very egregious acts.
Agreed. We are to honor victims and support their well-being and healing.

The DP is not about the well-being and healing of victims, though. So from where comes the promotion of the DP? I’m not suggesting it comes from a bad place.
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We have to look at the times and intent of capital punishment. It was well-intended in its time, and when it met the restrictions was allowed by the church. Much has changed, but we can’t apply the awareness of today, what the Spirit has revealed, to what took place in the past.
we can’t apply the awareness of today, what the Spirit has revealed, to what took place in the past.
What has the Spirit revealed that changes 2000 years of Catholic teaching?
That the death penalty is inadmissible today. If the Church is wrong, where do we go for moral teaching?
This is how far you have to reach to say the trump administration is Pitted against the Church. Lol.
If this pits the administration against the Church how FAR is Biden A CATHOLIC from the Church!? But bishops seem to be pretty cozy with him when he was in another anti Catholic administration.
The Trump administration is choosing to go forward with the executions at this rate and at this time.

There had been a federal moratorium on executions. Barr ended that.

These executions are not necessary. All of this scheduled to be executed are in prison and segregated from society. The executions will not make society any safer.
What has the Spirit revealed that changes 2000 years of Catholic teaching?
That the death penalty is inadmissible today.
When and how did the Spirit (I assume you mean the Holy Spirit) make this revelation?
A gradual progression over 150 years since that is how long nations around the world have been abolishing the death penalty. The Church has recognized that this movement is a moral growth.

The Compendium states that - (231) the Church sees as a sign of hope a growing public opposition to the death penalty, even when such a penalty is seen as a kind of legitimate defence on the part of society. . . . The growing aversion of public opinion towards the death penalty and the various provisions aimed at abolishing it or suspending its application constitute visible manifestations of a heightened moral awareness.
Also, what exactly does “inadmissible” mean?
Inadmissible means not admitted. No longer justified today. An alternate punishment is more just today.
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OneSheep claimed that the [Holy] Spirit revealed something that caused the Church to change its teachings. I ask again, what was this revelation?

What “moral awareness” was the Church lacking?
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