his whole situation is being used as political fodder.
This isn’t new - this has been happening for years and years and years. The whole thing is political fodder - and I’ll say it - for the left.
Respectfully opinion only pondering on
Many of theses precious children have been taken out of the arms of their own Mothers >>>>>>>>>>>who still remain back home and some of theses innocent helpless children, as being reported also, were >>>>>>>willing given by their own Mothers, to complete strangers, traveling 1,000 if miles on foot, not shelter, food, some given birth control pills even, why?
That is why they are being separate from those who say they are their parents or mothers,>>> once they cross the border illegally>>>>>> for the protection of theses precious children, right?
Theses precious children>>> have been crying, living in fear, gone through great trauma>>>>> since they left their mothers in their natural home land>>>>why once they reach the border they separate the children for their own protection, care, give them safe shelter, food, physical aid, health care, etc?
Have to check, confirm, investigate>>>>>if those who say they are their parents>>>>>>>>> are truly their parents, correct?
This is not new either>>>>>>>>> this has been going all through out the last administration has it not? >>>>>Children being separated from their parents or non parents, put back on buses, then returned back to their own homeland, is this true?
In other news sources, videos stating such>>>> by last administration elected official even, themselves right, all out there, just google it?
Those photos of children in cages were from 2014?
Who is using theses precious children and could be putting theses children in far greater danger >> back into the arms of those who >>>>>>are not >>>>even their own parents?>> But are complete strangers,has this not being reported in other news sources, being reported? >>
What is this really about is it for political reasons, maybe?
Respectfully asking>>>>why did the last administration not do something about it>>> in the last 8 years>>>>having all 3 branches of government, being fully aware this was taking place?
Peace just pondering and do not misunderstand either >>>not taking sides>>> just seeking out truth having great compassion and concerns for theses precious children !.