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IDK, you’re pitting reason against feelings.
Reason and feelings have ontological separate existences.
And I’m saying that such a question wouldn’t even come up in Eden. Adam initiated or introduced conflict and doubt for man, wondering if he could really find happiness or the highest fulfillment without straying from God’s natural order.
You cannot initiate doubt if the situation doesn’t seems self-contradictory to you. Why we should look for complete fulfillment, becoming God, at the same time be prohibited to gain it?
We’re now born as strays, looking everywhere, questioning everthing. And that state of unknowing and restiveness itself seems consistent with the question you asked.
You are just regarding one sort of feeling, desire to know the truth.
And love to me is a divine energy, originating with God and available to us through the use of our reason and experience to perceive existence and all around us.
Love cannot originate from God if God and Love are same.
Certainly the human brain processes all material and non-material impulses/stimuli. Without the brain and its functions, life ceases. But to say the brain is love, sorry.
I didn’t say that the brain is love. I said that brain creates love.
And to say people with organically compromised brains are less than human slaps the face of our belief that all life is created in the image and likeness of a loving and providential God.
I didn’t say so.
This is after all, a Roman Catholic forum.
I am afraid that this is apologist sub-forum.
I think the logical conclusion of your argument is at best a deistic view of humanity. Mine is a theistic view. Like parallel train tracks they will never meet.
I don’t think so. Where do you take that idea from our conversation? The problem is the existence of feelings. We would be their slave if we follow them and life is senseless without them.
Interesting conversation though.
Yes. 😉
It’s not punishment. It’s education/formation. God has the power of life over death, so here we live with the threat of death/nonexistence looming continously, whether we live in denial of or are distracted from its reality or not, as some seem to be. We’re lost, not knowing where we came from, if anywhere, what we’re here for, if anything, and where we’re going if anywhere. We need a savior; we need God. And to the extent that we choose this Good for ourselves we “own” our justice, we increase it, with struggle, we become closer and closer to divinity itself and the happiness entailed in that.
We wouldn’t need to be here if we are supposed to have our education at the same time need a savior. We can know the truth separately, inform each other, and grow.
What do you mean?
Either we follow them blindly and turned into slaves or we ignore them and face a senseless life.

The third option is to work with our emotions. For example, if I am angry at someone I don’t act on those emotions and hurt them. Instead, I act on those emotions in a different way. If I love someone, then I can react to those emotions and even let myself follow them. The point is that self control on how we react to those emotions is another option. We can sometimes blindly follow them, follow them, but not blindly follow them, or ignore them.
Either we follow them blindly and turned into slaves or we ignore them and face a senseless life.

The third option is to work with our emotions. For example, if I am angry at someone I don’t act on those emotions and hurt them. Instead, I act on those emotions in a different way. If I love someone, then I can react to those emotions and even let myself follow them. The point is that self control on how we react to those emotions is another option. We can sometimes blindly follow them, follow them, but not blindly follow them, or ignore them.
Life is senseless if we control our feelings either. Anger and love are both real and necessary. You preferably love your family but hate your enemy. In this sense you are slave of your feeling. Life in another hand doesn’t make any sense without love toward to your relatives and friends.
Love cannot originate from God if God and Love are same. . .
And water cannot originate from a well - unless water and well are the same ?


An excerpt from:
  1. “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him” (1 Jn 4:16). These words from the First Letter of John express with remarkable clarity the heart of the Christian faith: the Christian image of God and the resulting image of mankind and its destiny. In the same verse, Saint John also offers a kind of summary of the Christian life: “We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us”.
. . . In a world where the name of God is sometimes associated with vengeance or even a duty of hatred and violence, this message is both timely and significant. For this reason, I wish in my first Encyclical to speak of the love which God lavishes upon us and which we in turn must share with others. That, in essence, is what the two main parts of this Letter are about, and they are profoundly interconnected. The first part is more speculative, since I wanted here—at the beginning of my Pontificate—to clarify some essential facts concerning the love which God mysteriously and gratuitously offers to man, together with the intrinsic link between that Love and the reality of human love. The second part is more concrete, since it treats the ecclesial exercise of the commandment of love of neighbour.
. . . 5. Two things emerge clearly from this rapid overview of the concept of eros past and present. First, there is a certain relationship between love and the Divine: love promises infinity, eternity—a reality far greater and totally other than our everyday existence. Yet we have also seen that the way to attain this goal is not simply by submitting to instinct. Purification and growth in maturity are called for; and these also pass through the path of renunciation. Far from rejecting or “poisoning” eros, they heal it and restore its true grandeur.
This is due first and foremost to the fact that man is a being made up of body and soul. Man is truly himself when his body and soul are intimately united; the challenge of eros can be said to be truly overcome when this unification is achieved.
We wouldn’t need to be here if we are supposed to have our education at the same time need a savior. We can know the truth separately, inform each other, and grow.
But of course we’re here for a reason; God isn’t whimsical. The reason we’re here is to gain the wisdom to accept the savior, to accept the offer of grace when it comes…It’s always been a matter of the will, from Adam’s sin on.This is why, for example, some of the most powerful conversions are experienced by the worst sinners-they’ve known the other side, and finally reject it.
We don’t even bother to consider options if there is no feeling. Why should we do this or that? You are slave of your feelings when you submit to them and consider options.
Okay, you are asking about decisions for actions in a complete absence of emotion. I don’t think that happens outside of reflexes and programmed responses. The earlier mentioned book (Descarte’s Error) expresses the same thing. Even ones sense of identiry is tied to their emotions.
Reason and feelings have ontological separate existences.
Wouldn’t really matter. The point is that they need not conflict.
You cannot initiate doubt if the situation doesn’t seems self-contradictory to you. Why we should look for complete fulfillment, becoming God, at the same time be prohibited to gain it?
They didn’t become God-that was a lie. If anything, yes, they came to know of the reality of evil, and by contrast good, something God would certainly know but not a knowledge of any value in *itself-*unless it ultimately helps lead to the *rejection *of evil and the embracing of good. The truth was that, had they not eaten of the fruit, they would never have gained the knowledge of good and evil and they would’ve been divinized anyway-that was God’s plan for them.
You are just regarding one sort of feeling, desire to know the truth.
To desire to know the truth is a good thing. So here’s the truth: Feelings and reason are good things, faculties that God created us to have, for our good. They were made to work in harmony, to compliment each other. Due to our fallen state things don’t always work that way because we’re not always balanced in our desires, we’re not always true to ourselves and God because we can be influenced by many external factors or attractions, just as Adam & Eve were. So it’s easy to think there may be a conflict when there never was one originally.
Either we follow them blindly and turned into slaves or we ignore them and face a senseless life.
Or we control them and live a balanced adult life. You aren’t a 2 year old!
Or we control them and live a balanced adult life. You aren’t a 2 year old!
I’m not sure about how much contr9l we have over our feelings. We can control our outward expressions to some degree, such as holding back tears (it could be argued that other feelings motivate this apparent control). Bit people have often wished not to feel a certain way during some situations but have to live through the feelings. It does provide an incentive to apply caution to some situations to avoid those feelings again. Bit that can also lead to a person being risk adverse to the point of often missing out on positive opportunities.

Think of a person with phobias.
Life is senseless if we control our feelings either. Anger and love are both real and necessary. You preferably love your family but hate your enemy. In this sense you are slave of your feeling. Life in another hand doesn’t make any sense without love toward to your relatives and friends.
You appear to be placing yourself in a box. The most balanced people are those who are able to recognize* a wide range of feelings in themselves. I would posit that people who who fail to understand their feelings and their causes are the ones who are slaves as they are are likely to act out instead of taking more appropriate actions.

*includes self-validation
But of course we’re here for a reason; God isn’t whimsical. The reason we’re here is to gain the wisdom to accept the savior, to accept the offer of grace when it comes.
We don’t need savior if we become wise. We achieve the current situation under suffering. We don’t need grace. Grace for what?
It’s always been a matter of the will, from Adam’s sin on.
There was no Adam. We just evolved.
Okay, you are asking about decisions for actions in a complete absence of emotion. I don’t think that happens outside of reflexes and programmed responses. The earlier mentioned book (Descarte’s Error) expresses the same thing. Even ones sense of identiry is tied to their emotions.
I see. So people know about this. Thanks for the reference.
Wouldn’t really matter.
It really matters.
The point is that they need not conflict.
That is correct.
They didn’t become God-that was a lie. If anything, yes, they came to know of the reality of evil, and by contrast good, something God would certainly know but not a knowledge of any value in *itself-*unless it ultimately helps lead to the *rejection *of evil and the embracing of good. The truth was that, had they not eaten of the fruit, they would never have gained the knowledge of good and evil and they would’ve been divinized anyway-that was God’s plan for them.
How we could call them sinner if they didn’t have knowledge of good and bad before eating the fruit? Where the lie comes from (you cannot get ride evil problem)?
To desire to know the truth is a good thing. So here’s the truth: Feelings and reason are good things, faculties that God created us to have, for our good. They were made to work in harmony, to compliment each other. Due to our fallen state things don’t always work that way because we’re not always balanced in our desires, we’re not always true to ourselves and God because we can be influenced by many external factors or attractions, just as Adam & Eve were. So it’s easy to think there may be a conflict when there never was one originally.
Most of this has to do with the fact that we are not evolved well enough. We are still in tribe mentality, we fight with each other.
You appear to be placing yourself in a box. The most balanced people are those who are able to recognize* a wide range of feelings in themselves. I would posit that people who who fail to understand their feelings and their causes are the ones who are slaves as they are are likely to act out instead of taking more appropriate actions.

*includes self-validation
That is the problem. There is a cause for feeling. Can we even control it by practice? Yes. This senseless.
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