I am sorry that you don’t understand. It is probably because I don’t express myself well in English, and as a non Catholic you are not used to this vocabulary.
The Catholic Church has well dig the topic of humanity and its division between male and women during her history. She has a real anthropology.
The Catholic don’t believe in many essential parts of our modern society, such as abortion, contraception, homosexual relationships promotion of “alernatives families models” and undistinctives roles of women and men, particularly in the family. She also believes that for women to enter in a competition with men for power and domination in the society is not the right way, but Christ want us to follow his path of love.
That’s why I said She is not feminist.
The Church consider that God created men and women equal in dignity. She believe that men and women are differents in essence and in their respective roles by God’s will. Men and women complement each others. That’s why she don’t believe that men and women are the same, that there is no significative distinctions between them.
The equality and complementarism of men and women are fundamental in marriage. The husband is the head of the family and his wife (Saint Paul in the Bible), the wife is his helpmet. The Church give immense value to her role as a mother. She should prioritize her role in family if she works. As wife and husband are equal, we should treat our spouse with love. They are both an important role as parents that the Church want to be protected by civil authorities.
Also She recognized that the capacity of carying a life is a fundamental aspect of feminity that is important independantly of them having children or not.
That’s why I said the Church believe in the promotion of the woman. It is the adequate term that every Historian specialized in religious history will say you. By promoting woman you try to have her condition improoved in society in all areas possible (in work, to support her role in their family, in all situation where her dignity is compromised and more).
If you want that we go far, I will add that in Church, priesthood is only composed by men for theological reasons that the Church feels she cannot change one day. There are vocations that include celibacy, for men and women. She believes that consecrated celibacy and sacramental marriage are complementarian and that we should look at both to understand all aspect of our humanity and role under God.
Documents who have help give Church reflexion included the letter to Catholic bishops on the collaboration of the man and the woman in the Church and in the World, by Cardinal Jospeh Ratzinger, and many writtings of St John-Paul II.
it is more clear for you? What do you want to dig more?
God bless you.