Feminism in Catholicism

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I have nice clothes a nice car kids go to Catholicschool.

So others think it’s ok to put your kids in daycare or work for material items that are not needed?

I understand some do not want to waste the tuition or for self fulfillment. I personally get fulfillment at home from my loved ones.
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I have nice clothes a nice car kids go to Catholicschool.

So others think it’s ok to put your kids in daycare or work for material items that are not needed?
That’s great that your family is in that position. Others aren’t that fortunate.
That’s great. So why question the decisions of people who are doing what they think is best or right for their own families, and just perhaps aren’t as fortunate as you are?
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I am not doing that and if it comes across that way I apologise.

My point is–dont work for extravgent things. God and family comes first.
My point is–dont work for extravgent things
But you’re saying you have a nice car and nice clothes, and pay Catholic school tuition on one salary, so it doesn’t seem you had to make the choice as to whether you had to work outside the home or not. Some families need two salaries just to afford the same, or to just get by. That doesn’t make them any less devoted to their families.
Whatever you believe. I am not here to argue. They are great Saints…

I support all our sisters. Yes sisters. It’s so calming. I get to greet my youngest with a smile. I do my homemaking while praying.

. To offer dinner to my loving husband on time. To excercize to stay small. Then my gardening and smelling my Rose’s and lavender and thanking God and offering it all up…

When we had debts I worked as a sales exec. No Louis Vouttion or Prada handbag filled the hole in my heart. I 5hen trained baby sharks in jewlery. No diamond 2 ct or 3 ct made me smile. I was missing the Lord.

15 minutes of prayer daily under a Mary statue because of it. Not enough. Praying here not enough.

I am on furlough now. I spend time with Mary and Jesus each day. My youngest is freshman she needs a strong female presence. Jesus is with me. ALways. And with you too. Embrace it. Love it at home or work. Again I’m uber feminine.
You may not be and that’s ok
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Amen let us all say a Hail Mary for women of the
World today

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I don’t try and fit women into neat little boxes like an ad agency in the 1950’s, based on her looks, hobbies, clothes, or cooking ability. The Church doesn’t either. Saint John Paul ll wrote eloquently on this in his Letter to Women: http://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/letters/1995/documents/hf_jp-ii_let_29061995_women.html
Thank you for posting this letter. It’s a wonderful example of expressing the value of women, no matter what role they have in society. Nary a word about appearance, cooking ability, or gardening as the sole definition of what womanhood or femininity is.
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