Fighting back against liberal theology

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It’s no secret that liberal theologians abound have exponentially increased in numbers over the past 50 years. Modernists were mobilizing before the turn of the century as we know from Pope St Pius X’s Pascendi Dominici Gregis. The purpose of this thread is people to contribute writings which they find helpful in combating modernism. I find the following quintessential:
  1. Pascendi Dominic Gregis-
    Pope St Pius X
  2. Syllabus of Errors -Pope Pius IX
  3. Quod Apostolici Muneris- Pope Leo XIII
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I think it would be best if you edit the title of this thread. Calling something “clown world theology” is really not necessary.
Inappropriate, offensive, blasphemous posts, user names, profile entries, pictures, linked content, etc. are not permitted.
I’m not trying to be forum police or overstep anything. But I think you would get a much better response from other posters, and a more constructive thread, if it was changed.
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I think such documents are helpful only if you feel that freedom of religion, separation of church and state as practiced in the U.S., and freedom of conscience are errors that need to be stamped out.
It’s no secret that libera
“Liberal theology” and “modernist” are labels that are thrown around without much credible definition…its like “socialism” used in those not familiar with political science.

So please give a concise definition to these terms, otherwise they are usually extremely subjective terms used loosely to express discomfort with change to one’s socio-political and religious paradigms.
Dr. Taylor Marshall’s next book is about the infiltration of alien elements into the church over the last century - what their agenda is and what they’ve managed to accomplish so far. Curious about where all the globalist , communist , homosexual , modernist , humanist thinking in the church came from ? It’s all in the public record but you needed to really dig for it before , this book will make it much easier for the rest of us to find out what really happened to our church.
The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is an organization of lay Catholic Americans concerned about the moral crisis shaking the remnants of Christian civilization. Its earliest origins date back to January 1971, when the first TFP members started to group around the publication Crusade for a Christian Civilization . Today, with over 120,000 active members, volunteers and donors, the TFP is on the front lines of the culture war, peacefully defending the values of tradition, family and private ownership.
That group (tfp) has several free downloadable books worth reading.

Steve Bannon (who is Catholic?) recently allied himself with an Italian group launching some kind of foundation to fight against extreme liberalism in the Vatican in particular and church in general.

Dr. Steve Turley has ongoing commentary on the coming new age of conservatism , the triumph of tradition , etc. Very encouraging , recommended .
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“Liberal theology” and “modernist” are labels that are thrown around without much credible definition…its like “socialism” used in those not familiar with political science.

So please give a concise definition to these terms, otherwise they are usually extremely subjective terms used loosely to express discomfort with change to one’s socio-political and religious paradigms.
it’s a little like the problem of defining pornography , right thinking people know it when they see it and those who really just want more of it will hedge around and hide behind definitional arguments
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I think such documents are helpful only if you feel that freedom of religion, separation of church and state as practiced in the U.S., and freedom of conscience are errors that need to be stamped out.
The documents are also essential if you agree with the former Pope’s definition of modernism as the “synthesis of all heresies” and think moral relativism (in the church) is a disease which should be stamped out before it kills the whole body.
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Isn’t there something called the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita? From what I’ve heard it was a blueprint for the freemasonic subversion of the Church.
Yeah, who needs to understand what we’re talking about when we can just talk past and insult each other!
the OP gave you sources for defining the modernist heresies - wasn’t enough ?
Pascendi Dominic Gregis-
Pope St Pius X

Syllabus of Errors -Pope Pius IX

Quod Apostolici Muneris- Pope Leo XIII
I would spell out what I’m doing for you, but I know what it is that I’m doing, and you just want to miss the point, so there’s no need for me to explain anything.
To proceed in an orderly manner in this somewhat abstruse subject, it must first of all be noted that the Modernist sustains and includes within himself a manifold personality; he is a philosopher, a believer, a theologian, an historian, a critic, an apologist, a reformer. These roles must be clearly distinguished one from another by all who would accurately understand their system and thoroughly grasp the principles and the outcome of their doctrines
Pius X goes on to define what he decries in all those aspects . please read it

“THANKS”? … you’re welcome
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I think such documents are helpful only if you feel that freedom of religion, separation of church and state as practiced in the U.S., and freedom of conscience are errors that need to be stamped out.
You read Quod Apostolici Muneris and concluded that was its aim?
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