First and last anniversary

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When my mother is gone, I will come back to the Church. It will be all I’ll have in my life and in the world – serioulsy!
Not to be morbid, but are you assuming you’ll outlive your mom? It doesn’t always work that way. What if you die first?

I’d be worried about my soul if I left the Church assuming I could come back when the timing was better. —KCT
You are a grown woman. You’re decision is not acceptable at all. This does not have to be an all or nothing choice. Go to earliest Mass available if you have to-possibly before she even gets out of bed. At the bare minimum you must make your Sunday obligation and holy days of obligation. You don’t have to make rosaries or participate in other church activies.

You are fifty years old. How in the world do let your mother tell to do something so sinful as to turn your back on Christ’s church? God comes first -not when it’s convient or easy-first before anyone or anything.** Period**.
My mother-in-law, who was born and raised in Texas (and yes, there IS a distinction between simply being raised in Texas to BORN AND RAISED there 😉 ) had two social rules while growing up. Number one was, “no playing with the Mexicans” and number two was “no playing with the Papists”. Her entire life, she never once challenged her anti-Catholic upbringing, and, when her “Catholic friend” (who appearently stopped attending Mass shortly after her confirmation as a teenager) would answer questions about Catholicism, the answers given were so wrong (Catholics worship Mary, the Pope, a piece of cracker, etc. etc.) that they just reinforced her hatred of the Church.

Fast forward years and years, to the day her 33 year old son (her only son, and one of only two children) “came out” to her that he was converting to Catholicism. The hatred, fear, and ignorance all combined to create a very very ugly evening.

Now, two years later, she still hasn’t come to terms with her own issues. She rolls her eyes every time she comes to our house (she lives about 20 minutes away), and sees a Crucifix, picture of Our Lady, or candle with Our Lord on it. And if she so much as SPOTS one of our Rosaries? Forget about it!

She has, for whatever reason, made me the source of all this strife. It is my fault her son converted (though I wasn’t Catholic first, we converted together), I led him down this path that will only take us to Hell, infant baptism is tantamount to sacrificing one’s children to Moloch, etc. etc. She has made our lives miserable.

The point is, I can empathise with your situation. Being in the same room with this woman is such an exercise in Christian charity and patience that I, unworthy sinner, often fail. Nothing would make her happier than seeing us leave the Church. Nothing. But we can’t. We can pray for her salvation, and her soul, but we can’t do anything to jepordize our salvation and our souls.

In our prayers,
Hogwash. You need to grow up, but a mature woman of God, and march yourself into the church each and every Sunday (and as many days between) and all the church activities that you feel God is inviting you too. Apparently no one ever told you that persecution, trials and hardship are the lot and norm for those who choose to follow Jesus Christ.

You need to not rely on yourself but turn to God who supplies the strength needed to follow Him. Otherwise, you risk turning out to be the seed that “fell on rocky ground” and “when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away” in the parable of the sower. This is your moment of faith. No excuses. Think of the early Church and today martyrs for the faith and what they had to endure beyond human strength in giving witness to the faith.

Excuse my bluntness, but get a backbone, and if you do not have one, pray that God will give you one, if only a temporary loaner one, until you develop your own.

“And he told them many things in parables, saying: “A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them. Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they had not much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil, but when the sun rose they were scorched; and since they had no root they withered away. Other seeds fell upon thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has ears, let him hear.” …“Hear then the parable of the sower. When any one hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what is sown in his heart; this is what was sown along the path. As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away. As for what was sown among thorns, this is he who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the delight in riches choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. As for what was sown on good soil, this is he who hears the word and understands it; he indeed bears fruit, and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.” Matthew 13: 3-9, 18-23

“My son, when you come to serve the LORD, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart and steadfast, undisturbed in time of adversity. Cling to him, forsake him not; thus will your future be great. Accept whatever befalls you, in crushing misfortune be patient; For in fire gold is tested, and worthy men in the crucible of humiliation. Trust God and he will help you; make straight your ways and hope in him.You who fear the LORD, wait for his mercy, turn not away lest you fall. You who fear the LORD, trust him, and your reward will not be lost. You who fear the LORD, hope for good things, for lasting joy and mercy. Study the generations long past and understand; has anyone hoped in the LORD and been disappointed? Has anyone persevered in his fear and been forsaken? has anyone called upon him and been rebuffed? Compassionate and merciful is the LORD; he forgives sins, he saves in time of trouble. Woe to craven hearts and drooping hands, to the sinner who treads a double path! Woe to the faint of heart who trust not, who therefore will have no shelter! Woe to you who have lost hope! what will you do at the visitation of the LORD?” Sirach 2: 1-14

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” **Philippians 4: 19 **

“ May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, …” Colossians 1: 11
Beautiful! Thank you and God bless you and yours for your Godly encouragement:thumbsup:
Your mother is 80. You are 50. She could live to 115, she could die tonight. You could live to 115, you could die tonight. No guarantees on who goes first, as seen through other threads on CAF.

For adults, honoring our fathers and mothers does not mean we must allow them to make the major decisions of our lives. For anybody, to put the practice of the Faith on a shelf until it is more convenient is just wrong. That’s essentially what you’re doing- You know the Church is True, but you are putting God on a shelf until it is more convenient or better. It may not ever get better. It may not ever be the right time.

ONCE AGAIN, I urge you to go see a priest and talk this out. You need a support system! You aren’t getting it, wrapped up alone in your mother’s care. And despite what happened between your relatives, your mother is manipulating you. Period.
twisted very twisted
I would ask you to stop and think a moment about life around you, the spiritual state of so many souls, especially our youth. The way they dress, talk, act, the immoral activities that they are involved in, the number of STD’s that are increasing in our country and around our world, the number of teen suicides, drug abuse, abortion, euthenasia, I could go on and on. I used to wonder how a country with such a Christian moral foundation could come to such a state. But, as I watch other mothers with their children, I can see what has happened. When our country was founded, women were totally covered, modest clothing, long skirts, headdress, etc. Then, perhaps one mother turned a blind eye to her daughter’s perhaps not as long skirt as it should be, then that daughter turned a blind eye to her daughter’s impure habits, and so on and so forth. Fast forward to 300 years later, and what do we have? Girls/teens wearing short shorts, halter tops, bikinis, using God’s name in vain, doing drugs, having abortions, etc. We as parents need to be God centered! His laws, His ways first! If those first parents that went lax on their children, their dressing, their attitudes, instead had just remained strong and told their daughters to behave in a righteous manner, just think how much stronger the moral fiber of our country would be? We as parents and grandparents, we are the gatekeepers! ever-vigilent on the watchtowers of our homes and ultimately our nation.
Hold the banners of personal honor, integrity, Godliness, truthfulness, purity and obedience high, for all to see, especially our children. Through these activities, and keeping God first, we will one day be with both God AND our children in Heaven:)
When our country was founded, women were totally covered, modest clothing, long skirts, headdress, etc. Then, perhaps one mother turned a blind eye to her daughter’s perhaps not as long skirt as it should be, then that daughter turned a blind eye to her daughter’s impure habits, and so on and so forth. Fast forward to 300 years later, and what do we have? Girls/teens wearing short shorts, halter tops, bikinis, using God’s name in vain, doing drugs, having abortions, etc.
Oh man, it’s all the GIRLS’ fault? Guess I should thank my lucky stars that only 1/3 of my kids are girls. 😉
Oh man, it’s all the GIRLS’ fault? Guess I should thank my lucky stars that only 1/3 of my kids are girls. 😉
No offense to the girls, I’m just saying look around, and see how things have changed, for girls and guys (it takes both to get an increase in STD’s and abortions,etc. ) As parents, we need to stand firm in our faith in God, Biblical and Catholic Church standards to see Godly standards and examples in our children and then society as a whole.
Think of St. Joan of Arc. When she went to battle, her attitude was we’re going to win this battle, not one of let’s hope this works out. People don’t tend to follow those that are wishy washy, they follow people who have their hearts in what they believe. As parents and examples, we need to be whole-hearted in our Faith in God, and His moral laws.
At that point, we will see change in our families and societies as a whole. God who is the ultimate psychologist, knows how we operate, and so has given us the laws that He has to keep us happy and healthy physically, spiritually, emotionally, etc.

God bless
Oh man, it’s all the GIRLS’ fault? Guess I should thank my lucky stars that only 1/3 of my kids are girls. 😉
you know i was going to post the same thing its all the girls fault? and I am supposed to look at that persons post and not fall off the chair laughing?

I feel if something is wrong with society it everyones fault not just females, not just males, not just kids, not just adults…

and as I was gonna say then didnt post but now am is this gets worse and worse where do these people come from,
you know i was going to post the same thing its all the girls fault? and I am supposed to look at that persons post and not fall off the chair laughing?

I feel if something is wrong with society it everyones fault not just females, not just males, not just kids, not just adults…

and as I was gonna say then didnt post but now am is this gets worse and worse where do these people come from,
I love my Catholic Faith, and I love my country. I thank the good Lord that in His mercy He let me be born where we are free.

In my concern for the state of our country and our being able to maintain the freedoms that God has given us, I read all of the Bible, including the Old Testament. There is so much wisdom there. In studying with others, I was shown Deuteronomy 28. To me, it has been a wake-up call in how we as Catholics, or Christians, should lead Godly lives, following the 10 Commandments.

I would recommend reading Deuteronomy 28 tonight. It has promises for those that obey the 10 Commandments, but it also tells about what happens to those countries/lands where the people no longer follow the 10 Commandments. It is an eye-opener. The 10 Commandments say that we are not to kill. With my involvement in the pro-life movement, it made me stop and wonder how our country could come to such a state, where we could murder our own children. The Bible says that the shedding of innocent blood calls down God’s vindication. So, in working with crisis pregnancy centers, reading pro-life materials and Catholic teachings, you get a taste of why people seem to be suffering so much pain in their own personal lives. My goal as a Catholic, is to study and try to figure out why these things are happening, pray for all of us and our country, but to actually do something about things so that they don’t get worse. When I talk to older adults who are now concerned about ending up euthanised in our own country, I realize that all of us are going to be facing these same issues in our own lives. How can we turn things around so that people, especially the younger generations, will have more compassion, will quit valuing their next expensive car purchases over caring for proper pain management and dignity that you or I will be receiving as elderly people.

My answer dealt with symptoms. After looking at society as a whole, dealing with people in crisis situations in their own lives, doing extensive reading - especially Catholic author’s who love and follow the Catholic Church’s teachings, I work to figure out how to actually change lives so that they will not have to live in the same pain that they have been enduring because of lack of knowledge of God, His commandments, etc. Then, I work to stop the tide, to actually turn back people’s hearts to God and obedience to Him in all areas of their lives. It isn’t easy. It hasn’t been easy in my own life leaving my sins behind, but I am much happier because of God calling my heart back to Him and obedience to His laws and Word.

Even Jesus was rejected for telling people to turn away from their sins and turn their hearts back to obedience, back to God. What did He say to the woman caught in adultry? Go, and sin no more. I’m trying to figure out how we stop the sin in the first place. When souls are in danger, there is no room for winking at sin and letting our guards down spiritually.

God bless
How do you know your mother is jealous? Have you ever asked her to join you at mass?
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