First Indult Tridentine Mass - Detroit

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I know Fr. Halfpenny, he teaches a Spirituality Course at Sacred Heart and used to be a Vice Rector there.

He is also involved in Courage, the program to teach homosexuals that their calling is to a celibate lifestyle.

Overall a great guy.
Chris in Mich:
I found out earlier today a few more names who will be celebrating the Tridentine Mass at St. Josephat, they include, Fr. Halfpenny, Fr. Kasza, and Bp. Quinn. I’ve heard very good things about Fr. Kasza, and am not too familiar with the others. From what I’ve heard there will be fewer Priests then the 12 that were first expected.
Hi Chris, no I didn’t make it. My whole weekend got away from me. Was the church crowded? Did the women cover their heads? Does it have the potential to be beuatiful?

Fr Kasza is a good man. Very solid. He’s in residence at St. Aidan in Livonia, but does most of his work for the Cardinal.

Fr. Halfpenny reprimanded us (deacon candidates & wives) that we were not to kneel after the Agnus Dei. He did this from the ambo with a jam-packed chapel. Yeah, I heard he’s done some work with Courage, but he also favors womens’ ordination. I’ll go when Fr Kasza or Bp Quinn offers the Mass. Fr. Halfpenny is so “progessive,” I don’t know why he even wants any part of this.
Detroit Sue:
work for the Cardinal.

Fr. Halfpenny reprimanded us (deacon candidates & wives) that we were not to kneel after the Agnus Dei. He did this from the ambo with a jam-packed chapel.
Sue, if the chapel was jam-packed, it was in full occordance withe GIRM that the faithful be asked to remain standing. One of the few valid exeptions to kneeling during that time is for lack of space.
Yeah, I heard he’s done some work with Courage, but he also favors womens’ ordination.
I hadn’t heard about the women’s ordination thing? When did he say that?
Chris in Mich:
I found out earlier today a few more names who will be celebrating the Tridentine Mass at St. Josephat, they include, Fr. Halfpenny, Fr. Kasza, and Bp. Quinn. I’ve heard very good things about Fr. Kasza, and am not too familiar with the others. From what I’ve heard there will be fewer Priests then the 12 that were first expected.
Fr. Kasza is an excellent priest and man. He was an associate pastor at our parish several years ago, and was involved in a Catholic community group that I was also involved in for a time. Very orthodox, and very kind and caring. Excellent choice for one of the indult priests.

One of my favorite things about attending Masses where he was the presider was that occasionally he would chant the Eucharistic prayer in Latin. It was wonderful.
Glad to see so many fellow Detroiters. Now and then, I would attend the 9:00 latin mass at Old St. Mary’s downtown. I guess my mother, who grew up with the Tridentine rite, never recognized it as the mass she grew up with.

I would be interested to see it. I have been to Greek Orthodox liturgy (St. John Chrysostom) and was amazed at the reverence they give to the Eucharist. Is it comparable? I am sure the rubrics will be totally different.
I hope to make it on occasion – I just hate the drive down there.

Is there sufficient parking? Is the parking “secure” ??
I hope to make it on occasion – I just hate the drive down there.

Is there sufficient parking? Is the parking “secure” ??
I don’t know how much parking is available, but St. Josaphat is in a decent area of the city- the Medical district. I actually work only a few blocks away and have been here for three years. I’ve never had anything bad happen to me or my car (and I had parking in an open street-level lot for most of that time).

Word of advice- don’t take I-94 into Detroit if you’re coming in from the western suburbs. I-94 east is my route into work, and it is terrible. What should be a 25-minute drive takes me an hour now due to construction and lane closures, and on the weekends I think they shut it down completely under where the Lodge used to be from Fri. night to Mon. morning.

(Stupid Superbowl construction…grrrrr…)
Chris in Mich:

Is there a link to an article about the Tridentene Indult in your diocese? If so, please post a link. I’d like to send the article to our bishop, as I intend to as him to grant a Tridentene Indult.

If I could show the Bishop that it’s being done elsewhere, then maybe he’ll grant an indult.

Please, please keep us updated. This is exciting!!
Hey, Grape, the Archdiocese of New York (St. Agnes and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Shrine in NYC) and the Archdiocese of Newark (Holy Rosary in Jersey City) both have Indult Tridentine Masses. It’s getting to be pretty common. Go for it!
Detroit Sue:
Was the church crowded? Did the women cover their heads? Does it have the potential to be beuatiful?
The church was pretty crowded, I heard about 400 people were there, considering 96, 75 and the lodge were all closed last Sunday I’d call it a good turnout. About half the women covered their heads, there was some dress and some actions that were not appropriate, I hope if that continues something is said about it from the pulpit or posted somewhere. I think of Assumption Grotto as the standard for reverence the rest of the Archdiocese should live up to, and this mass has a ways to go. Having said that and confessing a tendency to over critique things this does have the potential to be beautiful, the church is very nice, and has a great choir and wonderful acustics, the Priests needed to be retrained, so I hope they retrain the laity a bit.

I’ve been to a fair number of Tridentine Masses but am far from an expert, the one thing I thought was most odd was that this was a high mass, but no incense was used, I’d never seen that before. I thought the Priest would enter with a headcovering(unsure of the correct name) but did not this week, also the sermon was not miked. Can anyone enlighten me on these issues?
Is there a link to an article about the Tridentene Indult in your diocese? If so, please post a link. I’d like to send the article to our bishop, as I intend to as him to grant a Tridentene Indult.
Here it is maybe not the best article to send your bishop (thanks to Fr. Reese) but gives an overview.

For those that had asked about parking, the lot is small but is supposed to be getting expanded, there is parking allowed on the street, I took one look and parked across 75 at Sweetest Heart of Mary, there was no one else there at that time it is a gated lot and a short walk I believe their mass starts at 10am, so your car should be safe. After Mass at St. Josephat do yourself a favor and take a look at SHM, IMHO the most beautiful church I’ve seen in the Archdiocese.
I attended the Mass and it was wonderful. Word was that the Diocese wanted it to be a low Mass, but finally changed it to a Missa Cantata. The Priest that said the Mass seemed like he wanted to be there - although I’ve heard that some of the Priests they’ve trained are extremely liberal and don’t really want to be there but are there to keep an eye on thing.

The music was excellent. Wassim is one of the most talented people I’ve ever had the priviledge of meeting.

If any of you prefer a smaller Tridentine community you should try the one in Windsor (just 10 minutes from Detroit!) There are only about 20-40 people in Church each week, but Mass is still said (and sung!) wonderfully over here.
After Mass at St. Josephat do yourself a favor and take a look at SHM, IMHO the most beautiful church I’ve seen in the Archdiocese.
I’d have to give a big second to that at least in the Neo-Gothic. Sts. Peter and Paul wins for Italian Baroque and St. Charles Borromeo for Floretine (especially the ceiling art - breathtaking!)

I stll haven’t found a favorite for Spanish Mission style yet, I guess it’s not exactly Detroit’s specialty 😉
Word was that the Diocese wanted it to be a low Mass, but finally changed it to a Missa Cantata. .
The Archdoicese approved a music director\choir master early on so I’m not too sure how accurate that is. What I think is more likely is that they were expecting Low Masses while a director was being hired and the choir trained. Considering they got their first choice and Wassim has exceeded anyone’s expectations, I think everyone is thrilled that it’s a Missa Cantata (well, maybe except for an auxillary bishop and his friends 😉 )
And speaking of certain auxillary bishops. There was this in today’s Freep.

Church steps up efforts on Proposal 2
In a letter to be sent this week to each of the more than 800 parishes in the state, Michigan’s six bishops assert that “we must reaffirm marriage as the basic institution of all human society.”
Voting for Proposal 2 will help to “ensure that the meaning of marriage is secured and preserved,” according to the bishops’ letter.
Parish priests are being asked to sermonize on the issue this weekend and show a videotape produced by the Archdiocese of Detroit featuring Cardinal Adam Maida.
I am really tempeted to attend Mass at St. Leo’s to hear Bishop Gumbelton’s sermon on this subject :rolleyes:

And they quoted my pastor too
Rev. Charles Kosanke of Guardian Angels parish in Clawson said he doesn’t consider the Catholic initiative a political venture, but an opportunity for the church to explore “our core beliefs.”
“We don’t believe we have the right to redefine marriage,” he said. “But not just as believers, but as citizens, we have a right to participate” in the marriage debate.
Yes I belong to Charlie’s Angels parish 😛
Sts. Peter and Paul wins for Italian Baroque and St. Charles Borromeo for Floretine (especially the ceiling art - breathtaking!){/QUOTE]

I havn’t been to either of those, thanks for the tip. This year I started taking myself and family to many of the Churches in the city, but missed both of those. What has really amazed me is how close some are to each other, I’ve seen 10+ Catholic churches some days and havn’t gone more then a few miles.
Chris in Mich:
…one thing I thought was most odd was that this was a high mass, but no incense was used, I’d never seen that before.

During St. Josephat’s regular Thursday mass and perpetual novena to the Black Madonna, incense is always used. It is very surprising that it would not be present during the Sunday Tridentine Mass.
well sounds great, I will check it out next time I am up there. Isn’t it interesting that the same voices that urge us to be culturally diverse in our catechesis and liturgy become incensed (pun intended) when sensitivity is displayed to those whose cultural background is that of European Catholicism before 1962?
Chris in Mich:
…one thing I thought was most odd was that this was a high mass, but no incense was used, I’d never seen that before.

During St. Josephat’s regular Thursday mass and perpetual novena to the Black Madonna, incense is always used. It is very surprising that it would not be present during the Sunday Tridentine Mass.
The Archbishop has placed very great restrictions on the Indult Mass here in Detroit. He has only allowed boys from UD-Jesuit High School to be altar boys, no confessions before Mass,and no Traditional Vestments.I read this on a Traditional Catholic list from a person who organized the Mass.The no incense rule is probably one of them.[even though i did see a censer by the credence table]
He has only allowed boys from UD-Jesuit High School to be altar boys
I was told by one server where some of the servers were from and they according to him where not all from U of D. If some of this is true I think its sad that the Cardinal, is placing these restrictions on the Mass.
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