What d’y’all say? How many of you parents would allow your 11-year-old to walk one mile in a safe town on a Sunday morning to attend Mass? Am I being too much of a drill sergeant?
You’re not being a drill sergeant. You’re trying to find a solution to a problem that exists.
My son’s 5th grade class started off with 25 children. It’s only been about 7 weeks and the class is down to four children. This was the same pattern last year, but the numbers didn’t drop off until February or March.
Now, I admit, last year I was one of those problem parents. Not because my son didn’t want to be there, but when I took him there would be a note on the door that class had been cancelled.
In that case, the teacher didn’t seem to care & it rubbed off on the parents (well, on me). He would ask to go & I just didn’t see the point.
Back to the main question. We live a 2-3 minute drive to church …would I let my son walk or ride his bike?
Honestly, I don’t know…leaning more towards NO. We live in a VERY safe community, however in the last two months there have been two attempts to snatch some boys while they are out & about on their own. Even if that hadn’t happened…I have always been very protective of my children…so I think it would be no. HOWEVER, I wouldn’t sign my children up for classes knowing we aren’t coming. Maybe the parents need some sort of accountability.
Thankfully, I can say we don’t miss Mass. We attend 9am Mass, go to the church breakfast at 10-11, and my children run off to 11 am classes. There isn’t an extra trip back…we are there until about 12:30 each Sunday.
You seem more involved than most. I could only WISH my children would have a teacher like you. Handouts explaining what will happen at each class, notes on the Homily, ect. That’s not the feeling I’m getting from looking at the various grade levels.
(I attend a second mass while waiting for my children, sometimes roam around or sit in the library…I’ve asked to assist in the classes that have 20-30 children (not teach – I know I can’t do that), but told I can’t help in my parish until I’m in full communion)
Most parents don’t seem to even attend mass, but drop their children off at the door…then drive off until pick up time.
Like I said, I attend the two masses on Sunday & I had no idea we had so many children in our parish. LOL
A newsletter said there are 55 children enrolled in CCD from K-6. I don’t see most of these kids during mass.
Wow, that got long! LOL
It comes down to the fact that if the parents don’t care enough to attend mass, then I doubt they care enough to get their child to CCD. It’s definitely the examples the parents set.