This will be short as I’m actually putting the final touches on my class lesson tomorrow. The topic has been on covenants so I’ll be describing them to the kids tomorrow. I’ll be using the CCC definitions along with providing quick summarizations of each covenant. I may use some of Scott Hahn’s book as well, “A Father Who Keeps His Promises - God’s Covenant Love in Scipture”.How’s the year starting out for all of you sixth-grade teachers?
What do you all think if I also talked about the Ark of the Covenant? Any ideas on how I can bring that in as well? I was mainly thinking about contrasting the OT Ark along with the NT Ark (i.e. Mary) using typology. I actually have one of my students recognizing “types and shadows” in my discussions. He’s one of the students from last year whose mom made a special request to have him in my class.
BTW - I’ve actually moved up with my daughter and am now teaching 7th grade. I was quite surprised that there were some parents who didn’t want their kids with anyone else but me. Wow, God is doing something great! “Here I am Lord, send me.” All for Jesus!
God Bless…