OK, Guys. Reviving this thread for the end of the season.
How did it go for y’all?
What will you keep for next year and what will you do differently?
Here’s my take on the season:
How did it go for y’all?
What will you keep for next year and what will you do differently?
Here’s my take on the season:
- I will not allow ANY misbehavior. The first inappropriate action that is off the chart for this age group will be brought to the attention of the DRE. On the first night when I do my intro to the parents, I will ask them to work with me on this.
- I teach Scripture from Sadlier’s WE BELIEVE, and have asked the DRE to let me hand out Jeff Cavins’ Bible Timeline with the “memory band” color coded to the periods of salvation history.
- This year I tried to have each child do a little saint report. That did not go over well, and since it is not central to the theme of the curriculum, I’m dumping it.
- Sword drills will be keyed to the lesson of the day (except the ones with youth themes).
- Instead of just asking them to write out the memory verse, I will add a five-minute comprehension review to be sure they understand what the verse means. I have learned that 6th graders can “read” without having the least clue what their reading MEANS.