Florence pastor refuses to give communion to Presidential Hopeful Joe Biden

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FLORENCE, S.C. (WPDE) — The pastor and priest of St. Anthony Catholic Church in Florence refused to give communion this past Sunday to Former Vice President and Presidential Hopeful Joe Biden.
for Joe

HAIL MARY, full of grace, the Lord is
with thee. Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
Why would anyone who supports abortion even present himself for communion? Joe knows better.
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I have always wondered that since becoming a Catholic. How can someone openly support abortion and gay marriage present themselves for communion? I had my mind set on Joe Biden for the 2020 election, but I don’t know anymore. Any Catholics here considering voting for Biden?
This. Well stated.

Always good to see a member of the clergy with the huevos to stand up for Catholic values.
Bravo! The priest did exactly what he should have done.

By sheer coincidence, I went to that church one time while traveling, it was Sunday morning and we had to find a church to go to Mass on the road. Remember that this was the hippy-dippy 1970s, the height of liturgical experimentation, hi-jinks, and just all-around shenanigans.

The priest began the Mass… and then administered general absolution to the congregation.

There was no alert of incoming nuclear missiles as happened in Hawaii a few months ago. The church wasn’t engulfed in flames with the ceiling ready to collapse and no way out. Just a plain old Sunday in Florence, South Carolina. Nice little town. No need whatsoever to do something like that.

We got up and walked out. Drove 60 miles further on our trip and went to another Catholic church.

How times have changed. Never thought I’d see the day.

That priest is dead now. De mortuii nil nisi bonum. Requiescat in pace.
It’s about time the clergy finally did something about these politicians that are pro-abortion and Catholic.
It’s about time the clergy finally did something about these politicians that are pro-abortion and Catholic.
Not much else they can do.

It’s all about winning elections. You do whatever it takes, unfortunately.

This is an amazingly well-balanced, factual, and informative article from the Florence Morning News.

The writer even uses the term mortal sin.

Florence has a very low percentage of Catholics.
Well actually there is a lot they could do. They can choose not compromise their faith in order to gain worldly power.
My only issue is “how” was this done. Did the priest, seeing Mr. Biden, go up to him privately and tell him not to present himself for Communion before Mass? Or did this happen in the Communion line for all to see?
Lots of questions in my mind. While I agree that Mr. Biden probably should not be receiving, isn’t that really up to him, his confessor and his Pastor?
Has this priest ever done this to any other Democrat in his parish?
This incident seems more political than religious to me, and that is not a good thing.
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My only issue is “how” was this done. Did the priest, seeing Mr. Biden, go up to him privately and tell him not to present himself for Communion before Mass? Or did this happen in the Communion line for all to see?
Lots of questions in my mind. While I agree that Mr. Biden probably should not be receiving, isn’t that really up to him, his confessor and his Pastor?
Has this priest ever done this to any other Democrat in his parish?
This incident seems more political than religious to me, and that is not a good thing.
I don’t know exactly how it was handled, I wasn’t there. Either of the methods you cite would have been appropriate.

It is always up to the priest, if a notorious public sinner approaches him for communion. VP Biden’s legislative stances are well-known to the general public, whether they agree or disagree with him. The days of “oh, he’s Catholic, so he has to be pro-life, all Catholics are pro-life” are over. I don’t know what the priest has done as regards other notorious public sinners. South Carolina is a very, very conservative state. It is mostly Baptists and Lutherans — Catholics make up 5 percent of the population at most, and they tend to cluster in the Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville areas. The most well-known Catholic in South Carolina is probably Stephen Colbert.

I don’t think it’s political at all. VP Biden is a notorious public sinner in the objective sense. You don’t get much more high-profile than that. It would be the same as if a well-known organized crime figure or owner of a chain of legal brothels would go up to receive communion. (South Carolina does not have legal brothels. That would be Nevada.)
Because Biden is public about his support for abortion, because he is in the public eye and uses that platform to advocate his murderous position, it is the Church’s DUTY to respond in the public eye. This prevents the scandal of an abortion supporter politian being an acceptable Catholic.

If Biden was a private supporter or procurer of abortion done discretion could be used. But he is a public threat to millions of souls.
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My only issue is “how” was this done. Did the priest, seeing Mr. Biden, go up to him privately and tell him not to present himself for Communion before Mass? Or did this happen in the Communion line for all to see?
I go to daily mass out our Cathedral Basilica. There are many visitors and tourists who attend mass. Some present themselves for Communion where it is obvious they are not Catholic. The priests asks them if the are Catholic, if they say no, he blesses them. Sometimes a person will have to be chased down if they walk off without putting the host in their mouths. It just is what it is.
Ok. What about Catholics who publically support the death penalty? Or are publically against immigration? Or are living in a non-marital relationship?

I don’t disagree, per se, with what the priest did. I just think that if we are going to publically deny one sinner, we should be doing it to all.
That’s all well and good but the Church is at risk of losing its tax-exempt status (among other things) if it starts influencing elections. Just sayin.
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Abortion is an intrinsic evil. Biden is a public figure.

Now, if a public figure encourages murder, another intrinsic evil, they should also be denied.

Wanting to limit immigration isn’t an intrinsic evil.
No, but the Church has also spoken out against this.
And the death penalty.
And the use of contraception.

Supporting laws and helping someone procur an abortion are two totally different things.
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