For Catholic Evangelization team in Boise, Idaho - SPSE

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Unchurched children see Christians in action, thanks to your prayer support for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Plus, God fixed the weather for us two evangelists, and so some people were outside.

A boy and a girl stopped by our table. He was perhaps 12 years old, she 10. When we asked if their family was Christian, he said, “No.” She said, “Yes, we go to church sometimes.” They each accepted a Rosary and its booklet. The boy also accepted a copy of our Good News pamphlet and a pocket-sized copy of St. Luke’s Gospel. A few minutes later, we saw them across the square with the rest of their family. Please pray for them all?

A man who wanted a faith community stopped to talk with us. He didn’t attend any church regularly. He did gladly accept a copy of our map of local parishes and our invitation to start attending Catholic services.

Altogether, we gave away maybe 10 Rosaries, 1 Good News/kerygma pamphlet, and 1 copy of the Gospel according to St. Luke.

Please pray for us again today. As far as I know, only one evangelist is available. But it’s the US holiday called “Mother’s Day,” so I expect a lot of restaurant-going families are going to be out. Please ask God to send people to us with their eyes and hearts open to see their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please also ask God to grant us the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each person for Jesus Christ. Please pray that much fruit for His Kingdom comes of our efforts today?

Thank you so much! I depend on your prayers for safety and effectiveness. In turn, may God greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Someone else plants the first seeds, sometimes. So thank you again so much for your on-going prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization efforts.

“Hayden,” an unchurched nonbeliever, had many sincere questions. “Is there a hell?” “What is heaven like?” He gladly accepted a Rosary and its brochure, the Good News/kerygma pamphlet, the pamphlet on Last Things, and a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. He seemed eager to learn what the Church actually teaches. Please pray for him?

A mother with 3 teen-aged daughters passed by. One of the daughters accepted my offer of a free Rosary. Since she said they didn’t belong to any faith community, she also accepted a copy of our Good News pamphlet. At that point, the mother returned to our table. She seemed happy to accept our map of area parishes and my invitation to have her family start attending services at the Catholic Church.

Then another non-Catholic woman stopped by, accompanied by her non-Catholic Christian husband. She had responded to the display of Rosaries, but was especially happy to receive a copy of the brochure explaining how to pray it. She was a beauty shop operator, she told me. And she’d had one client who’d come in every week to have her long hair done. The client was there 2 hours every time, and talked non-stop about the Rosary, urging her hairdresser to pray it. However, my visitor told me sadly, her hands had always been full because she was working as fast as she could on the woman’s hair. And so she could never write her directions down. Her client, she said, lived to be 100 years old – and instilled in her hairdresser a hunger to know the Rosary. Now, that’s evangelization! Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of that evangelist, and that her hairdresser and her husband complete their journey all the way into the Catholic Church? Thank you so much!

Altogether, I gave away maybe 20 Rosaries, 1 Catechism, 1 Gospel of St. Luke, 2 Good News/kerygma pamphlets, 1 Last Things pamphlet, and at least 8 maps of area parishes. Our Blessed Lord also gave us another break in weather until “closing time,” when it suddenly clouded over again.

Please pray for us again today? I plan to head downtown again in just a couple of hours from now. Please pray that much fruit for God’s Kingdom comes of our efforts today? Please ask God to send people to us with their eyes and hearts prepared and open to perceive their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please ask Him to grant the evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these souls for Jesus Christ?

Thank you, again, so much! In turn, may God greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Bagpipes explain the Rosary? Yes, thanks to your continued prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. One evangelist was available last week.

Several groups of young people (late teens through mid-20s) stopped long enough for an extended explanation of the Rosary devotion. Fellow Christians seemed especially open to learning about it once they learned it is centered on events in the life of Christ, and that our brochure shows where in the Bible they can find each of the stories. A couple of times, I used the bagpipe analogy to explain the relationship between the repeated prayers and the meditation, liking the prayers to the drone and the meditation to the melody, and drawing their attention to how each enhances the other. I also always tried to be sure to include Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers’ notion about the repetition building “muscle memory” – my take is: the Mysteries are all life-and-death situations, that by practicing the prayers they will get them “into their bones” and so, if they ever find themselves in trouble, they won’t be caught not knowing how to pray. The explanation usually seems well received and their interest in actually learning to pray the Rosary is piqued. Please send up a prayer for each of the people who accepted a Rosary?

A couple of times, “formerly Catholic” families also stopped for a Rosary. When they expressed some interest in re-connecting with the Church of their (or their parents’) youth, I offered them a map of local parishes with Mass and Reconciliations times listed. Each time, the map was gratefully accepted.

Lots of people were coming and going from the arena, and many of them sported large tattoos of flying serpents. One of them, a woman, asked what times I set up my table there. Because she seemed so friendly and interested, I told her and then asked if she was a Christian. But she made it very clear that she was a former Catholic and now wanted nothing to do Jesus Christ or His Church. Please pray for her?

Altogether, I gave away perhaps 20 Rosaries, 6 Miraculous Medals, and 2 maps.

Please pray for us today? There’s a large convention scheduled for the area: most of the participants arrive wearing elaborate costumes, many of which sport horns and tails. In the past there’s also been evidence that some have begun seriously dabbling in the dark arts. But in the past, too, we have seen some dramatic interest in the heroism needed to be a live-out-loud follower of Christ.

So the session could be very fruitful. Please, please pray for us? Please pray that God grants us evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these souls for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom? Please also ask God to protect my team and their families?

Thank you so much! In turn, may God greatly bless you and yours!​

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you. … Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Luke 10:19, Matthew 28:19).
Peer pressure works both ways, thanks to your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Two evangelists were available.

The costumed convention was in full swing, but traffic patterns had changed through “our park”, so most of the costumed characters gave our table a wide berth. Still, we had many visitors. During the first hour, we kept giving away Rosaries almost faster than I could lay them out.

Peer pressure can work either way. One group of about 6 young people (early teens) passed by. When we offered a free Rosary, one girl spoke up and said no, so it looked like the whole group would pass. But then another girl near the back slowed down and said, “Yes, I would like one.” Then about half of that group ended up accepting Rosaries, as well as the group immediately following them. I wonder if they were also the source of other groups of kids that age who. later on, came straight to us to ask us for a Rosary.

One woman, not with the convention, expressed a wish to get reconnected with the Catholic Church. She accepted a map of area parishes and a Miraculous Medal, besides the Rosary and its brochure. Please pray for her.

One bicyclist was zipping by as I called out my offer of a free Rosary. She slammed on her brakes and circled back to receive one. Love that!

One young man (mid- to late teens) was perhaps trying to shock us with his claims of loyalty to the enermy of mankind. But he had that air of confusion about him that seems to settle on those who’ve headed in that direction. He accepted no item from us. Please, please pray for his soul?

During the session, we heard that several grandmas and at least one mama would be very happy to see their family member come home with a Rosary. Would you please pray that each of these people actually sits down and learns to pray it?

Although we didn’t really have any extended conversations, we ended up giving away perhaps 35-40 Rosaries, 2 Miraculous Medals, 1 map, and 1 copy of St. Luke’s Gospel. So, please pray that God brings good fruit for His Kingdom out of our efforts?

And please pray for us again today? As far as I know, only one evangelist is available. I plan to head downtown in just a bit more than an hour from now. Please pray that God sends people to us with their eyes and hearts open to perceive their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded? Please pray that God grants us the words, the wisdom, and the manner to reach each of these irreplaceable souls for Jesus Christ. And please pray that much fruit for His Kingdom is borne of our efforts today.

Thank you so much! I rely on your prayer support. In turn, may God greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Glad to hear this is still going on!

Sincerest Prayers:
Our Father who art in heaven…
Hail Mary, full of grace… Hail Mary, full of grace… Hail Mary, full of grace…
Glory Be to the Father…
God is reuniting Christianity! And you and I are part of that wonderful work, thanks to the prayers and encouragement of Crusaderbear, Maria, and of all of you who pray for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization efforts. Thank you so much! I rely on your prayer support!

A police officer met me shortly after I set up. He said it was okay for me to be there (thanks be to God!), but wanted to warn me about a disruptive, inebriated suspect he was trying to apprehend. But, again, Our Lord heard your prayers for our protection and I never saw the man he described.

An epidemiology convention was going on in the new convention facility and several of the Catholic participants (from around the country) gladly accepted a Rosary and my urging them to begin to pray it regularly.

A little girl was shyly exploring the fountain area while her mother watched from one of the new picnic tables. I asked the mom if her daughter could have a Rosary. She said yes, but the little girl got shy and hid at her mother’s feet under the table. I let her mother choose a Rosary, but the look on her face when she recognized that it was Christian told me that perhaps she was uncomfortable with letting her daughter have it, after all. Please pray for them?

A nicely dressed man and his wife passed by. When I offered them a free Rosary, he smiled, motioned with his hand, and said something. I didn’t hear it, but got the impression that he planned to return. A little while later, he did come back and asked me to explain the Rosary to him. He said he was not Catholic, but I got the impression that he was a committed Christian. After explaining the Rosary, I then also offered him a copy of our Good News pamphlet that presents the *kerygma *from a Catholic perspective. When I said that one difference he might notice is that we see the making of a conscious decision to allow Jesus to be the Lord of our entire life is only the beginning of the journey. That brought a response from him. He named his non-Catholic Christian denomination and said that that’s what they taught, too! So I asked him if they then considered “once saved, always saved” to be a distortion, and he said yes. Since the denomination he named has been known to be especially energetic in promoting that particular misconception, I saw his response as fresh evidence that God is indeed moving to reunite Christianity – and perhaps within our lifetime. I had the strong impression that the man is in a leadership position with his congregation. Please pray for all of them?

Altogether, I was able to set 10-12 people up with a Rosary and its brochure. I also gave away one Good News/kerygma pamphlet. The weather had been unseasonably hot for the few days before our last session, and several of our visitors were tourists looking for the fountain (which wasn’t running). However, instead of broiling on the brick plaza where we set up, God granted us a high cloud cover (which, “God-incidently”, ended at the same time our session did). Praise be to God, Who promised, “The sun will not smite you by day” (Ps 121:6)!

Please pray for us again today? We plan to head downtown again in just a couple of hours. Please pray that God sends people to us with their eyes and hearts prepared and open to see their need for Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded. Please also pray that He grants us evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these beloved souls for Christ. Please pray that much fruit for His Kingdom comes of our efforts today? (Please also pray that He mercifully grants us another break in the weather, so the people come outside where they can encounter us?)

Thank you so much! In turn, may God bless and protect you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Not a numbers game, every soul reached makes Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort worthwhile. So, thank you again for your ongoing prayer support! Without His answers to your prayers, we’d accomplish nothing for His Kingdom.

Last week, rain arrived about 15 minutes after we set up and drove us under shelter. Foot traffic, of course, disappeared immediately. Still, the two of us evangelists gave away 5-8 Rosaries and/or its booklet, and 2 Miraculous Medals.

One Catholic man stopped by, after seeing our sign. When offered to choose from our FAQ brochures, he wasn’t interested. He told us he had taught RCIA for many years and so felt he had a good handle on those answers. He did, however, accept a copy of our Rosary brochure because it shows where each Mystery can be found in the Bible. “Even the ‘new’ ones?” Yes.

One non-Christian couple paused to visit with us. They each accepted a Rosary and its brochure, as well as a map to area parishes and our invitation to start attending Catholic services.

Before the rain hit, several children who had been playing the new fountain (on its first Sunday in operation), came shivering to our table to choose their Rosary. The temperature was only in the 70s F., so please pray that God turns their gift for enduring hardship to His glory and the sharing of the Gospel!

Please pray for us again today? I plan to head downtown in just a few hours from now. Please ask God to send people to us with their eyes and hearts open to perceive their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please ask Him to grant us evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these well-beloved souls for Him. Please pray that much fruit for His Kingdom comes from our efforts today.

Thank you so much! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
A family destination now, thanks to God’s answers to your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. (And a special thank you to Maria and Susie for your personal words of encouragement for this apostolate and for your assurances of continued prayer support! A special thank you also to Val and the Rosary Makers, to Mark, and to all of you who materially help this apostolate.) I can’t do this without your ongoing prayers and support!

The new fountain in the center of the park where I set up was going. I was so thrilled to see it surrounded by families watching their young children play in the water. I’m reminded again of what the park was like when I first joined this apostolate, almost 5 years ago. The area then was *not *someplace you’d bring your family: the only people around were would-be gang members on their skateboards, the only “conversation” was the curses and obscenities they hurled at each other. But all that changed within the first few weeks. Peace came to the area. The conversations between the young people turned friendly and normal. Businesses around the square started to thrive. And now it truly is a place that families seek out. God is good – and very real!

Although most people seemed distracted by the novelty of the new fountain, I did have some visitors. One group of three, probably housing-challenged, people accepted Rosaries. The last man of the group carefully selected a purple-and-pink one for himself. Then he also accepted a full-size copy of the Catholic Bible. I showed him the bookmark I’d placed to encourage him to begin with the Gospel of Mark. The “bookmark”, of course, was a copy of our Good News/kerygma pamphlet.

Three (very wet) children, ages perhaps 9 years old down to 3, came and accepted Rosaries from me. The eldest of the trio told me their family was Christian.

Two pre-teen boys stopped their bicycles long enough to visit briefly with me. One accepted a Rosary and its brochure. When he said his family was not Christian, I also game him a copy of the *kerygma *pamphlet. Please pray for them?

One mom brought her young son (perhaps 6 years old) for a Rosary because he “had lost his”. As he was choosing his favorite color, I gave the mom a copy of our brochure for it, that has a color picture for each Mystery.

A repeat visitor last week was another housing-challenged man. He said he’d gotten a Rosary from me before and named the local parish where he attends “sometimes”. This time, he accepted from me a pocket-sized copy of the Gospel According to St. Luke. Please pray for him? He seems to have many challenges, not least of which is not belonging to the Catholic Church.

Altogether, I gave away 8-12 Rosaries and its booklet, 1 pocket-sized Gospel, 1 full-sized Catholic Bible, 2 copies of the Good News/kerygma pamphlet, and perhaps 2 maps of area parishes.

Please pray for us again today? I plan to slightly relocate the table away from the fountain, but still within the foot traffic corridor through the center of the park if possible. Please pray that God sends people to us with their eyes and hearts open to perceive their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please ask God to grant us evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of the oh-so-valuable souls for Jesus Christ.

Thank you again so much! May God, in turn, bless and protect each one of you and your loved ones!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Responses to God’s call, thanks to your ongoing prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Two evangelists were available last week.

An elderly couple seemed to be searching for their customized brick. When I asked the man about it, he told me that it was for their 17-year-old son, who had died suddenly due to an undiscovered heart defect. Both the man and the woman, purportedly active Catholics, accepted Rosaries for themselves. Then the man asked for a copy of the Catechism, which I gladly let him have, as well as a copy of our map of area parishes, with Sunday Mass times listed. Please send up a prayer for them?

One woman stopped at my offer of a Rosary because she thought they were pretty. When offered to choose one for herself, she demurred because, she said, she wasn’t at all religious. So I offered her a Good News/kerygma pamphlet, which she gladly accepted. After that, she did accept a Rosary.

One man was complimentary about our apostolate, but didn’t want a Rosary. What he claimed to believe was a syncretic mix of his Catholic roots along with non-Christian meditation-style religions. He did accept a copy of our booklet that explains the Rosary. My fellow evangelist drew him out a little on what drew him away from Catholicism: evidently, exposure to Eastern practitioners during his stint in the military. Please pray for him? He admitted to a problem with “anger management” that his current meditation practices haven’t completely solved.

A circus was going on in the arena, so uniformed policemen were standing quiet watch outside its entrance. Our new location seemed to work well, though we ended up standing in full sun. (Therefore, I leaned on Psalm 121:6: “The sun will not smite you by day.”) Altogether, the two of us gave away 15-20 Rosaries and/or its booklet, 2 Good News/kerygma pamphlets, 1 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1 Praying to the Saints pamphlet, 1 Confession pamphlet, and 1-2 maps of area parishes.

Please pray for us again today? I plan to head downtown a few hours from now. Please ask God to send people to us with their eyes and hearts open to perceive their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please ask God to grant us the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these souls for Jesus Christ. Please pray that much fruit for His Kingdom comes of the effort today.

Thank you so much! In turn, may God protect and bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Adoration and other sacrifices help us, too! So thank you to Crusaderbear, Br. Paul Maria, Barb, and to all of you who remember Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort and lift us up to God. We depend on God’s answers to your prayers. Thank you so much!

Last week, a young-adult Catholic couple passed by the table. They told me, “We have LOTS of Rosaries!” I asked if they were Catholic and they said, “Yes!” So, as always, I asked them to pray it once for us “out here.” “Of course,” the woman said, “and I’ll do Adoration, too!” Thank you, thank you, thank you! God knows who you are.

A couple of pre-teen boys had been playing in the fountain in the center of the park. Very wet, they took a short break to come over to the table for their free Rosary. One of them was not a Christian, but didn’t have a pocket for any materials. Please pray that he heard, though, and took to heart, the reality and importance of Jesus Christ.

In answer to my offer of a free Rosary, a man on a bike braked hard and circled back around. It took him a couple times around the table to come to a stop. It turns out that he’s a Catholic from Pennsylvania, but who doesn’t seem solidly connected with the Church here. He declined a copy of our map, however, naming a couple of parishes that he sometimes attends. Before he left, he noticed our Miraculous Medals and asked for one. He said he knew the story. Please pray for him for the grace to fully embrace his Faith?

While that man was talking with me, another man on a bicycle came to the table. I think he might have been loosely connected with the first one. This man said he wanted to learn about the Catholic Faith, but declined my offer of a *Catechism *because he was “already reading a book.” Besides, he said, he was living on the street and didn’t have much storage space. So I offered him a pocket-sized copy of the Gospel of St. Luke, which he did accept. Please pray for him?

Altogether, I gave away 15-18 Rosaries (including 11 black ones!), booklets explaining the devotion, 1-2 Miraculous Medals, and 1 copy of the Gospel according to St. Luke.

Please pray for us again today? Boise is experiencing a heat wave, and that tends to keep people indoors. But please pray that God sends people to us with their eyes and hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please pray that God grants us evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these souls for Jesus Christ. Please pray that much fruit for His Kingdom comes of our efforts today. (Would you also please send up an extra prayer for one of your fellow prayer warriors, Br. Paul Maria, that God continues to bless his journey through seminary to the priesthood?)

Thank you so much! In turn, may God bless and protect you and and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
What? The Church has enemies? Yes, but thanks to your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort, her presence continues to be visible. And a special thank-you to Libby, Barb, Janey, Mary, and Crusaderbear for your continued prayers and messages of encouragement. They do help! Two evangelists were available last week. Here are some highlights from that session.

Two members of a group of Catholics visited us. They were in town for a family wedding, but live in a part of the country where Catholics are in the majority A man stopped first. He didn’t accept a Rosary, but asked for a copy of our “Returning Catholics” packet (which contains copies of our Reasons to Return pamphlet, a pamphlet on the Holy Eucharist and the infinite value of the Mass, and a copy of Fr. Miller’s Confession pamphlet). Since the group wasn’t leaving until the next day, I gave him a copy of our map of area parishes with Mass times, and encouraged him to attend Mass tonight. When it came up in the conversation, he expressed surprise that bald-faced lies about the Catholic Church have been circulating in certain populations for centuries. A little while later, his cousin’s wife came by for another copy of the Returning Catholics packet. She has taught Religious Ed for a long time, and Confirmation classes at her parish for four years. Please pray for these two and their families, especially for those they’d like to see return to the Faith?

A little girl (4 years old), very wet from playing in the fountain, wanted a Rosary. I told her she could have one if it was okay with her folks. She returned to her picnic table behind us a few minutes later. But she was crying, so I guessed the answer had been no. A few minutes later, her mother arrived with her little brother, I asked the mom if she’d like a free Rosary. When she heard the key word “free”, she gladly came over with her children. She and her daughter each picked a Rosary. Then another woman of the same group came by. She said she believed in all religions. Along with the Rosary, she accepted a copy of our Good News/kerygma pamphlet and a map to area parishes.

One group of two, apparently housing-challenged women stopped by. They each accepted a Rosary and its brochure. Then, when they expressed interest in the Catholic Faith, I gave one of them a copy of the Catechism, explaining how the Catholic worldview values and respects all people. The woman then asked for a copy of our pocket-sized copy of the Gospel according to St. Luke. Please pray for them?

Temperatures remained exceedingly hot for Boise, so there was relatively little foot traffic. Still, we gave away10-12 Rosaries, 1 Miraculous Medal, 1 Gospel of St. Luke, 1 Catechism of the Catholic Church, at least one Good News/kerygma pamphlet, 2 Returning Catholic packets, and 2 maps to area parishes. Each item accepted represents a seed planted for God’s Kingdom. Please pray that each of them grows and bears fruit?

And please pray for us again today? We plan to head downtown in just a few hours from now. Please pray that God sends people to us with their eyes and hearts prepared and open to receive the Good News about Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please ask God to grant us evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these souls for Jesus Christ, Who loves each of them so much!

Thank you so much! In turn, I ask God to bless and protect you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Homeless for a reason, but that doesn’t stop God’s love from getting through, thanks to your continued prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. One evangelist was available last week.

The session brought lots of housing-challenged men to my table. The first one was one of those rare, argumentative types that we sometimes encounter. However, the man’s “reasoning” was inconsistent and contradictory. Other than an overall bitterness toward God and toward Christianity, I wasn’t able to pick up what, if any, real objections he had. Toward the end of our visit, he asked what I could possibly know for sure. “I know that God loves you!” I replied. “Oh, I know that,” he said, and then he repeated it several times, giving lie to his earlier professed disbelief in God. So, perhaps the attempt at conversation was helpful after all. Please pray for him?

Later on, a group of four, seemingly employment-challenged men stopped at the table. They claimed to belong to local non-Catholic Christian megachurch. When I explained that Catholics were Christians, too, one of them spoke up with a fairly accurate understanding of how the Catholic Church preserved Christianity from the time of the Apostles. One of the men grabbed a good third of my Divine Mercy prayer cards bookmarks. Please pray for them? There was something distressing about that whole group.

The man I’ve dubbed 'the Rosary Merchant" stopped by for the first time in about a year. When he asked for yet another Rosary, I had to decline because my Rosary makers have asked me to limit my giving to one Rosary per person, if I know they’ve already received a free one. Please pray for the man, though? I still don’t think he understands that God is real and that prayer can lead one into actual relationship with Him.

A 20-something couple expressed interest in the Rosaries. When asked if they were Christian, the man answered that he was searching for a religion. He didn’t have a Bible, so I gave him my last nice-looking one, with a Good News/kerygma pamphlet acting as bookmark at the beginning of the Gospel of Mark. The woman seemed interested, too. Both were friendly. Please pray that their search leads them all the way home to the Catholic Church.

Several active Catholics, groups and singly, stopped by during the session and encouraged me. One of them said his childhood school was St. Vincent Ferrer – my patron saint for evengelization! He said he’d recently gone back to pay a visit, but the school had been torn down due to lack of enrollment.

Altogether, I gave away 15-20 Rosaries, 1 Miraculous Medal, 1 Catholic Bible (with Good News/kerygma pamphlet), 2 Gospels according to St. Luke, 1/3 of my stack of Divine Mercy cards, and 1-2 maps of area parishes with Mass and Reconciliation times listed.

Please pray for us again today? I plan to head downtown in just a few minutes. Please ask God to send people to our table with their minds, eyes, and hearts open to perceive their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please ask Him also to grant the evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these souls for Jesus Christ.

Thank you so much! In turn, may God bless and protect you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
My Lord Jesus, lead all souls to heaven
especially those most in need of thy mercy.

Our Father…Hail Mary x10
Glory Be…Fatima Prayer…Amen!
God calls the lost and some do hear, thanks to your continued prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort. Specials thanks again to Crusaderbear and whoever that was at my parish who put a request for prayer “for those involved in evangelization and outreach” in this week’s Prayer of the Faithful! God sees and hears all of you! Whether I know specific details or not, His answers to your prayers are making a HUGEly positive difference for this apostolate. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Last week, the record-breaking string of hot days continued. But this time, the fountain in the park was not running. And so people were not in the best of moods, especially those families whose little children were dressed in swim clothes. Still, I had some positive interactions, thanks to your prayers.

A Catholic family stopped at my table, the two boys in the lower grades of a local Catholic grade school. The boys each accepted a Rosary for himself as well as a Miraculous Medal. I strongly encourage parents to begin the habit of praying the Rosary together regularly as a family. Please pray that they do? It really makes a difference.

At least two other active Catholic families and a Catholic college student passed by, each giving words of encouragement for the evangelization effort and a promise of prayers for us. Thank you!

Then a woman on a bicycle stopped at my offer of a free Rosary. She was young, stylishly dressed, sported bleak tattoos on her arms, and was clutching what looked like a dis-edifying photo in the hand farthest from me. Still, she wanted a Rosary and actually seemed interested in its explanation. The woman with her didn’t come to the table. Please pray for them? God rescues even the most hardened sinners. Holy Mary, Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us!

Another woman stopped by later on in the session. Her t-shirt sported non-Christian symbols. She accepted a Rosary and its brochure. Then she asked if she could have some more of the Rosary brochures because, she said, she ran an ethnic food shop down the street and liked to display materials for different groups. I gave her some, as well as some Good News/kerygma pamphlets. Please pray that good comes of that? And that God rewards this woman by drawing her all the way into His Catholic Church?

Altogether, I gave away 7-10 Rosaries, 2-4 Miraculous Medals, about 10 extra Rosary brochures & Good News/kerygma pamphlets.

Please pray for us again today? I plan to head downtown again in just a couple of hours. Please ask God to send people to us with their eyes and hearts open to perceive their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please ask God to grant the evangelist the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these souls for Jesus Christ. Please beg God for us that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes of our efforts today.

Again, I can’t express how much I appreciate your prayers and sacrifices for this apostolate! In turn, may God greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
All worth it, in the end – thanks to your continued prayer support for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort.

Last week, temperatures continued to be uncomfortably hot. The fountain in the park was running again, but only sporadic foot traffic passed my table. Lots of people told me, “no, thank you”, and lots of time seemed to pass between groups. But all that got made up for in the end of the session, when I gave Rosaries to probably 10 people in just the last few minutes. So, thank you again for your prayers! Here are some other random highlights from the session.

Three young women (early 20s?), two of them evidently developmentally disabled, stopped when one of the latter said, “Yes, I would like a Rosary.” Both of those women accepted one, the third one accepted a copy of the brochure about the devotion. Please pray for them?

Two women were my last visitors. One of them wanted a Rosary. She wasn’t Christian, but pointed to her companion, saying, “She’s Catholic.” So I explained the Rosary briefly to the first woman, saying that it was a good way to get to know Jesus. Her friend encouraged her to learn it and offered to sit down with her and help. She said she had a nice booklet at home, too, on it as well as her RCIA Rosary. Please pray for both of them?

A non-Catholic couple stopped by. She made it clear that she was not Catholic, but Christian. And then she excitedly talked about Easter services she has attended in Catholic churches in Slovenia and Venice and how spectacular the services were. “Giving God the honor He deserves,” I suggested. “Yes!” she said. She declined, however, to receive a copy of our map of area parishes. “We’ve lived here for years and already know where they all are.” Worth a try, I guess. Please pray for her? She claimed to actually sense something special inside Catholic churches.

An older man was escorting a young (maybe 8-10 year-old) girl, who had had a good time playing in the fountain. When they finally passed by close enough for me to ask if they wanted a free Rosary, his reply seemed negative. Then he said, “I believe that all religions are good.” So I jumped at the opportunity and asked, “Then it’d be alright if she (the girl) has a Rosary?” He said yes, and the girl chose a Rosary for herself and was also allowed to take the brochure. Please pray for them?

Altogether, I set up about 20 people with a Rosary and/or the booklet describing it.

Please pray for us again today? I plan to head downtown within the hour. Please ask God to send people to us with their eyes and hearts open to perceive their need for Our Blessed Lord and the Church that He founded. Please ask Him to grant us evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the manner needed to reach each of these souls for Him. Please ask that much fruit for His Kingdom comes from our efforts today?

As always, thank you so much! In turn, may God protect and greatly bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Even a walk away has at least been exposed to the Lord!
Your work is important!

Lord Jesus, lead all souls to heaven
especially those most in need of thy mercy.

Our Father…Hail Mary x10
Glory Be…Fatima Prayer…Amen!
Amazing response last week! So a big thank you to all of you who pray for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization effort! Also, a personal thank you to Crusaderbear and Barb for your encouragement again this week. To ALL of you who pray for us: please know that there is evidence that God hears you, and, with His help, much lasting fruit for His Kingdom will come of this work! Thank you again!

In the first 10-20 minutes of the session, I gave away both copies of the *Catechism *that I had with me, as well as a copy of the Gospel according to St. Luke. Because material resources for this apostolate are so limited, those items go only to people who express a sincere desire to read them. I usually encounter that level of interest only once or twice a month, so connecting with three serious seekers within a few minutes was amazing! (Then things slowed down again until about the last 10 minutes, therefore our “numbers” for the session remained about typical.)

One man stopped who was new to Idaho. He said he already had a Rosary, but accepted a copy of our brochure on it after I showed him how to use it to introduce non-Catholic Christians to the devotion. Then he asked for a copy of the Catechism, expressing surprise that he could have it for free. He and the man with him (a colleague, perhaps?) stopped a second time later on.

A man who seemed to be struggling with his finances stopped by. He accepted a Rosary and its brochure. He, too, accepted a copy of the Catechism, after I assured him it wasn’t my last one. He said he had attended the parish near here a couple of times, that the priest there had let him spend time in the Eucharistic Adoration chapel, and that the priest had also helped him to get his personal life in order enough that he now holds a steady job. Please pray for him?

At least two people passing by on bicycles stopped, turned around, and came back to my table. (I love that!) One of them, a woman, parked her bike and then walked back. A nonbeliever, she accepted a Rosary and its brochure but, significantly, not the Good News/kerygma pamphlet. Please pray for her?

A non-Catholic Christian man accepted a copy of the Rosary brochure. He seemed leery of the Rosaries, but I explained to him that it was a meditation on the life of Christ. He said the Bible taught us what was important. I agreed and pointed out that each of the stories I was urging him to meditate on is in the Bible and that the pamphlet shows where to find each one. He said a relationship with Jesus Christ was what was important. I agreed and told him that that was why I encouraged people to spend at least 20 minutes a day in deep prayer, getting to know Him, and drawing closer to Him. I think the man might have been a little reassured about us Catholics. O Lord, please reunify Your Church, soon!

A man, “Eric”, stopped. He had been raised Catholic, he said, but now didn’t believe that Jesus Christ is real or alive today. He only believes, he said, that one should “be a good person”. When pressed to define what that meant, he could only say that one was to avoid murder. To that, I suggested he add avoiding fraud and the bearing of false witness in court. He accepted a Rosary, but not its brochure. Please send up a prayer this week that the deathly hold of relativism in our culture is broken – and soon!

As I was packing things up at the end of the session, two young women stopped what they were doing to come over to the table . They each accepted a Rosary, and also a map of area parishes. Please pray for them?

Altogether I gave about 20 people a Rosary and/or its brochure. I also gave away 2-3 maps of area parishes with Mass and Reconciliation times listed, 1-2 copies of the Gospel according to St. Luke, 2 copies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and 1-2 Good News/kerygma pamphlets

Please pray for us again today? I plan to head downtown in just over an hour from now. Please ask God to send people to us with their eyes and hearts open to perceive their need for Our Savior and the Church that He founded. Please ask God to grant us evangelists the words, the wisdom, and the charity needed to reach each of these beloved souls for Jesus Christ. Please ask Him to grant that much fruit for His Kingdom comes of today’s effort.

I depend on your prayer support, so thank you! In turn, may God protect and bless you and yours!​

“Go with the strength you have” (Judg 6:14).
Lord Jesus, lead all souls to heaven
especially those most in need of thy mercy.

Our Father…Hail Mary x10
Glory Be…Fatima Prayer…Amen!
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