For Catholic Evangelization team in Boise, Idaho - SPSE

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Thank you again, everyone, for your prayers. We can’t do this ministry without you. The Boise Catholic street evangelization team is heading out again in a couple of hours. Please ask God again to prepare the hearts of those who will encounter us so they can accept the Faith and see the Catholic Church for the beautiful one she is, to grant us the wisdom, the words, and the manner to effectively share the Faith, and to bless our efforts so they bear much fruit for His Kingdom.

Please also pray especially for the people we encounter who are really struggling with faith, including: Lydia, Adam/Able, John, Ian, Joshua, Joel, Mike, and a young woman who headed off this fall to a college with a “party” reputation.

Thank you again. And may God bless you and yours!

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Thank you again, everyone, for your prayers. We can’t do this ministry without you. The Boise Catholic street evangelization team is heading out again in a couple of hours. Please ask God again to prepare the hearts of those who will encounter us so they can accept the Faith and see the Catholic Church for the beautiful one she is, to grant us the wisdom, the words, and the manner to effectively share the Faith, and to bless our efforts so they bear much fruit for His Kingdom.

Please also pray especially for the people we encounter who are really struggling with faith, including: Lydia, Adam/Able, John, Ian, Joshua, Joel, Mike, and a young woman who headed off this fall to a college with a “party” reputation.

Thank you again. And may God bless you and yours!

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Keep up the good work. Our parish since Tuesday has a Eucharistic adoration chapel open from 7am til 6:30 p. my prayers will include you guys so that groups like yours are able to touch the lives of those in your respective communities.

God almighty hear this prayer of your humble servant, that these catholic missionaries are able to touch the hearts and lives wherever they may go. When you prayed to your Heavenly Father, you said may they be 1, just as you and I are 1. May we in the entire world be 1 just like you want it to be my dear lord. Amen
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

Thank you, Chero23, for your encouraging posts and for your prayers on behalf of the Catholic street evangelization ministry and for those people who NEED to find Jesus Christ and His Church. And thank you, especially, for your commitment to pray for our needs in front of The Blessed Sacrament, Himself!!!

And a big thank you to all of you who have been praying for us. We can’t do this ministry at all without you. Please pray again today as we head out again in a couple of hours. Please ask God to prepare the hearts of those who encounter us to recognize the need for Jesus’ offer of salvation in their lives, to recognize the truth and beauty of the Church He established, and to have their encounter with us mark the definitive beginning of a serious walk with God that will continue for the rest of their earthly life. Please pray also that God will grant us the wisdom, the words, and the manner that will help them turn toward God TODAY. Please pray that God will grant that our time today will bear much fruit for His Kingdom!

May God bless you and yours. We can’t do this alone.

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Keep up the good work. I know that it’s a hard process to change a person’s point of view when it comes to faith. I hope and pray that whenever you guys go knocking and evangelize that it is the Holy Spirit whom speaks
I hope and pray that whenever you guys go knocking and evangelize that it is the Holy Spirit whom speaks
Amen, Chero23! WE can’t save a single precious soul, but God CAN!

Please pray again for the Boise Catholic street evangelization team, heading downtown again today in a couple of hours. Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will draw people to us with hearts prepared to give Jesus Christ and His Church the serious consideration they need to, and that He will give each of us the manner and the words that will lead them to take the next step in a lifelong wholehearted commitment to following Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. LORD, please use us to throw a lifeline to these souls, especially those who are heading for destruction and don’t even know it. And please, God, don’t let anyone tear them away from You again.

Thank you, everybody, for your continued prayers. Your prayer is our Power supply and we are ineffective without it. May God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here:

Please pray again for the Boise Catholic street evangelization team, heading out to downtown Boise in about an hour. We know we can’t do anything on our own, that it is the Holy Spirit Who moves hearts and leads to conversion. Please pray that our actions, words, and manner will all be in keeping with His will. And that many souls will be moved toward repentance and conversion today through our efforts. Thanks, and may God bless you and yours.​

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Please pray again for the Boise Catholic street evangelization team, heading out to downtown Boise in about an hour. We know we can’t do anything on our own, that it is the Holy Spirit Who moves hearts and leads to conversion. Please pray that our actions, words, and manner will all be in keeping with His will. And that many souls will be moved toward repentance and conversion today through our efforts. Thanks, and may God bless you and yours.​

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I always like to see how you guys are doing. God willing things go well, and that ppl are open and listen to what you have to tell them.
Thank you, everyone, for all of your support–prayers and kind words! Please pray for us again today, as we head to downtown Boise in about an hour. (But God is outside of time, so if you see this later, please send up the prayer at that time and ask God to back-date it?) May God send people to us with hearts prepared to hear and eyes to see the Faith we offer. May God bless us and grant us the words and wisdom and manner we need to reach them. May much fruit for His kingdom come from our efforts today. May God’s gracious will be done in everything.

Thank you and may God bless you and yours.

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Thank you for your prayers, especially the one that people come to us with their hearts prepared by the Holy Spirit to take a serious look at the Catholic Church. Today, TWO different people came up and said they had been wanting to know more about the Catholic Faith since they had a relative or close friend who had become Catholic and was very happy about it. God is good! Thanks again for your prayer support.

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Please keep the Boise Catholic street evangelization team in your prayers again as we head downtown a few hours from now. This week we’ll have a brave new evangelist and her daughter joining us for the first time. Please pray for especially for them that 1) they actually make it and 2) that they are confirmed in their decision to do so. Please also pray that God brings people to us with hearts prepared to take a serious look at the Catholic Faith, and that He may grant us the right words and manner to reach each of them. May God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here:
Praying about the new evangelist and his daugther and also that the Lord may guide you and bless your work.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen
Praying about the new evangelist and his daugther and also that the Lord may guide you and bless your work.
Thank you, JMJ_Telcontar and each one of you. Your prayers for the Boise Catholic street evangelization team are having a huge positive impact on this mission. Both our new evangelist and her daughter were very excited about their experience last week. The daughter said she would bring some other members of her youth group with her today. So PLEASE pray again for us as we head downtown in a couple of hours: that God will give all team members the courage and ability to get there, that God will prepare the hearts of those people we encounter to take Jesus’ call to repentance and His Church seriously, that God will give us the wisdom, the manner, and the words to reach each of these precious souls effectively. May God continue to bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here:
A quick thank-you for your prayers for today. God heard you. First, a rain squall blew through downtown Boise less than an hour before our planned arrival time. When the gal who sets up got there, the tables were still wet. She tried to wipe one down, but it mostly just moved the icy water around. She decided to trust God to dry the table for us (reasoning that He Who dried a path for His people through the Red Sea hasn’t changed a bit since then, and we’re there to do His work). She started to lay out Rosaries and, by the time she got them set up, the entire top of the table was completely dry (although the benches still had standing water on them). She figured that meant we were supposed to be there today.

Soon two of our best evangelists arrived (thank you for your prayers, they aren’t able to join us very often). One of them is a newly ordained deacon. So then we did our thing – handing out free Rosaries and Bibles, and encouraging people to learn about the Church (or to return to Mass). Heartwarming and fulfilling, but not unusual. Some of us, though, were waiting for the unusual, considering the sign God had worked on our table.

At last, a man walked purposely toward us (with a look on his face as if he expected to find us there). He told us part of his story. His mother, a life-long devout Catholic, had died last spring. During her last days, the man (his name is Mike, please pray for him?) promised her that he would become Catholic. Since then, he has received several very consoling confirmations from God and told us about a couple of them. We gave him a map to show him where his parish is (he’s new to Boise) and encouraged him to start attending Mass.

After he left, our best evangelist – blinking back tears – told us she had just been tremendously blessed by that encounter. She had had a very difficult time deciding to come downtown today – a headache, the suddenly cold weather, a forgotten cell phone–but now she was so glad she came. She said that, earlier today, she pointed out a woman sitting with her grandchildren at Mass and told her (non-practicing) daughter, “That’s what makes me so sad, that I’ll never have Catholic grandchildren.” The daughter had replied, “Don’t be so sure.” But her mother didn’t have much hope. Then Mike came and told his story and she felt suddenly blessed with the courage to persevere – even to her deathbed, if necessary. She remarked to us as she was leaving, “We come out here to bless others, but sometimes it’s us that God wants to bless.”

Thank you again for all of your prayers for this ministry. God is good!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here:
I ask your prayers again for the Boise Catholic street evangelization team that is heading downtown in a few hours. Some members from the newly established team at the local university are planning to join us. I’m not sure what their usual time for going out is, but please keep them in your prayers, too? May God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here:
A quick thank-you for your prayers for today. God heard you. First, a rain squall blew through downtown Boise less than an hour before our planned arrival time. When the gal who sets up got there, the tables were still wet. She tried to wipe one down, but it mostly just moved the icy water around. She decided to trust God to dry the table for us (reasoning that He Who dried a path for His people through the Red Sea hasn’t changed a bit since then, and we’re there to do His work). She started to lay out Rosaries and, by the time she got them set up, the entire top of the table was completely dry (although the benches still had standing water on them). She figured that meant we were supposed to be there today.

Soon two of our best evangelists arrived (thank you for your prayers, they aren’t able to join us very often). One of them is a newly ordained deacon. So then we did our thing – handing out free Rosaries and Bibles, and encouraging people to learn about the Church (or to return to Mass). Heartwarming and fulfilling, but not unusual. Some of us, though, were waiting for the unusual, considering the sign God had worked on our table.

At last, a man walked purposely toward us (with a look on his face as if he expected to find us there). He told us part of his story. His mother, a life-long devout Catholic, had died last spring. During her last days, the man (his name is Mike, please pray for him?) promised her that he would become Catholic. Since then, he has received several very consoling confirmations from God and told us about a couple of them. We gave him a map to show him where his parish is (he’s new to Boise) and encouraged him to start attending Mass.

After he left, our best evangelist – blinking back tears – told us she had just been tremendously blessed by that encounter. She had had a very difficult time deciding to come downtown today – a headache, the suddenly cold weather, a forgotten cell phone–but now she was so glad she came. She said that, earlier today, she pointed out a woman sitting with her grandchildren at Mass and told her (non-practicing) daughter, “That’s what makes me so sad, that I’ll never have Catholic grandchildren.” The daughter had replied, “Don’t be so sure.” But her mother didn’t have much hope. Then Mike came and told his story and she felt suddenly blessed with the courage to persevere – even to her deathbed, if necessary. She remarked to us as she was leaving, “We come out here to bless others, but sometimes it’s us that God wants to bless.”

Thank you again for all of your prayers for this ministry. God is good!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here:
This is why I love to see us out evangelizing. 1 person at a time. Good job, keep up the good work
I ask your prayers again for the Boise Catholic street evangelization team that is heading downtown in a few hours. Some members from the newly established team at the local university are planning to join us. I’m not sure what their usual time for going out is, but please keep them in your prayers, too? May God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here:
I’m about to go off to mass and will pray for you guys. Keep up the good work.
Thank you again for all of your prayers, Mass intentions, and moral support! We can’t do this ministry without you. The Boise Catholic street evangelization team is planning to head downtown again in a couple of hours. Please pray again for our effectiveness: that the Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts of people to take notice the Catholic Church and take her seriously; that He will give us the wisdom, the words, and the manner that will reach people and touch their hearts so they repent and turn to the Lord; that all our team members will be given the grace to overcome fear and other distractions and actually show up today with a will to work; that much fruit for the Kingdom of God will be borne as a result of our efforts today. May God also bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here:
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