Thank you for your prayers last week. The weather cleared up, evangelists showed up, people came by. Rosaries and pamphlets were handed out, conversations were held. And, hopefully, seeds for eternal life were planted. None of this, though, can happen without your prayer support. Thank you so much! Here is a story from last week:
So, please pray for this young man and for all those we encounter. We’re planning to head to downtown Boise again today in a couple of hours. PLEASE pray for us. We can do nothing on our own. And may God bless you and yours!
Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here: streetevangelization.com/get-involved/
Two young men came by on skateboards. One accepted a Rosary. The other declared he was an atheist. To this, one evangelist responded, "I'm sorry to hear that." The young man demanded to know why she was sorry. She told him that there is a God who loves him and that he is missing out on a relationship with Him.
Then the other evangelist asked the young man, "How did you come to the conclusion that atheism best explains reality? Was it through intellectual investigation?" (Notice that he asked "How?" instead of "Why?" This made the question unthreatening and non-confrontational.)
The young man answered, "No, I just have a problem with all the rules of religion."
Then the evangelist offered the young man a question to take away and think about. He said, "Ask yourself this, 'Why aren't I nothing?' Everything that began to exist had to have a cause. Why aren't you nothing?" (The second evangelist explained later that it helps to get someone who has a problem with the moral law to think about ontological problems instead, about ultimate causes and such. Doing so feels nonthreatening to them because, at this stage of their faith journey, they can't see a connection between the Creator and the Law-Giver.)
So the young men left, the self-proclaimed atheist with a thoughtful look on his face. Although he may have thought he had accepted nothing we offered, since he took away neither Rosary nor pamphlet, he took with him two arguments: one for his head, and one for his heart.
Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, click here: streetevangelization.com/get-involved/