For Orthodox Catholics Only

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Dear Catholic Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Would you be interested participating in a forum reserved for orthodox Catholics who are faithful to the Magisterium right here on CA? Would you like to have a place to discuss and debate a wide range of topics safely without arguments, where name calling, personal attacks, sarcasm and rudeness are not the norm? Where courtesy and respect accompanies even the fiercest debate? Where we keep to the topic without debating a person’s worth, intentions or character? Perhaps we could start out with this thread? If you are interested please post your thoughts. If you are against the idea, please be kind and refrain from posting. Teresa’s post inspired me to try this. If this idea is not welcome by the moderators or if there is no sufficient interest shown may it be God’s will. God bless all of you.
Sounds good, the only hang up that I see is that you will have some people debate what an “Orthodox” Catholic is. For example, there are some that would think that anyone who is “Novus Ordo” is not Orthodox, and you have some way out on the left that consider themselves to be devoted Catholics and yet support abortion rights and female priests. Good luck though.
Thank you pprimeau, very good point. I would be inclined to think, Novus Ordo Catholics, (I am one of them) are faithful to the Magisterium. It would be interesting to see how others perceive this idea. Supporting female priests and abortion rights would not be orthodox; it would be both modernist and unfaithful to the Magisterium. Faithful adherence to Catholic Dogma, Catechism of the Catholic Church and Canon Law is what makes us orthodox. Placing current day lay initiated movements and apparitions on the same footing with the Catholic faith, or making them Catholic is not what I call orthodoxy, I would think that would belong to the realm of modernism.
Is such a forum on CA really necessary? This place in general is waaaaaaaaaaaay more orthodox than the average Catholic forum on the web. Most of the real bickering occurs in the politics forum, which can be easily avoided :rolleyes:
I would appreciate the opportunity to hear others speak to the faith. It would also help me to prove to my son who is discerning a vocation that there are many out there who are loyal to the Church. I feel for him because he has been accused of being “too Catholic”. I will encourage him to “tune in”. Bless your efforts!
No I think the Church is better served without a place where Catholics have to self-identify to get in.

There are no liberal or conservative Catholics, only Catholics obedient to Rome.

I was taught that many years ago and it is still good advice. There are however many different pieties in the Church and we must respect them.

I feel it is better to have the well catechized faithful - those eating adult food, sitting at the same table as those eating baby food. (apologies to St. Paul)
I would appreciate the opportunity to hear others speak to the faith. It would also help me to prove to my son who is discerning a vocation that there are many out there who are loyal to the Church. I feel for him because he has been accused of being “too Catholic”. I will encourage him to “tune in”. Bless your efforts!
Well kudos to your son! I wish that all Catholics would be “too Catholic”.

As far as a specific forum goes, it sounds like a great idea, but how would it work? I don’t think there could be some kind of criteria that would have to be passed in order to post. Thus, anyone could post there, orthodox Catholic or not. In the end, I can’t see it being any different than the other forums, unfortunately.

One thing I think we should all focus on is being charitable in our posts. It’s a shame that people tend to fly off the handle so easily here. Perhaps it is because this is only a message board, and there is no face-to-face contact…and no immediate “consequences” to our posts; we never have to see the people we hurt on here (unfortunately I’ve been guilty of this in the past too). In my humble opinion (and starting with me) we all need to take a look at our responses, and our motivations, and make sure we are acting with as much charity as possible.
Dear Jadesfire and George,

I appreciate both your responses. But we also need a safe place. Some of us want to eat adult food without having to deal with the children bickering around us. There is the rest of the forum for those who wish no part of this thread for one reason or another. Why would you begrudge us if we wanted to carry on a conversation without name calling and immature behavior? I am sure you have close friends and there are times when you wish to be in a more intimate and comfortable setting. If you do not like the idea feel free to stay away. No way will we ever agree on everything at all times. But I would hope we can all learn from one another and I earnestly desire peace and surely I am not the only one. God bless you both.
Thank you mtr01,

Of course we have no way to enforce any rules, but hopefully the topics would be timeless topics of our faith and yes charity should definitely be criteria when posting. We are all real people. I had the blessing to have personal contact with many great people from CA. I hope you will stick around, let us see if we can get a little group together and someone may come up with a great topic to discuss. God bless.
Dear Jadesfire and George,

I appreciate both your responses. But we also need a safe place. Some of us want to eat adult food without having to deal with the children bickering around us. There is the rest of the forum for those who wish no part of this thread for one reason or another. Why would you begrudge us if we wanted to carry on a conversation without name calling and immature behavior? I am sure you have close friends and there are times when you wish to be in a more intimate and comfortable setting. If you do not like the idea feel free to stay away. No way will we ever agree on everything at all times. But I would hope we can all learn from one another and I earnestly desire peace and surely I am not the only one. God bless you both.
I am certainly not begrudging you for wanting to carry on a civil conversation, but I don’t see how creating another public forum will solve a problem which is essentially caused by CA being a public forum! I don’t read every single thread in detail so perhaps I’ve missed the immature behaviour you speak of. If you want to start such a forum or a thread, by all means go ahead, I would gladly join in the conversation.🙂
TheresaS wrote:
my son who is discerning a vocation that there are many out there who are loyal to the Church. I feel for him because he has been accused of being “too Catholic”.

Dear TheresaS,

This is for you:

There are many hopeful signs among the next generation of priests-in-the-making

A new breed of seminarians
By Carter H. Griffin

Several months ago, while taking a course at a Protestant seminary, I had an interesting discussion over lunch. As I joined the table, I introduced myself as a Catholic seminarian at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, and was greeted with polite interest – by everyone save one. Her head snapped up and she abruptly asked if I was “one of those self-styled conservatives” that she had read about in last Easter Sunday’s New York Times Magazine (April 4, “The Last Counterculture” by Jennifer Egan). Perhaps in her late forties, she held my stare, mutely demanding a response to her impertinent question—any answer to which, it seemed to me, would only encourage her polemics. Perhaps I ought to have kept silent; instead I rejoined, “I don’t think of myself as self-styled.” It was a weak attempt at humor, and it failed to break the uncomfortable silence that followed the tactless question.

In hindsight, though, our exchange has become more meaningful to me. She was voicing, with refreshing honesty, a growing fear among many “baby-boomers” that young, reactionary zealots are out to reverse the social and religious progress made in recent years. Much ink has been spilt on this phenomenon, and particularly on its emergence among seminarians who are purportedly too conservative, too intolerant, and too repressed. But the report usually ends there. It is evident that many critics simply have no idea why many young Catholic seminarians are so “conservative” and, indeed, that such an understanding might diminish their anxieties about the “new breed.”

Read the rest of the article here:
Jadesfire20 wrote:
I would gladly join in the conversation

You will be most welcome Jade!
Thank you mtr01,

Of course we have no way to enforce any rules, but hopefully the topics would be timeless topics of our faith and yes charity should definitely be criteria when posting. We are all real people. I had the blessing to have personal contact with many great people from CA. I hope you will stick around, let us see if we can get a little group together and someone may come up with a great topic to discuss. God bless.
Tru, I will most certainly be sticking around 🙂 I am always up for a discussion of the timeless topics of faith!
Thank you mtr,

If this gets off the ground, I am looking forward to your participation. 🙂
Dear Tru

To my mind this is not a segregated thread you have opened, you have laid out a few rules already and they are more than perfectly acceptable.

Faith in Christ is personal within the walls of the Catholic church , some are more liberal , some are more charismatic , some are orthodox,etc etc etc … there is room for all. I have noticed other threads on this forum dedicated to certain ways of thinking within the church, therefore I am happy to see one for the orthodox Catholic.

Thank you Tru and I will be interested to see how this thread progresses.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

in case you haven’t got the news, Catholics who worship in parishes that celebrate the Mass of Pope Paul VI, the revision of the rites promulgated for the universal church (in Latin, I might add) are following the infallible magesterial teaching of the Church, we are not flaming heretics.
asquared said:
in case you haven’t got the news, Catholics who worship in parishes that celebrate the Mass of Pope Paul VI, the revision of the rites promulgated for the universal church (in Latin, I might add) are following the infallible magesterial teaching of the Church, we are not flaming heretics.

Dear asquared,

I am aware there are loyal parishes to the Magisterium that offer the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin as well as the old Tridentine Mass with the approval of the local bishop. I was never meant to exclude you or others who are members of parishes where the Mass is said in Latin with the exception of the SSPX. They have valid concerns, but sadly are operating on their own and outside the Church for the moment. Not that we have no heretics inside the fold, but that is a different cattle of fish. So I hope you reconsider and come back again. Orthodoxy these days do not depend on what rite of mass we attend.
Dear Teresa,

Thank you for the vote of confidence. I was hoping you would approve. It may not work, but I had to try something before riding off into the sunset. If you have a suggestion for a good topic please let us know. I have no agenda other than fruitful debate and learning, but without the usual disorder that seem to accompany such threads. Then again, people may not want that? They may prefer to fight in a boxing ring? We shall see. God bless.🙂
Dear asquared,

I am aware there are loyal parishes to the Magisterium that offer the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin as well as the old Tridentine Mass with the approval of the local bishop. .
there are also loyal parishes that offer the Mass given to us by the teaching authority of the Church in the vernacular, translated and celebrated with the full approval and authority of the same Church we all profess to belong to, as well as in the Latin in which it was orginially written, and for which no special permission is required. Latin or no latin IS NOT a litmus test for orthodoxy or fidelity.
puzzleannie said:
Latin or no latin IS NOT a litmus test for orthodoxy or fidelity.

I agree with you Annie.

By the way, if the person to whom I sent the particular response you were quoting or you would have red the opening few posts, neither one of you would have been compelled to make your respective observations. You both misunderstood because you did not bother to check out what this thread is about. God bless.
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