For Orthodox Catholics Only

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I read the entire thread from start to finish, and responded as I did because as usual, the Latin-only people had to weigh in with their opinions, which are highly offensive to the rest of us when they imply we are less than orthodox for belonging to parishes that celebrate the Mass given to us by the Church.
Dear Tru

As this is the year of the Eucharist, perhaps this may be a topic to consider…??

Any thoughts?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I read the entire thread from start to finish, and responded as I did because as usual, the Latin-only people had to weigh in with their opinions, which are highly offensive to the rest of us when they imply we are less than orthodox for belonging to parishes that celebrate the Mass given to us by the Church.
Who are these Latin Catholic?

I only attend TLM once (will go all the time if it’s closer).
Dear Beng,

I sorry you feel that way. But from what I observed, you are participating on CA on a regular basis. God bless.
Dear Annie

If you would have red the opening post, you would have understood I would like to keep arguments and finger pointing out of this thread. If you feel you have something worthwhile to offer toward a worthy discussion, please post, but if not, please don’t. I may not succeed with this thread, but I ask you in charity to respect its premise. I am inviting other people to have a serious discussion about our faith without negative comments and accusations. Every Catholic is welcome who is able to contribute. God bless.
Dear Beng,

I sorry you feel that way. But from what I observed, you are participating on CA on a regular basis. God bless.
I kinda understand CA position. They can’t afford to give solid food because they reach more Americans. And because most Americans Catholic only eat baby food they have to give the same.

It would’ve been better if CA is as reserved to the liberal* Jesus loves all, why can’t we all get along* Catholic as they are to the a more solid orthodox Catholic.
This is a wonderful idea. I will definitely participate when I can. I will probably spend most of the time reading and learning. There are some great minds on the forum that I can learn from.

I really like Teresa9’s idea of the Eucharists, there are so many Catholics who do not believe in the real presence.

Dear Jen,

We are all learning. But we can all contribute. I am looking forward to your posts.

The Eucharist makes us the chosen people because this sublime Sacrament has no equal on this Earth. If we wrote and thought about it until the end of time we could still not exhaust the topic.

The Eucharist is the centre and source of grace: therefore, it must be the very keystone of the legionary scheme. The most ardent activity will accomplish nothing of value if it forgets for a moment that its main object is to establish the reign of the Eucharist in all hearts. For thereby is fulfilled the purpose for which Jesus came into the world. That purpose was to communicate himself to souls so that he might make them one with him. The means of that communication is chiefly the holy Eucharist. “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” (Jn 6:51-52)

The Eucharist is the infinite good. For in that sacrament is Jesus himself, as much present as he was in his home at Nazareth or in the Upper Room at Jerusalem. The holy Eucharist is no mere symbol of him, or instrument of his power, but is Jesus Christ himself substantially. So that she, who had conceived him and nurtured him, “found again in the adorable host the blessed fruit of her womb, and renewed in her life of union with his Sacramental presence the happy days of Bethlehem and Nazareth.” (St. Peter Julian Eymard)

Many who think Jesus little better than an inspired man are found to yield him reverence and imitation. If they thought him to be more, they would render him more. What, therefore, should proceed from the household of the faith? How inexcusable are those Catholics who believe, but do not practice that belief. That Jesus whom others admire, Catholics possess - ever living in the Eucharist. They have free access to him and can, and should, receive him even daily as the food of their souls.

Considering these things, one sees how sad it is that such a splendid heritage should be neglected; that persons having the faith of the Eucharist should nevertheless permit sin and thoughtlessness to deprive them of this vital need of their souls, which Our Lord had in mind for them from the first moment of his earthly existence. Even as a new-born babe in Bethlehem (which means the House of Bread), he lay on that straw of which he was the Divine Wheat: destined to be made into the heavenly bread which would make men one with him and with each other in his Mystical Body.

From the Handbook of the Legion of Mary
Mary is the mother of that Mystical Body. As she once anxiously attended to the wants of her Christ-child, so now she yearns to feed that Mystical Body, of which she is, no less, the Mother. How her heart is anguished at seeing that her babe, in his Mystical Body, is hungry - even starving - by reason of the fact that few are nourished as they should be with the Bread Divine, while many do not receive it at all. Let those, who aim to be associated to Mary in her maternal care of souls, share her maternal anguish, and strive, in union with her, to allay that hunger of the Body of Christ. Every avenue of legionary action must be availed of to awaken knowledge and love of the Blessed Sacrament and to dissipate the sin and indifference which keep men from it. Each Holy Communion brought about is truly an immeasurable gain. Through the individual soul, it nourishes the entire Mystical Body of Christ, and causes it to advance in wisdom and growth and grace with God and men. (Lk 2:52)

“This union of the Mother and the Son in the work of redemption reaches its climax on Calvary, where Christ “offered himself as the perfect sacrifice to God” (Heb 9:14) and where Mary stood by the cross. (cf. Jn 19:25) “suffering grievously with her only-begotten Son. There she united herself with a maternal heart to his sacrifice, and lovingly consented to the immolation of this victim which she herself had brought forth” and also was offering to the Eternal Father. To perpetuate down the centuries the Sacrifice of the Cross, the divine Saviour instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the memorial of his death and resurrection, and entrusted it to his spouse the Church, which, especially on Sundays, calls the faithful together to celebrate the Passover of the Lord until he comes again. This the Church does in union with the saints in heaven and in particular with the Blessed Virgin, whose burning charity and unshakeable faith she imitates.”
(MCul 20)

Handbook of the Legion of Mary

“We see how the Eucharist, sacrifice and sacrament, sums up in the abundance of its richness all that the Cross offered to God and procured for men. It is the Blood of Calvary and the dew of heaven at one and the same time: the Blood that cries for mercy, and the vivifying dew that raises up the drooping plant. It is the price paid for us, and the blessing brought to us. It is life and the price of life. The Cross was not worth more, nor the Supper, nor the two together, and all of it endures, and all of it is fraught with the hopes of humanity. For these reasons the Mass is well called the Mystery of Faith; not only because the whole Christian dogma - which is the dogma of our ruin in Adam and of our restoration in Jesus Christ - is summed up in it, but also and chiefly, because the drama, the heroic action by which was accomplished that sublime uplifting of humanity and superabundant compensation for our former losses, continues in our midst by means of it. And it is not a repetition by way of a mere symbol, but actually realizes in our midst what was accomplished by Christ Himself.” (De la Taille: The Mystery of Faith)

I wish you all a blessed Sunday!

“Recently, a Gallup poll was taken on Catholic attitudes toward Holy Communion. The poll showed serious confusion among Catholics about one of the most basic beliefs of the Church.

Only 30 percent of those surveyed believe they are actually receiving the Body and Blood, soul and divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread and wine.

29 percent think they are receiving bread and wine which symbolize the spirit and teachings of Jesus and, in so doing, are expressing their attachment to His person and words.

10 percent understand their action to be receiving bread and wine in which Jesus is present.

and 23 percent hold that they are receiving what has become the Body and Blood of Christ because of their personal belief.

Any well-informed Catholic will recognize that only the first option, chosen by the 30 percent, is true Catholic teaching. The other options represent various forms of Protestant belief.

As Archbishop, I am deeply concerned about the inaccurate and distorted views of the Eucharist apparently held by many of our people. I believe it is important to clearly understand the correct doctrine; then, to live according to that doctrine.”

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan
tru_dvotion said:
29 percent think they are receiving bread and wine which symbolize the spirit and teachings of Jesus and, in so doing, are expressing their attachment to His person and words.

10 percent understand their action to be receiving bread and wine in which Jesus is present.

and 23 percent hold that they are receiving what has become the Body and Blood of Christ because of their personal belief.

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

Which is why it so easy to leave the Church and go to a protestant church. If they believe this than the two are interchangable to them. Once they get into a protestant church, where they feel they are getting the same as in the Church, they start to believe well I really don’t like telling my sins to a stranger. Then they are truely lost. It all begins somewhere. Maybe it’s here where it starts.
Adoration seems to be a big topic on EWTN. Rightly so since this is the “Year of the Eucharist.” Do you have an Adoration Chapel available to you? I do and I’m realizing what a blessing that is. Many churches have closed their doors so that no one can come and pray in the Chapel. Is there a way that the doors can be opened your area and advertised so that people can come?

I have the ability to go 24/7, yes, it is wonderful. Do I use it? I confess no. Something that is there for me and other sinners and I use it occassionally. Since this is the "Year of the Euchartist’ I can make a vow to go once a week. For one hour. Put my life on hold to spend an hour with our Lord who did so much more for me than I can ever repay him.

We must be the example.

We have adoration on the first Friday of the month or during special feasts.
Those people who don’t believe that the bread and wine is the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus is only adding Jesus passion in the Gethsemane.Chapter XII, Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - St Anne Catherine Emmmerich

It was made known to me that these apparitions were all those persons who in divers ways insult and outrage Jesus, really and truly present in the Holy Sacrament. I recognised among them all those who in any way profane the Blessed Eucharist. I beheld with horror all the outrages thus offered to our Lord, whether by neglect, irreverence, and omission of what was due to him; by open contempt, abuse, and the most awful sacrileges; … I saw many irreverent, ill-behaved acolytes, who did not honour our Lord in the holy ceremonies in which they took a part. I beheld with terror that many priests, some of whom even fancied themselves full of faith and piety, also outraged Jesus in the Adorable Sacrament. I saw many who believed and taught the doctrine of the Real Presence, but did not sufficiently take it to heart, for they forgot and neglected the palace, throne, and seat of the Living God; that is to say, the church, the altar, the tabernacle, the chalice, the monstrance, the vases and ornaments; in one word, all that is used in his worship, or to adorn his house.
Entire neglect reigned everywhere, all things were left to moulder away in dust and filth, and the worship of God was, if not inwardly profaned, at least outwardly dishonured. Nor did this arise from real poverty, but from indifference, sloth, preoccupation of mind about vain earthly concerns, and often also from egotism and spiritual death; for I saw neglect of this kind in churches the pastors and congregations of which were rich, or at least tolerably well off. I saw many others in which worldly, tasteless, unsuitable ornaments had replaced the magnificent adornments of a more pious age.
I saw that often the poorest of men were better lodged in their cottages than the Master of heaven and earth in his churches. Ah, how deeply did the inhospitality of men grieve Jesus, who had given himself to them to be their Food! Truly, there is no need to be rich in order to receive him who rewards a hundredfold the glass of cold water given to the thirsty; but how shameful is not our conduct when in giving drink to the Divine Lord, who thirsts for our souls, we give him corrupted water in a filthy glass! In consequence of all this neglect,** I saw the weak scandalised, the Adorable Sacrament profaned, the churches deserted, and the priests despised. This state of impurity and negligence extended even to the souls of the faithful, who left the tabernacle of their hearts unprepared and uncleansed when Jesus was about to enter them, exactly the same as they left his tabernacle on the altar.**

Were I to speak for an entire year, I could never detail all the insults offered to Jesus in the Adorable Sacrament which were made known to me in this way. I saw their authors assault Jesus in bands, and strike him with different arms, corresponding to their various offences.** I saw irreverent Christians of all ages, careless or sacrilegious priests, crowds of tepid and unworthy communicants**, wicked soldiers profaning the sacred vessels, and servants of the devil making use of the Holy Eucharist in the frightful mysteries of hellish worship. **Among these bands I saw a great number of theologians, who had been drawn into heresy by their sins, attacking Jesus in the Holy Sacrament of his Church**, and snatching out of his Heart, by their seductive words and promises, a number of souls for whom he had shed his blood.
by St. Alphonsus Liguori

My Lord Jesus Christ, for the love which You bear to men, You remain night and day in this Sacrament full of compassion and of love, awaiting, calling, and welcoming all who come to visit You. I believe that You are present in the Sacrament of the Altar: I adore You from the abyss of my nothingness, and I thank You for all the graces which You have bestowed upon me and in particular for having given me Yourself in this Sacrament, for having given me your holy Mother Mary for my advocate, and for having called me to visit You in this chapel.

I now salute Your most loving Heart: and this for three ends:
  1. In thanksgiving for this great gift;
  2. To make amends to You for all the outrages which You receive in this Sacrament from all Your enemies;
  3. I intend by this visit to adore You in all the places on earth in which You are the least revered and the most abandoned.
My Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I grieve for having so many times offended Your infinite goodness. I promise with Your grace never more to offend You in the future. Now, miserable and unworthy though I be, I consecrate myself to You without reserve;

I give You my entire will, my affections, my desires, and all that I possess. From now on dispose of me and of all that I have as You please. All that I ask of You and desire is Your holy love, final perseverance, and the perfect accomplishment of Your will. I recommend to You the souls in purgatory; but especially those who had the greatest devotion to the most Blessed Sacrament and to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I also recommend to You all poor sinners.

My dear Saviour, I unite all my affections with the affections of Your most loving Heart; and I offer them, thus united, to Your eternal Father, and beseech Him in Your name to vouchsafe, for Your love, to accept them.

Dear friends

What always strikes me about the Eucharist, is that it is Our Lord Jesus truly present in an everlasting and eternal unbloody SACRIFICE, Christ did not chose to remain with us in another manner that doesn’t remind us constantly of His sacrifice for us. Christ chose to remain ever with us in the Eucharist by way of sacrifice, moreover under lock and key a prisoner in our tabernacles, though He need not be, but He chooses to be! Christ our Lord and Master ever with us as servant to us, the servant King held here only by His love of our humble and frail humanity that leads Him to remain an eternal sacrifice and servant, while being King and Lord our God!!!

To my mind one of the many things our Lord has given to us in the Eucharist is to remember ourselves that we too should be servants; servants of God yes, but also servants to our brothers and sisters, to be prepared to sacrifice for God and sacrifice for each other and His Holy Catholic Church.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Adoration seems to be a big topic on EWTN. Rightly so since this is the “Year of the Eucharist.” Do you have an Adoration Chapel available to you? I do and I’m realizing what a blessing that is. Many churches have closed their doors so that no one can come and pray in the Chapel. Is there a way that the doors can be opened your area and advertised so that people can come?

I have the ability to go 24/7, yes, it is wonderful. Do I use it? I confess no. Something that is there for me and other sinners and I use it occassionally. Since this is the "Year of the Euchartist’ I can make a vow to go once a week. For one hour. Put my life on hold to spend an hour with our Lord who did so much more for me than I can ever repay him.

We must be the example.

Dear Jen

No I don’t have an Adoration chapel I can freely go to, the church is locked and rightly so, our Lord needs protecting in the Blessed Sacrament. When the church was open all the time years ago the church was vandalised , therefore it is rightly locked.

I make an appointment with my Priest to go and spend my time with Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament and this works well. There is also Adoration and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament once a month which I always try and attend if I can get a babysitter for my toddler.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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