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tru_dvotion said:

“Recently, a Gallup poll was taken on Catholic attitudes toward Holy Communion. The poll showed serious confusion among Catholics about one of the most basic beliefs of the Church.

Only 30 percent of those surveyed believe …

Any well-informed Catholic will recognize that only the first option, …

As Archbishop, I am deeply concerned about the inaccurate and distorted views of the Eucharist apparently held by many of our people. I believe it is important to clearly understand the correct doctrine; then, to live according to that doctrine.”

Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan

As a faithful lay Catholic, I am concerned that an Archbishop of the Church can think that the holy mystery of the Eucharist can be meaningfully expressed in a single sentence administered by a polling firm.

Has the glory of our faith been reduced to “Take out your #2 pencils and blacken the appropriate oval?”

The whole idea of faith by a few options in a Gallup poll is sad. This Archbishop is the one who fails the test.
katherine2 said:
The whole idea of faith by a few options in a Gallup poll is sad. This Archbishop is the one who fails the test.

Dear Katherine,

I respectfully disagree. The Eucharist is our greatest treasure on Earth, what appeases God’s wrath over this sinful world of ours, the source of grace in the Church and for its individual members. The Eucharist IS the Mass, the Eucharist IS what makes us Catholic. The Eucharist for the Church is like the air for creatures. No Catholic should be ignorant of what the Eucharist is. We should be able to answer that gallop poll in an instant awaken from our sleep. Anything less is a great scandal and a great offense to God and to the faith we profess. The Archbishop should be applauded for bringing this sad reality of gross negligence and ignorance out into the open. God bless.
Dear Jen

No I don’t have an Adoration chapel I can freely go to, the church is locked and rightly so, our Lord needs protecting in the Blessed Sacrament. When the church was open all the time years ago the church was vandalised , therefore it is rightly locked.
Yes, vandalization is a problem. Our church has a card entery door so that anyone with a card can enter, even in the middle of the night. People are actually there in the middle of the night, yes there are many night owls. 😃 We have a sign in book and early this morning a lady was there from 3:30 am to 5:30 am.

beng said:
Put to shame the liturgical dance scandal. (need to instal quicktime).

It’s in Evanston, IL btw.

Before I comment, is this a Latin Rite, or Eastern Rite Church? I don’t know much about the Eastern Rites, but I know they stand for the Mass (I didn’t see any pews or chairs), do they use a table instead of altar? However, I also didn’t see any Icons (don’t Eastern Rite churches have an “icon screen?”). If it is an Eastern Rite Mass, then this might be the proper custom. However, the twirling and clapping makes me think it’s a little fishy. If this is a Latin Rite church, then whoa Nelly! :bigyikes:
by St. Alphonsus Liguori

My Lord Jesus Christ, for the love which You bear to men, You remain night and day in this Sacrament full of compassion and of love, awaiting, calling, and welcoming all who come to visit You. I believe that You are present in the Sacrament of the Altar: I adore You from the abyss of my nothingness, and I thank You for all the graces which You have bestowed upon me and in particular for having given me Yourself in this Sacrament, for having given me your holy Mother Mary for my advocate, and for having called me to visit You in this chapel.

I now salute Your most loving Heart: and this for three ends:
  1. In thanksgiving for this great gift;
  2. To make amends to You for all the outrages which You receive in this Sacrament from all Your enemies;
  3. I intend by this visit to adore You in all the places on earth in which You are the least revered and the most abandoned.
My Jesus, I love You with all my heart. I grieve for having so many times offended Your infinite goodness. I promise with Your grace never more to offend You in the future. Now, miserable and unworthy though I be, I consecrate myself to You without reserve;

I give You my entire will, my affections, my desires, and all that I possess. From now on dispose of me and of all that I have as You please. All that I ask of You and desire is Your holy love, final perseverance, and the perfect accomplishment of Your will. I recommend to You the souls in purgatory; but especially those who had the greatest devotion to the most Blessed Sacrament and to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I also recommend to You all poor sinners.

My dear Saviour, I unite all my affections with the affections of Your most loving Heart; and I offer them, thus united, to Your eternal Father, and beseech Him in Your name to vouchsafe, for Your love, to accept them.

I love this prayer, Tru! I say it at the beginning of each of my visits to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Then I make an act of spiritual communion. Also, as St. Alphonsus suggests, I make a brief visit to our Blessed Mother before I leave. I’m planning to make a visit this afternoon, and am going to try something new afterwards, praying 5 decades of the Rosary, but meditating on the 5th Luminous Mystery for each decade in thanksgiving for Jesus giving himself to us in the this Sacrament.
I have the ability to go 24/7, yes, it is wonderful. Do I use it? I confess no. Something that is there for me and other sinners and I use it occassionally. Since this is the "Year of the Euchartist’ I can make a vow to go once a week. For one hour. Put my life on hold to spend an hour with our Lord who did so much more for me than I can ever repay him.

We must be the example.

We have adoration every Tuesday from 9 am (after Mass) until 6pm. Fortunately the chapel is open daily from 6am to 6pm, so I can make visits to our Lord in the tabernacle the rest of the week.
Hi Beng,

Thanks for the link. Even with that I had problems downloading the program, my security is waaaaay to efficient. But finally I was able to watch it. I don’t know what sort of desecration I expected; I was praying it would not be some horrid black mass or something like that. So when I finally watched it I did not think it was that bad. I have seen worse at charismatic masses. The priest here at least did not do waltz around the altar with a nun on his arms.
Well Tru, I’m with you on this. I would consider myself orthodox. As a convert, there is a lot I don’t yet know, but I know enough make that claim.
I have a question that I would like to pose to other orthodox Catholics for an orthodox opinion. I haven’t been able to get much on the web from Catholic sources except the propaganda machine.

My question is about ALPHA. What do you know, what do you think? The reason I ask is that a nearby parish(not my parish) has a sign up on the lawn advertising a coming ALPHA course. Our diocese has a new director of evangelization and I am wondering if this is the direction things will be going in.

To be honest, I’ve gotten some info from protestant sources, which paint a very negative view. Some of their objections, of course, are grounded in the fact that if the “Romanists” are involved it can’t be a good thing. I’ve heard it referred to as the Gospel according to Gumbel and much worse. There have been a couple of RC articles that point out that while trying to cross the spectrum of trinitarian Christians the doctrine has been thinned down to poor gruel indeed, and in fact has very little Catholic about it.

The most serious objection is that it has as its theological root a charismaticism that comes from the Toronto Blessing group and that is a scary thought if you have ever seen what goes on there. In a sense, it can be seen by some as a trojan horse which will tend to guide people into a kind of Christianity that is really a self-centred, feelings based, syncretistic charismaticism that has nothing to do with salvation and reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ but everything to do with a formulized, copywrited and franchised “methodology” to spirituality, much like a TM course.

Any thoughts, experiences?

(As to Toronto Blessing, here’s a link that will sober you, or make you sick You’ll need RealPlayer. Quality is poor but you get the idea.)
Hi Beng,

Thanks for the link. Even with that I had problems downloading the program, my security is waaaaay to efficient. But finally I was able to watch it. I don’t know what sort of desecration I expected; I was praying it would not be some horrid black mass or something like that. So when I finally watched it I did not think it was that bad. I have seen worse at charismatic masses. The priest here at least did not do waltz around the altar with a nun on his arms.
:eek: :eek: :eek:
JKirkLVNV said:
It’s a Latin Rite church. It leaves one speechless.

And that just proves that it is NOT the language (Latin) that makes the difference in the mass. The Eastern Catholic Divine Liturgy is always in the vernacular and there are very few things in this life as sublime and beautiful as the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.

I wonder if this type of foolery is possible in the Tridentine Mass? I suppose anything is possible.
Hi Les,

Welcome, I hope you will stay around. I do not have a personal experience with ALPHA, I left the CCR a few years ago, but the last core meeting I attended the leader of our prayer group was taking his leave to lead ALPHA in our town. So my assumption would be the same as yours, it is just another charismatic group with a mission to evangelize. I have seen the sites Beng put up; I also read the ALPHA website. Once again, many clergy are sucked into it, our former archbishop, who I remember as a holy man of God, (he did not endorse the CCR), but now he is endorsing ALPHA. I guess they got to him somehow. He was just in town for a charismatic prayer breakfast promoting ALPHA. Round and round we go.
Hi Les,

Welcome, I hope you will stay around. I do not have a personal experience with ALPHA, I left the CCR a few years ago, but the last core meeting I attended the leader of our prayer group was taking his leave to lead ALPHA in our town. So my assumption would be the same as yours, it is just another charismatic group with a mission to evangelize. I have seen the sites Beng put up; I also read the ALPHA website. Once again, many clergy are sucked into it, our former archbishop, who I remember as a holy man of God, (he did not endorse the CCR), but now he is endorsing ALPHA. I guess they got to him somehow. He was just in town for a charismatic prayer breakfast promoting ALPHA. Round and round we go.
The hours I work, sometimes I’m off the board for periods of time. Then I sit down and do a flurry of posts.

I think, just from what I have read that this Nicky Gumbel has some kind of idea that he can single-handedly, by means of ALPHA, draw together in some kind of ecumenism, all Christians, into some kind of huge world wide army to create the Kingdom of God without waiting for the return of Jesus Christ. All of these people of course charismatics, tongue-speaking and falling down and barking like dogs and howling in maniacal laughter and much more.
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