For those who use it...does NFP really truly work?

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NFP is the best thing that has ever happened to my marriage. Using NFP is a great way to live out your faith in a concrete way every day. You will see your faith grow. Grace will be poured into your marriage because you will not be constantly living in a state of mortal sin. It does take a great deal of self control, but if both man and wife really desire to live in chastity, God will reward you beyond what you can now imagine with a closer relationship to your spouse, and an openness to children that will bring peace and joy to your family life like you have never experienced.
God will provide if you trust in Him.
And add to it the fact that I have a relatively low sex drive, and am most likely to be “interested” when I’m ovulating –
Here’s a CCLI article about Nutrition and Womanly Desire, thought it might be useful.
My first child was conceived during a period when I was a condom guy. Sex with a condom can’t compare to the great sex you could have with out a condom. Sex with condom isn’t spontaneous:confused:

The pill can cause deep venous thrombosis in the arms and legs. This could lead to pulmonary embolus. Trust me you don’t want this.
I wouldn’t ask you to take that risk if you were my wife.

While on the pill, break-through ovulation can occur and this egg can become fertilized. The pill changes the environment of the uterus so it can’t implant. that’s an abortion. Hopefully you dont want that.

Surgical options have risks. your body is a temple of the holy spirit. Thats in the protestant bible too.

My brother knocked up his girlfriend, they had to get married. She was on the pill. Imagine that it failed.

Keep reading learning and searching for the best solution. I hope you choose NFP
Hope this helped:hmmm:
NFP is as effective as you want it to be.

The method is over 99% effective.

The biggest failure is a lack of desire.

My wife and I have 3 wonderful children and none of them were a suprise.

NFP is a tool for a women to learn and know her body. Is up you the couple to decide what to do with that information.
My husband and I are one of those couples who someone might assume NFP did not work. We have four beautiful children, Rachel age 8 nearly 9, twins Trey and Isaac age 6 and Jack age 3. The truth is, I had Rachel from a previous marriage. That marriage was outside the church and never blessed by a priest. I do not regret the marriage because it gave me Rachel, but I do regret not following the teachings of the church. Had I underwent the Pre Cana counseling, I would have never married him. My current marriage is in the Church. We were completely open to life and thought it would take a while to conceive. I had taken birth control pills prior to Rachel…as a very uninformed convert to Catholicism. I never knew they were abortifacent, anyway, we conceived the twins on our wedding day! The Bible tells us children are given as a blessing from God, I could think of no clearer sign than conceiving twins on the wedding day. This scared Hubby though after he went from just him to married with 3 children so quickly. We decided condoms would be okay…even though they are not okay. We kept meaning to learn more about NFP, but despite what a previous poster said, it was not in our church bulletin, our sponsor couple for our pre-Cana counseling used the pill and our priest never mentioned church teaching from the pulpit. Even though he was a cradle Catholic, we assumed it was okay to do what was “right for us”. Boy were we wrong. Jack was conceived using “birth control”. We were thrilled, but
he became even more scared to touch me. After Jack was 2, we finally got around to learning the Billings method of NFP. Seventeen months later, we are still the proud parents of four children. We are completely open to new life these days, but God has not seen fit to bless us with more yet…we do avoid the most fertile days. I pray for more, hubby is happy with our current family and enjoying them very much. He would also enjoy a new little if we do conceive. NFP has definitely blessed our marriage and helped us to grow in our faith and God’s great grace. Sorry so lengthy, hope this helps.
catholicforlife, I’m not “catholic”. I am in thinking, but not actual part of the catholic church. I’ve never been baptised either. I actually called the nearest parish today to see about RCIA but there was no answer…I’ll try again later. It would be nice to marry in the catholic church but seeing as it takes 9 months or so to become catholic, I’ll be married by then…unless our plans change, which they very well might since our date isn’t set in stone. My fiance wouldn’t want to get married in a catholic church anyway. He’s very protestant, though he’s very respectful of my interest in catholicism, he even offers to take me to mass and stay there with me. His parents would definitley object to him getting married in a catholic church as would mine.

I’m not looking for easy ways around getting married in a catholic church. I know that is ideal. But, if everything goes as planned, i won’t be able to marry in the church. I may just get it blessed after becoming catholic. I know that sounds like i’m taking it for granted but I’m not. I would like to get married in the church, but so many things make it hard to do so. The next possible option is to have my marriage blessed. does that make sense?
There’s no need to be in a rush to get married. The thing that concerns me is that you say both of your parents would object to you being married in the Church. Well, if you don’t get married in the Church because your parents wouldn’t approve, then perhaps you aren’t ready for marriage to begin with? Please don’t take that the wrong way, but it is so important to go into marriage making decisions yourselves, without trying to please parents at the same time. You are both adults, and it is not up to your parents what church you are married in. That is between you, your fiance, and God. Are your parents also going to tell you what religion you are “allowed” to raise your kids in? (have you settled this issue with your fiance yet? Because as a Catholic you are obligated to raise your kids in the Fath) If you join RCIA, you will become a full member by Easter and can have your wedding scheduled immediately after. That’s not a long wait at all! If you are serious about becoming Catholic, you need to be serious about receiving the Sacrament of Marriage from the Church from the start. If your fiance will not cooperate, then you should not marry him. I know that’s hard to hear, but if he can’t honor your Faith then it will cause you major problems in your marriage! This does not mean you necessarily have to have your wedding at a Catholic Church, but you need to have a priest there to bless the marriage. Talk to a priest about this.

As far as the effectiveness of NFP, well from my own experience (including my ABC days) I can’t count how many times we have had a condemn break! But now I know exactly when I’m fertile. So, I would say there’s definitely less “risk” and more peace of mind with NFP IF used properly. And another benefit is that after a period of abstinence, well let’s just say that things have a little extra excitement!
It absolutely works; We used ABC the first part of our marriage and I regret it now. We’ve been using NFP for the past 4 years, and each pregnancy has not been a ‘surprise’ or ‘accident’. It may seem odd, to not have sexual relations whenever you want, especially as a newlywed, but I promise you that it is worth waitng for those days when it is safe (if you don’t want conception). We are happily married for nearly 16 years and will be using NFP until menopause kicks in.
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