Dairy Queen is a lot, lot weaker than Ford and was far more susceptible to pressure.
Directly supporting murder? If you put it that way, of course not.
Like a brewery or distillery?
I’m wondering about a question kinda asked earlier in this thread.
It’s entirely possible, or could become possible, that an entire industry necessary to living in the society in this day and age could be donating to support the gay movement, or planned parenthood, or whatever. What would you do then?
Say Microsoft and Apple both support or come to support the gay agenda. I need a computer for work and for school. What would I do then? Would all Catholics have to become recluses in the hills because they couldn’t use computers anymore?
There has been presented in this thread a whole laundry list of “pro-death” corporations. However, unless I missed something here, Domino’s, DQ, and ExxonMobil are the only three companies that might be pro-life. And it’s convenient that the list of pro-death corporations they give for free, but to find out what the pro-life ones are you have to pay $25 + shipping and handling.
I’m Catholic, I submit this with respect, but it just seems like if my back is in the corner, and it may be or become impossible for me to do anything about it. (Example, I am going to need a computer). So I’ll pray, but I would still buy a computer even if both MS and Apple supported the gay agenda.
If there’s nothing else you can do, there’s nothing else you can do. So I won’t worry about it. If that’s what they want to do with their money, there’s nothing I am going to be able to do about it.