That is extremely simple thinking. Customers have every right to care about where profits are going if they so desire. If Monaghan were churning up a holocaust or slavery factory in a side business then people had better care. The fact that some wanted to protest his business because he is using his profits to oppose the holocaust of the unborn is there perogative, as misguided and demnted as it may be.Thomas Monaghan, the Catholic who used to own Domino’s Pizza gave a lot of his money to charity, much to pro-life organizations. Some pro-choice organizations wanted to boycott Domino’s because it was supporting pro-life.
Monaghan said that customers were exchanging their dollars for his pizza, and they should have no say about where the profits went, as pizza buyers got the value they expected for their money.
How is the business with Ford any different? You give Monaghan or Ford your money, they give you a pizza or a car in exchange. End of transaction.