Ford sales continue downhill slide over homosexual support

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explain please how marital sex is within this realm, because you say it is or because the church wants to know what going on in your sex life… not being arguementative at this point i want to know how and why you see it that way, I know my own feelings about just this at this point…

The Church fully understands the reason for marital relations. She has received this information through Revelation and Jesus Christ.

You misunderstand the Church as a spy looking in your bedroom. She simply understands marriage and gives us the roadmap for it to fulfill God’s intentions. The Church calls all of us to “raise the bar” so to speak.
Ford has lost billions because of this, I would say if they were trying to gain liberals, it has failed miserably. Also, if Christians take a methodical approach to boycotting targeted companies, they will change the culture because companies want to make money.
why not? free country, the last time I checked…I say boycott…I just don’t know if I would directly link the gay support to the lack of sales…but, I will agree that we need to be louder in this world. My parish priest just did his homily on this very thing–how we are ‘afraid’ to speak up when we see our faith being trampled on.

. She simply understands marriage and gives us the roadmap for it to fulfill God’s intentions…
Ok first off I am not quoting your entire post here, so noone will think anything differently the entire post had some good things in it…

I want to comment strictly on the above statement and thats why that is all i quoted.

I Know exactly what you mean and fully know WHAT SHE UNDERSTANDS ABOUT MARRIAGE, after having gone thru the mandated 100.00 dollar, 2 weekends out of my life WASTED
pre marriage classes to teach me all about a marriage, and spend the better part of a whole day teaching us how important it is to put a roll of toilet paper on the roller the correct way because “this is what causes most divorces in our society” I fully know how well she understands marriage…NOT A SINGLE BIT
that being said we spent the better part of another day learning how important it is to tith our 10% to make the marriage work, we spent a whopping 20 minutes on communication,about the same on NFP and how its the only birth control allowed by the church.
we learned how important it is what our previous generation Family did in a marriage cause it directly reflects “exactly” how we will be.

anyways after going thru that do not even try to tell me she understands Marriage cause if you think thats it you are saddly mistaken but again this is off topic.

I wasnt in the market for a new vehicle, but after seeing how some of you respond it got me to thinking, you may boycot and i can try to explain that its only hurting the workers not the people whom make decisions but you feel holier than thou by doing your little boycott if thats what lets you sleep at night thats fine,
whats going to keep me sleeping at night is knowing how many thousands of jobs wont be lost because of what I went and did this afternoon and that is i went and bought a new vehicle care to guess what kind?? thats right a shiny new ford truck, 4x4 3/4 ton diesel engine the works, drives real nice too,from there I went down and dropped a check off to the salvation army, they will get another on my pay day I told them today i am giving them 10% of my pay instead of directing it to the church.this way I know my money isnt going to be wasted on some lame effort to unemploy thousands of people.
anyways I just wiped out one person effort to boycot I have also addressed my family and told them whats been going on they in turn are telling others etc etc etc I am hoping to generate about 50 car sales here. maybe that will spare a few peoples jobs
to me thats a good thing you trying to cause the loss of these jobs is an evil thing in my mind, its all relative and how you look at things,I was also given some certificates by the dealership to hand out to my fellow co workers and friends 🙂
you are free to boycot and i am free to try and help Ford sell as many cars as possible to keep people working thus spurring a very dead economy in my state…
There are many battlegrounds in the so-called culture war. It is impossible to take on every company and every cause. I was involved in a boycott of a major icecream chain, the chain was pouring millions into Planned Parenthood, and PP pours millions and millions into abortions. It took over two years of extensive boycotting, but the icecream chain finally stopped funding Planned Parenthood. That is a case where pressure from consumers worked, and I hope the same type of pressure will cause Ford to drop its bad social agendas. If Christians cease buying products from those tyes of companies in a very un-emotional way, then over time other companies will cease contributing to such evil agendas.

Again, we are free people and we have every right to try to make the culture the way we think it should be.
the boycot on ice cream is entirely different it wasnt a boycot about discrimination of people because of how they were born it was about letting them be born,
kind of like calling a orange a peanut, not even remotely close to each other…
The charity in this thread has completely derailed. Many of you would do well to review the expectations for charity here.
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