Ford sales continue downhill slide over homosexual support

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The Church does not support sin, you might want to think it does, but it most definitely does not support sin. The Church does try to help sinners…huge difference.

Ford directly tries to propogate sin and sinners.

Now, do you believe in free choice?
how is Ford trying to propogate?
thats fine but I ask you this

why do you not talk against the church when they send money to aids patients? most of whom got the disease from non marriage sex, gay sex, rape, and drug abuse?

why is it ok for the church but not for another buisness?
I only used this one example of “church medaling into thigs” because i have tried using more than one before and you guys keep getting lost figure if I use only one you can comprehend
and possibly give me an intelligent answer

I think the problem is a more personal one from original person starting the boycot, maybe he feels he got “screwed” over and gets people like you who think they are doing good to follow his lead…
The Church is merely showing support of a sick person when they send money to aids patients, it is not supporting the sin.

Jesus healed people, yet He also condemned sin, that is what the Church does and that is what all Christians are called to do…love the sinner, hate the sin. Simple really.

Now, do you believe in free choice?
I believe that term is relative,
but in many ways yes we have free choice, I repsect your free choice to boycot a buisness for any purpose you want, and for any reason,
I do not believe you have the free choice to use a Catholic answers forum to get more supporters, esspecially being as new people into the faith and trying desperatly to learn about it come daily.the church does not back this boycot in any way. yet by posting it here its appearing they are 100% behind it.
its that old “appearnece” thing. just like if we seen sam creep into samanthas bedroom window at 1 am, and come out at 2 am
we would assume the worst yet he may have been there all upset and talking to her for some support.
The Church is merely showing support of a sick person when they send money to aids patients, it is not supporting the sin.

Jesus healed people, yet He also condemned sin, that is what the Church does and that is what all Christians are called to do…love the sinner, hate the sin. Simple really.
yet you have “condemned” Ford to a boycot because they do not conform to your ways, which are beyond the churches even thats why the Church is not behind this, this is how Protestant religions were also formed, by people whom thought they were doing what the Church should have been doing, or by doing “good” and what should be done to please God
thats fine but I ask you this

why do you not talk against the church when they send money to aids patients? most of whom got the disease from non marriage sex, gay sex, rape, and drug abuse?..
I want the Church to take care of all that are in need, despite what caused that need. I want the Church to give help to aides patients, drug addicts, alcoholics, rape vitims, unwed mothers, the homeless and anybody else that is in need. It’s called acts of mercy.
why is it ok for the church but not for another buisness?
I think the problem is a more personal one from original person starting the boycot, maybe he feels he got “screwed” over and gets people like you who think they are doing good to follow his lead…
Ford is supporting political organizations that want people to stay in the sins/ destructive behavoirs that are destroying their lives and trying to convince everyone else that those choices are moral and Ok, when in fact all it brings is harm and death, mainly to the ones that practice those behavoirs and to the people who are close to them and that love them. You don’t get it, I boycot Ford because I love and care for people that suffer from the wrong choices they make.

*And if any man hear my words and keep them not, *
I do not judge him for I came not to the judge world, **but **to save the world. John 12:47

prejudgement comes from not understanding the Word.

The Word is explained in John 1:1-5
yet you have “condemned” Ford to a boycot because they do not conform to your ways, which are beyond the churches even thats why the Church is not behind this, this is how Protestant religions were also formed, by people whom thought they were doing what the Church should have been doing, or by doing “good” and what should be done to please God
I have not condemned Ford, they have condemned themselves.

All Ford has to do is stop supporting those agendas and I, along with hundreds of thousands of others, will put Ford back on our list of cars to buy. Ford is a company, and I am a consumer, and I have every right to tell Ford that I will not buy their product–it is a free market and Ford tries to sel to that market, so they must listen to the market, or close.

It seems to me that you want Ford to be free to support anything they desire, but the rest of us are not supposed to be free with our choices.
I believe that term is relative,
but in many ways yes we have free choice, I repsect your free choice to boycot a buisness for any purpose you want, and for any reason,
I do not believe you have the free choice to use a Catholic answers forum to get more supporters, esspecially being as new people into the faith and trying desperatly to learn about it come daily.the church does not back this boycot in any way. yet by posting it here its appearing they are 100% behind it.
its that old “appearnece” thing. just like if we seen sam creep into samanthas bedroom window at 1 am, and come out at 2 am
we would assume the worst yet he may have been there all upset and talking to her for some support.
I am merely responding to a thread that Catholic Answers has allowed. If you have a problem with this thread, then please contact a moderator. I have borken no rules, and I am not telling people they must boycott, rather I am giving my opinion that boycotts work and that there is an active boycott against Ford right now.

You seem to want freedom for Ford, but not for others. Interesting.
I want the Church to take care of all that are in need, despite what caused that need. I want the Church to give help to aides patients, drug addicts, alcoholics, rape vitims, unwed mothers, the homeless and anybody else that is in need. It’s called acts of mercy.

Ford is supporting political organizations that want people to stay in the sins/ destructive behavoirs that are destroying their lives and trying to convience everyone else that those choices are moral and Ok, when in fact all it brings is harm and death, mainly to the ones that practice those behavoirs and to the people who are close to them and that love them. You don’t get it, I boycot Ford because I love and care for people that suffer from the wrong choices they make
and what organizations are those? can you throw a few names please?

I know they throw a lot of money to
  1. the salvation army
  2. the red cross
    3)united way ( by the way i dont give this company 2 cents)
    4)feed the chirldren
    5)habitat for humanity
    6)a few local shelters and feeding houses in the Detroit areas
    such as Mother waddles, and some others i am not sure of
    names now ( yes local area i know but i am sure there are
    many localized efforts in many areas)
    7)Drs/physicians abroad
thats 7 i named that i know of.which actually is most likely hundreds when you consider all the local units, and schools
they put millions into our education systems.

I personally know some people whom benefitted from Ford Motor companys generosity with much needed medical supplies (diabetic) when they were turned down from thier own church ( Catholic) how sad is that? they needed about 75 dollars worth of supplies strips and meds for diabetes and were flat refused help by the church, on that note I know others whom were helped similarly by the church as well but what I am trying to say Is Ford motors does a ton of good as well as some bad,most likely to take away 1 will take away all as it has with wal mart meijers etc they dont allow salvation army to collect at Christmas anymore cause they dont want to allow other groups do same…
Theology of the Body by John Paul II and he has how much actual experience? you know i have never said anything about this book before and i see the title get thrown around all the time.
however to base a sex life on the book from someone with no actual experience in the subject is ludicrous at best.
should we also read a book of how to be a nun from Linda lovelace ( bad joke i know) or maybe how to fix and repair cars from Ronald Reagan,
OR how to avoid a war from President Jr Bush…
all would have the same value to me.
So, the teaching about authentic love and marriage from the vicar of Christ is without merit? I would argue the opposite. Those with “experience” often are blinded. Those of us in obstinate doubt, rejecting proper authority, and the like, are often hindered from seeing what is true.

One does not need to have cancer to be a good oncologist. One does not need to be married to understand God’s will for us.

As it is said the truth will only be accepted to the degree one is open to receiving it.
I am merely responding to a thread that Catholic Answers has allowed. If you have a problem with this thread, then please contact a moderator. I have borken no rules, and I am not telling people they must boycott, rather I am giving my opinion that boycotts work and that there is an active boycott against Ford right now.

You seem to want freedom for Ford, but not for others. Interesting.
there is that twisting again i call it the “fall back and punt”
I must have hit a nerve for you to do that again…

cant handle seeing i am correct?
God made them that way why cant you accept that? just as he makes some of us Hetero sexuals, retarded, handicapped physically etc.there are no differences except when unproven FEAR jumps into ones mind, its a form of discrimination solely based on one thing forget that the person is a child of God,
Let us be clear here. God does not ordain objective disorders in our inclination. Physical defects, psychological defects, and philosophical disorders are the result of original sin.
can you help that you are attracted to a woman if you are a man, or can you help when you are attracted to a man if you are a woman,
The attraction to the opposite is ordained by God.
we have santa claus parades,easter parades completre with the jolly fat man or the easter Bunny, why are we not targeting these as well. so we as Hetero sexuals are allowed our Christmas parades and easter parades and parade of roses ,labor day memorial day and many high school functions but dam the people who will help sponser a parade for gays or gay awareness.
Are you joking? You think an Easter parade is equal to a so called gay pride parade? Do you understand that gay pride is a political invention? Do you not see there is an agenda to normalize behavior that is not normal?
You know its funny we sit back and get angry everytime we see someone mess with something we like because it offends them! such as a nativity scene in a public place, the word God in our schools, open prayer in our schools etc etc. we have no right to be angry some of us are just as dang guilty of being upset over something we do not believe in…
Moral relativism.
this is why our culture is the way it is, there are tons of various religions, what offends one does not the other yet we have to try and outdo each other instead of saying hey I understand its your “culture so I will tolerate”…
How do you understand tolerance?
that if gay marriages are allowed, then everyone will drop the hetero marriage and get into a gay one??
please tell me you dont believe thaqt and if you dont then you are fibbing telling everyone its going to ruin our culture and society
Tell me you do not see the danger in redefining marraige?
So, the teaching about authentic love and marriage from the vicar of Christ is without merit? I would argue the opposite. Those with “experience” often are blinded. Those of us in obstinate doubt, rejecting proper authority, and the like, are often hindered from seeing what is true.

One does not need to have cancer to be a good oncologist. One does not need to be married to understand God’s will for us.

As it is said the truth will only be accepted to the degree one is open to receiving it.
would you go to a foot Dr to get rid of depression??
would you go to a Lawyer for religious teaching

then why go to someone whom has never been in a sexual situation to learn about that?
Let us be clear here. God does not ordain objective disorders in our inclination. Physical defects, psychological defects, and philosophical disorders are the result of original sin.

The attraction to the opposite is ordained by God.

Are you joking? You think an Easter parade is equal to a so called gay pride parade? Do you understand that gay pride is a political invention? Do you not see there is an agenda to normalize behavior that is not normal?

Moral relativism.

How do you understand tolerance?

Tell me you do not see the danger in redefining marraige?
No i actually dont, for the main fact the Church dont recognize 3/4 of marriages anyways unless it needs an anullment they they all recognized, but hey thats what brings in the money right.
Ill just bet if gay marriages become even though we will never see them in the church the church will require an anullment from them lol
would you go to a foot Dr to get rid of depression??
would you go to a Lawyer for religious teaching

then why go to someone whom has never been in a sexual situation to learn about that?
The marital act is a personal good and not separate from the moral law. Why would you exclude Christ’s teaching in this matter? Would we find happiness apart from the moral law?
The marital act is a personal good and not separate from the moral law. Why would you exclude Christ’s teaching in this matter? Would we find happiness apart from the moral law?
what has that got to do with the question?
No i actually dont, for the main fact the Church dont recognize 3/4 of marriages anyways unless it needs an anullment they they all recognized, but hey thats what brings in the money right.
What are you talking about? The Church recognizes as valid non sacramental marriages and non Catholic sacramental marriages . Catholics are bound by the Catholic form of marriage, but those outside the Church are not bound.
Ill just bet if gay marriages become even though we will never see them in the church the church will require an anullment from them lol
You fail to understand what She teaches on marriage and decrees of nullity. If you want to criticize the Church I charitably suggest you present what She actually teaches rather than substitute your teaching and call it Hers.
what has that got to do with the question?
You dismiss the Church’s theology of the body because you claim the interpretation comes from a non married source, correct?

That source is not some inauthentic source. It is the vicar of Christ. Marriage and marital sexuality is not simply an instrument that we self define and manipulate or learn about like learning how to drive a car.

The sexual power is a good from Christ. It is not a commodity. It is not an instrument. We learn from authentic sources. The teacher in these matters is the Church.
there is that twisting again i call it the “fall back and punt”
I must have hit a nerve for you to do that again…

cant handle seeing i am correct?
You really cannot face facts, can you? The truth is we are free citizens and can make choices. I choose to boycott Ford because of their social agendas, you want to take that freedom away…so nice of you.
and my comment was to that and still would be from what actual experience? anyone can put to words anything they think.
Just like i think we should have cars that drive themselves, avoid all accidents with a laser eye what a great thing huh its written so where are they? I dont have the experience of such vehicles nor the experience or technology to make them.yet noone should be without one.
so now that i have written that down anyone whom gets into an accident should be tried for manslaughter, because they didnt use what I wrote.

Its a great ideal with great intentions but has little value cause its not based from experience, would you send your kids to a person to learn to drive whom has never driven a car before?
would you allow and electrician whom has never seen a fuse panel wire up your new electric range?
would you pay a man to roof your house that has never touched a shingle? or a hammer?
would you step into an airplane and fly across the country if you knew the pilot had never even flown before much less ever piloted ?

same principles
He is expounding on 2000 years of Catholic Tradition and Christ’s teachings, these are not his unfounded opinions.
What are you talking about? The Church recognizes as valid non sacramental marriages and non Catholic sacramental marriages . Catholics are bound by the Catholic form of marriage, but those outside the Church are not bound.
they see nothing valid from a civil marriage, or one that has a non baptised person in it the list goes on and on.

As a catholic I am not allowed to marry anywhere but inside the church, yet i see not one thing about that in scripture.

anyways its all irrelavent anyways, the Church tries to instill the do as i say not as I do attitude to keep people following her and if you look at this thread you can see the brainwashing that has gone on.
even though this is a gross and not valid statement the church could donate money to the mob and be considered charitable for it, where as if someone/something else did they would be wrong and labeled…
its a double edged sword, you or I are not gonna change our way of thinking. you feel if the Church was to tell you to kill yourself you would be in Gods will of things and do it, where i see it as suicide.and not something to follow…

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