and my comment was to that and still would be from what actual experience? anyone can put to words anything they think.
Just like i think we should have cars that drive themselves, avoid all accidents with a laser eye what a great thing huh its written so where are they? I dont have the experience of such vehicles nor the experience or technology to make them.yet noone should be without one.
so now that i have written that down anyone whom gets into an accident should be tried for manslaughter, because they didnt use what I wrote.
Its a great ideal with great intentions but has little value cause its not based from experience, would you send your kids to a person to learn to drive whom has never driven a car before?
would you allow and electrician whom has never seen a fuse panel wire up your new electric range?
would you pay a man to roof your house that has never touched a shingle? or a hammer?
would you step into an airplane and fly across the country if you knew the pilot had never even flown before much less ever piloted ?
same principles