But the church is allowed to send money to people that have aids mostly from extra and premarital sex, some from “gay” sex, but thats ok cause its the church doing it right, they send money to many other foriegn places as well that are not squeeky clean, yet Because its the Catholic “corporation” its ok.
and for the record i dont give a rats behind whom you boycot what I care about is how you are making it look as if the “Church” is behind you on it by Using a Catholic answers forum to post the trash and try and dupe many whom may be into the religion and do not Know the Church is NOT behind this, to me this is a GROSS misuse of a great forum.
and you still havnt posted anything about what they are actually doing, you just say Gay agenda is that all you actually know about it, did you bother to even look into this?
I have a “gay” agenda, a color agenda, a mixed color agenda, a hetero agenda the list goes on I feel all people should be treated the exact same no matter what and shame on you for judging someone over what has been proven to be a “birth defect”
you act like someone wakes up and decides hey I think i will be gay today, It dont work like that at all, I had a friend do many many experiments in a college ( a christian College at that)
she could make any litter of mice, hampsters, gerbils etc homosexual, she could even make them all Hermaphrodites, in case you have no clue what that is its being born with Both male and female sex organs, all it takes basically is to mess with 3 chromosomes I do not have the data sheets anymore ( 2000) of them
but I can give you the jist of it but dont hold me to the exact 3 chromosomes but if you consider x, y and z chromosomes
x being Female Y being male and z being the turn off or decider
all are conceived to be Female, but have all three chromosomes just literally flying thru thier system,anyways if the turn off/decider stays way too long you will get a hermaphrodite grows both organs, if it turns off a tad early on a person the was supposed to be male you get Homosexual,turns off late on a female and same thing, now we are only talking a matter of a day or so as far as when it needs to turn off , its more involved than what I have describved but thats the jist, Its also how Drs will be able to soon enough be able to let you decide what you would like to have a male or a female,course would have to be initiated from invitro or test tube so they knew exact moment of conception
scary thought huh?
why not boycott science and Drs?
well anyways do what you got to do I am not gonna be a part of “forcing” my religion and be like a jehovas witness,
But I would ask next time you trying to drum up support if you think you can still get people to support it make the statement that its not backed by the church and its only “wildcat” Christinas trying to force thier own personal beliefs on others, in other words be honest and quit duping people into thinking its a Church approved thing…
and Remeber Homosexual people have a calling from God
they are his Children as well as the rest of us,what thier calling is is yet to be understood but Knowing its coming from God makes it grand in my opinion, None of us are as pure as the driven snow and as once was said by a great man, let ye who is WITHOUT sin cast the first stone…