Ford sales continue downhill slide over homosexual support

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That makes sense, Tom.
I have a question on this…in looking at the actual ad again…is that how they are promoting the gay agenda…by having their ads shown in gay magazines? I ask, because how many products do we buy that have advertisements air during Desperate Housewives…during Sex & the City (now that it airs on regular tv)…Boston Legal (really should be renamed Desperate Lawyers)…you know what I’m saying? I don’t really watch these shows…have in the past, but have stopped as I felt they just lack any substance, and make women look…well, ‘desperate.’

Or–are they also giving money to lobbyists to support the gay marriage addendum? Just want to make sure I have my facts straight…thanks.
Go here:

Follow the links on the left side of the page and you will see many of the ways Ford supports those agendas.
This is not about personal sin, it is about corporate misuse of money.
But the church is allowed to send money to people that have aids mostly from extra and premarital sex, some from “gay” sex, but thats ok cause its the church doing it right, they send money to many other foriegn places as well that are not squeeky clean, yet Because its the Catholic “corporation” its ok.

and for the record i dont give a rats behind whom you boycot what I care about is how you are making it look as if the “Church” is behind you on it by Using a Catholic answers forum to post the trash and try and dupe many whom may be into the religion and do not Know the Church is NOT behind this, to me this is a GROSS misuse of a great forum.

and you still havnt posted anything about what they are actually doing, you just say Gay agenda is that all you actually know about it, did you bother to even look into this?
I have a “gay” agenda, a color agenda, a mixed color agenda, a hetero agenda the list goes on I feel all people should be treated the exact same no matter what and shame on you for judging someone over what has been proven to be a “birth defect”
you act like someone wakes up and decides hey I think i will be gay today, It dont work like that at all, I had a friend do many many experiments in a college ( a christian College at that)
she could make any litter of mice, hampsters, gerbils etc homosexual, she could even make them all Hermaphrodites, in case you have no clue what that is its being born with Both male and female sex organs, all it takes basically is to mess with 3 chromosomes I do not have the data sheets anymore ( 2000) of them
but I can give you the jist of it but dont hold me to the exact 3 chromosomes but if you consider x, y and z chromosomes
x being Female Y being male and z being the turn off or decider
all are conceived to be Female, but have all three chromosomes just literally flying thru thier system,anyways if the turn off/decider stays way too long you will get a hermaphrodite grows both organs, if it turns off a tad early on a person the was supposed to be male you get Homosexual,turns off late on a female and same thing, now we are only talking a matter of a day or so as far as when it needs to turn off , its more involved than what I have describved but thats the jist, Its also how Drs will be able to soon enough be able to let you decide what you would like to have a male or a female,course would have to be initiated from invitro or test tube so they knew exact moment of conception
scary thought huh?
why not boycott science and Drs?

well anyways do what you got to do I am not gonna be a part of “forcing” my religion and be like a jehovas witness,
But I would ask next time you trying to drum up support if you think you can still get people to support it make the statement that its not backed by the church and its only “wildcat” Christinas trying to force thier own personal beliefs on others, in other words be honest and quit duping people into thinking its a Church approved thing…

and Remeber Homosexual people have a calling from God
they are his Children as well as the rest of us,what thier calling is is yet to be understood but Knowing its coming from God makes it grand in my opinion, None of us are as pure as the driven snow and as once was said by a great man, let ye who is WITHOUT sin cast the first stone…
But the church is allowed to send money to people that have aids mostly from extra and premarital sex, some from “gay” sex, but thats ok cause its the church doing it right, they send money to many other foriegn places as well that are not squeeky clean, yet Because its the Catholic “corporation” its ok.

and for the record i dont give a rats behind whom you boycot what I care about is how you are making it look as if the “Church” is behind you on it by Using a Catholic answers forum to post the trash and try and dupe many whom may be into the religion and do not Know the Church is NOT behind this, to me this is a GROSS misuse of a great forum.

and you still havnt posted anything about what they are actually doing, you just say Gay agenda is that all you actually know about it, did you bother to even look into this?
I have a “gay” agenda, a color agenda, a mixed color agenda, a hetero agenda the list goes on I feel all people should be treated the exact same no matter what and shame on you for judging someone over what has been proven to be a “birth defect”
you act like someone wakes up and decides hey I think i will be gay today, It dont work like that at all, I had a friend do many many experiments in a college ( a christian College at that)
she could make any litter of mice, hampsters, gerbils etc homosexual, she could even make them all Hermaphrodites, in case you have no clue what that is its being born with Both male and female sex organs, all it takes basically is to mess with 3 chromosomes I do not have the data sheets anymore ( 2000) of them
but I can give you the jist of it but dont hold me to the exact 3 chromosomes but if you consider x, y and z chromosomes
x being Female Y being male and z being the turn off or decider
all are conceived to be Female, but have all three chromosomes just literally flying thru thier system,anyways if the turn off/decider stays way too long you will get a hermaphrodite grows both organs, if it turns off a tad early on a person the was supposed to be male you get Homosexual,turns off late on a female and same thing, now we are only talking a matter of a day or so as far as when it needs to turn off , its more involved than what I have describved but thats the jist, Its also how Drs will be able to soon enough be able to let you decide what you would like to have a male or a female,course would have to be initiated from invitro or test tube so they knew exact moment of conception
scary thought huh?
why not boycott science and Drs?

well anyways do what you got to do I am not gonna be a part of “forcing” my religion and be like a jehovas witness,
But I would ask next time you trying to drum up support if you think you can still get people to support it make the statement that its not backed by the church and its only “wildcat” Christinas trying to force thier own personal beliefs on others, in other words be honest and quit duping people into thinking its a Church approved thing…

and Remeber Homosexual people have a calling from God
they are his Children as well as the rest of us,what thier calling is is yet to be understood but Knowing its coming from God makes it grand in my opinion, None of us are as pure as the driven snow and as once was said by a great man, let ye who is WITHOUT sin cast the first stone…
I have posted a link twice, if you do not want to go there, that is your choice, but it gives a very good list of things Fod is doing.

The Church does not support sin when it helps sick, hungry and dying people, it is showing mercy as God calls it to do.

This is NOT about the Church and I will NOT allow you to play a bait-and-switch game. This is about Ford and what they are doing, either stick to that or you are off topic.
I will buy a Ford, it’s my earned money. I like their product and have not experience any problems. I know people who dislike Ford and prefer Chevrolet. Who am I to tell them not buy the vehicle of their choice because some way out ideal, that has nothing to do with the driving of the car? I do not think the homosexual agenda is pushing anything on me. I am not fearfu for my children living next door or down the street of a homosexual. I am however, extremely fearful of the scare tactics of the extreme religious right (doesn’t matter the denomination).

I will buy Ford, I will have a cup a joe at Starbucks, and if I so choose will contribute to Susan Komen breast cancer orgainization. I am thankful each day to be called American.
You can excercise your free will whether you are American or not.

Having the license to do something is not freedom. Freedom is having the choice do do what one ought to do.
The Church does not support sin when it helps sick, hungry and dying people, it is showing mercy as God calls it to do.
this is exactly what Ford motors is doing showing mercy but because they dont rule your life they are wrong to do so and the church is ok…

thats the do as I say not as I do syndrom thanks for clarifying that for us its originally what at least I was thinking anyways…

any I am staying on topic you were the one whom pointed out a buisness ahs no right sticking its profit any where but back to itself well the Church is also a buisness and its sticking its money all over as well I just am ponting out the unfairness the way “certain” buisnesses are treated…
case closed thank you for helping to prove the point…
Because America is made up of many religions, races, etc., each brings it’s own culture in, so how does it need protection? I believe you are referring more to “morality” as you define it Because there is no one “culture” way of life that is in need of protection more than any other.

I do not believe that buying a vehicle from Ford is any more or even evil than buying a car from GM. If you believe it is, then that is “you”. You have the right to do what you want with your money.

To believe that company is on the downhill slide because of homosexual support must have missed basic economics in high school. This is pure and simple “scare tactics” and “paranoia”. I don’t make it a point of “knowing” if my friend, co-worker, hair dresser, car salesperson, teacher, banker, grocer are in a relationship with a person of the same sex. If that were the case, and I was that concerned, I’d start looking for a cave.
You are confussed. No one has said it is evil to buy a Ford, but some of us have decided to make a politcal stand on family issues, values and morality by making a vote with our money.

The only scare tatics being used on this thread are the individuals that oppose the Church teachings on sexuality. If you stand with the Church on the issue then you are a hater is the message you are trying to paint. Is that the message you putting across? It is the one I’m hearing.

As what America is, it is a nation that is being froced to forget it’s hertiage and history. We were started as a Christian nation that put our faith that God wanted us to be tolerant, but not ignorant of the dangers aimed at destroying our culture and society.

I think many people are already in a cave and only seeing the shadows on the wall as they embrace the darkness of thier lustful and selfish hearts.
You are confussed. No one has said it is evil to buy a Ford, but some of us have decided to make a politcal stand on family issues, values and morality by making a vote with our money.

The only scare tatics being used on this thread are the individuals that oppose the Church teachings on sexuality. If you stand with the Church on the issue then you are a hater is the message you are trying to paint. Is that the message you putting across? It is the one I’m hearing.

As what America is, it is a nation that is being froced to forget it’s hertiage and history. We were started as a Christian nation that put our faith that God wanted us to be tolerant, but not ignorant of the dangers aimed at destroying our culture and society.

I think many people are already in a cave and only seeing the shadows on the wall as they embrace the darkness of thier lustful and selfish hearts.
OK thats a very strong statement and you better be ready to back it up with some PROOF,

where is it in any church rules or teaching that Homosexualism is a sin? where have they taught that you are going to hell if you are a homosexual? tell that to the hundreds of Homosexual priests around the world, the sin is to act on it in a sexual way not to be it,
its basically the same sin as an unmarried person haveing sex with a BF/GF, thats what everyone is failing to see they are so quick to judge,convict, and as far as most are concerned imprison a homosexual, not all homosexual people are having sexual relations out there, yet its easy to just say they are bad , against god etc, God made them that way why cant you accept that? just as he makes some of us Hetero sexuals, retarded, handicapped physically etc.there are no differences except when unproven FEAR jumps into ones mind, its a form of discrimination solely based on one thing forget that the person is a child of God, forget he/she has a family , forget this same person goes to church more than anyone here and maybe knows more about the rules etc than anyone here they are bad,evil, and trying to ruin a culture,go against God because of whom attracts them,
can you help that you are attracted to a woman if you are a man, or can you help when you are attracted to a man if you are a woman,

we have santa claus parades,easter parades completre with the jolly fat man or the easter Bunny, why are we not targeting these as well. so we as Hetero sexuals are allowed our Christmas parades and easter parades and parade of roses ,labor day memorial day and many high school functions but dam the people who will help sponser a parade for gays or gay awareness.

You know its funny we sit back and get angry everytime we see someone mess with something we like because it offends them! such as a nativity scene in a public place, the word God in our schools, open prayer in our schools etc etc. we have no right to be angry some of us are just as dang guilty of being upset over something we do not believe in…

this is why our culture is the way it is, there are tons of various religions, what offends one does not the other yet we have to try and outdo each other instead of saying hey I understand its your “culture so I will tolerate”…

New word for today “TOLERATE”
that word can bring world peace,if enough people were to believe in it…

by the way I keep seeing you post danger to our culture,society etc what danger, is everyone in the country going to suddenly turn gay? I am very serious here is that what you actually believe?
that if gay marriages are allowed, then everyone will drop the hetero marriage and get into a gay one??
please tell me you dont believe thaqt and if you dont then you are fibbing telling everyone its going to ruin our culture and society
I have often heard the homosexual ‘argument’ among evangelical Christians, on the radio, tv etc…more vehement than Catholics, actually…but what I have always noticed, is that they don’t offer any solution to helping someone out of sin. Not buying cars will thwart Ford’s advocacy of the homosexual agenda, but it won’t stop the the agenda. If you truly seek to help people see the ‘errs of their ways,’ then you have to help them to hear Jesus’ voice. Jesus might advocate a boycott–perhaps? He wouldn’t want people to feel shunned, because of sin, though. That’s a pivotal position these arguments often take…that we should protect and shelter our youth from the venom of evil–in this case, homosexuality. As Catholics, we need to discuss tolerance, as john says–more openly. Tolerance doesn’t mean acceptance. That’s another word twist people do, when it comes to this topic.

Tolerance means to love someone, despite their behaviors. I never really liked the word ‘tolerate,’ as it implies that I am impatient and just tolerating a bad situation. I think that what needs to be heard from gays by the Catholic/Christian media is what God taught. They can make an informed decision from that point. I can also choose not to buy Ford–but, that is like putting a bandaid on a gun shot wound, really.

My son had an interesting take on this thread…he’s 14, and he said that maybe Ford doesn’t support the gay agenda, maybe they feel that if they advertise in their magazines, etc…send money to support the gay marriage amendment, etc…then, they will gain more liberal supporters of their cars. He said it’s all about money…

He could be right?

Just my $.02
this is exactly what Ford motors is doing showing mercy but because they dont rule your life they are wrong to do so and the church is ok…

thats the do as I say not as I do syndrom thanks for clarifying that for us its originally what at least I was thinking anyways…

any I am staying on topic you were the one whom pointed out a buisness ahs no right sticking its profit any where but back to itself well the Church is also a buisness and its sticking its money all over as well I just am ponting out the unfairness the way “certain” buisnesses are treated…
case closed thank you for helping to prove the point…
Again, this is not about the Church, this is about what Ford does, not what any other entity, Church, person or group does. It is about Ford, nothing more and nothing less. You can try the typical bait and switch game all you want–it just won’t work with me. People often try to change the subject (as you are) when they know they do not have a sound argument.

Answer this question: Did CBS have the right to fire Don Imus?
I have often heard the homosexual ‘argument’ among evangelical Christians, on the radio, tv etc…more vehement than Catholics, actually…but what I have always noticed, is that they don’t offer any solution to helping someone out of sin. Not buying cars will thwart Ford’s advocacy of the homosexual agenda, but it won’t stop the the agenda. If you truly seek to help people see the ‘errs of their ways,’ then you have to help them to hear Jesus’ voice. Jesus might advocate a boycott–perhaps? He wouldn’t want people to feel shunned, because of sin, though. That’s a pivotal position these arguments often take…that we should protect and shelter our youth from the venom of evil–in this case, homosexuality. As Catholics, we need to discuss tolerance, as john says–more openly. Tolerance doesn’t mean acceptance. That’s another word twist people do, when it comes to this topic.

Tolerance means to love someone, despite their behaviors. I never really liked the word ‘tolerate,’ as it implies that I am impatient and just tolerating a bad situation. I think that what needs to be heard from gays by the Catholic/Christian media is what God taught. They can make an informed decision from that point. I can also choose not to buy Ford–but, that is like putting a bandaid on a gun shot wound, really.

My son had an interesting take on this thread…he’s 14, and he said that maybe Ford doesn’t support the gay agenda, maybe they feel that if they advertise in their magazines, etc…send money to support the gay marriage amendment, etc…then, they will gain more liberal supporters of their cars. He said it’s all about money…

He could be right?

Just my $.02
Ford has lost billions because of this, I would say if they were trying to gain liberals, it has failed miserably. Also, if Christians take a methodical approach to boycotting targeted companies, they will change the culture because companies want to make money.
Again, this is not about the Church, this is about what Ford does, not what any other entity, Church, person or group does. It is about Ford, nothing more and nothing less. You can try the typical bait and switch game all you want–it just won’t work with me. People often try to change the subject (as you are) when they know they do not have a sound argument.

Answer this question: Did CBS have the right to fire Don Imus?
I am not bait and swtching as you say you keep calling it that because you know i am absolutly right i was merely compareing one buisness to another they both are doing the same thing but one you consider grand and truthful ( the Church) the other you consider evil and wrong even though they both are doing the same things.

its not a bait and switch, its merely a simple comparison
what you are doing is basically this

sam goes to a hotel with some gal he meets at a bar come out 2 hours later smiling you walk up to him and say you know that was not right you have sinned, ytou need to go to confession

now abe goes to a hotel with a gal he just met at a bar comes out a few hours later and because he is your friend you say dude way to be alright…

this is the same as what you have been doing
where is the bait and switch???
Ford gives money to sin= baddddd
church gives money to sin = awesome

Ford gives money to sin - boycot
church gives money to sin = let give the church more money talk them up and attend as much as possible they have the truth.

once again i ask where is the bait and switch?

I see the word hypocrit here.but since i have joined the church that seems to be the norm anyways so have learned tolerance for that…

I know I am going to start boycotting the church basket instead i will give my 10 % directly to the charities i choose. then i wont be donating to the ones you dont like, I personally like the salvation army, so Friday I will cut them a check and mail it for 10%
Like you said we have to start saving our culture somewhere right
and I am noot in the market for a new car yet,

oh and who is this Don Imus, I am sorry i cannot comment on this as I know nadda about whom or what
OK thats a very strong statement and you better be ready to back it up with some PROOF,

where is it in any church rules or teaching that Homosexualism is a sin? where have they taught that you are going to hell if you are a homosexual? tell that to the hundreds of Homosexual priests around the world, the sin is to act on it in a sexual way not to be it,
its basically the same sin as an unmarried person haveing sex with a BF/GF, thats what everyone is failing to see they are so quick to judge,convict, and as far as most are concerned imprison a homosexual, not all homosexual people are having sexual relations out there, yet its easy to just say they are bad , against god etc, God made them that way why cant you accept that? just as he makes some of us Hetero sexuals, retarded, handicapped physically etc.there are no differences except when unproven FEAR jumps into ones mind, its a form of discrimination solely based on one thing forget that the person is a child of God, forget he/she has a family , forget this same person goes to church more than anyone here and maybe knows more about the rules etc than anyone here they are bad,evil, and trying to ruin a culture,go against God because of whom attracts them,
can you help that you are attracted to a woman if you are a man, or can you help when you are attracted to a man if you are a woman,

we have santa claus parades,easter parades completre with the jolly fat man or the easter Bunny, why are we not targeting these as well. so we as Hetero sexuals are allowed our Christmas parades and easter parades and parade of roses ,labor day memorial day and many high school functions but dam the people who will help sponser a parade for gays or gay awareness.

You know its funny we sit back and get angry everytime we see someone mess with something we like because it offends them! such as a nativity scene in a public place, the word God in our schools, open prayer in our schools etc etc. we have no right to be angry some of us are just as dang guilty of being upset over something we do not believe in…

this is why our culture is the way it is, there are tons of various religions, what offends one does not the other yet we have to try and outdo each other instead of saying hey I understand its your “culture so I will tolerate”…

New word for today “TOLERATE”
that word can bring world peace,if enough people were to believe in it…

by the way I keep seeing you post danger to our culture,society etc what danger, is everyone in the country going to suddenly turn gay? I am very serious here is that what you actually believe?
that if gay marriages are allowed, then everyone will drop the hetero marriage and get into a gay one??
please tell me you dont believe thaqt and if you dont then you are fibbing telling everyone its going to ruin our culture and society
You are putting words into my mouth and/or my post, the very tatic I was refering to in previous post. I never mention Hell, I have always said that those whom suffer from SSA are to be treated with compassion, (such as supporting them in illness or supporting them to live a chaste life, etc., etc.) And I refered to all sexual sins of being in the same light.If you hear the word comdemnation it is coming from within your own head. The only anger I’m reading is from your post. Christ didn’t come to comdemn but to save. But one has to be willing to receive the gift.

I suggest that you get a copy of Theology of the Body by John Paul II and try reading it and learn about the beauty of sexuality and how it relates to God’s love for mankind.

An open mind must be open for recieving love and to give love.

I am able to separate politics from the individual, as well the sin from the sinner.
You are putting words into my mouth and/or my post, the very tatic I was refering to in previous post. I never mention Hell, I have always said that those whom suffer from SSA are to be treated with compassion. And I refered to all sexual sins of being in the same light.If you hear the word comdemnation it is coming from within your own head. The only anger I’m reading is from your post. Christ didn’t come to comdemn but to save. But one has to be willing to receive the gift.

I suggest that you get a copy of Theology of the Body by John Paul II and try reading it and learn about the beauty of sexuality and how it relates to God’s love for mankind.

An open mind must be open for recieving love and to give love.
Theology of the Body by John Paul II and he has how much actual experience? you know i have never said anything about this book before and i see the title get thrown around all the time.
however to base a sex life on the book from someone with no actual experience in the subject is ludicrous at best.
should we also read a book of how to be a nun from Linda lovelace ( bad joke i know) or maybe how to fix and repair cars from Ronald Reagan,
OR how to avoid a war from President Jr Bush…
all would have the same value to me.

I am sure its great reading material, However i want something written by someone whom has actual experience I dont pick up a service manual for a boat written by a computer nerd, nor would you want me to if i was repairing your boat. anyways its way off subject anyways…

as far as the term hell goes I wasnt meaning that you actually said that you stated about “sin” sin = trip to hell read your post then read mine dont just read two or three lines and assume i am putting words in your mouth…
Theology of the Body by John Paul II and he has how much actual experience? you know i have never said anything about this book before and i see the title get thrown around all the time.
however to base a sex life on the book from someone with no actual experience in the subject is ludicrous at best.
You are kidding, right?

Theology of the Body has little to do with the actual act. If that’s the manual you need pickup the other sources you mentioned. Rather it is an very deep understanding of human sexuality. You definitely could benefit as indicated by the shallowness of your posts.
You are kidding, right?

Theology of the Body has little to do with the actual act. If that’s the manual you need pickup the other sources you mentioned. Rather it is an very deep understanding of human sexuality. You definitely could benefit as indicated by the shallowness of your posts.
My posts are shallow???

you say its about a “deep understanding of human sexuality” right
what do you consider human sexuality? trimming fingernails?cutting hair? let me know what you are reffering to before you call me shallow,
I am not the one saying boycot because its written somewhere to do so…and do it without first verifying what I am actually boycotting and why.

how shallow is that
My posts are shallow???
I am sure you can cut someone down much better than that.

I am not the one saying boycot because its written somewhere to do so…and do it without first verifying what I am actually boycotting and why.

how shallow is that
C’mon. The statement about the JPII and the Theology of the Body? Think it through. I am not trying to cut you down. I am merely saying that I think you would be surprised and could benefit by studying the Theology of the Body.

Today’s man indeed has a shallow understanding of sexuality, reducing it to mere animal acts. The Pope is taking you on a much richer journey.
C’mon. The statement about the JPII and the Theology of the Body? Think it through. I am not trying to cut you down. I am merely saying that I think you would be surprised and could benefit by studying the Theology of the Body.

Today’s man indeed has a shallow understanding of sexuality, reducing it to mere animal acts. The Pope is taking you on a much richer journey.
and my comment was to that and still would be from what actual experience? anyone can put to words anything they think.
Just like i think we should have cars that drive themselves, avoid all accidents with a laser eye what a great thing huh its written so where are they? I dont have the experience of such vehicles nor the experience or technology to make them.yet noone should be without one.
so now that i have written that down anyone whom gets into an accident should be tried for manslaughter, because they didnt use what I wrote.

Its a great ideal with great intentions but has little value cause its not based from experience, would you send your kids to a person to learn to drive whom has never driven a car before?
would you allow and electrician whom has never seen a fuse panel wire up your new electric range?
would you pay a man to roof your house that has never touched a shingle? or a hammer?
would you step into an airplane and fly across the country if you knew the pilot had never even flown before much less ever piloted ?

same principles
Theology of the Body by John Paul II and he has how much actual experience? you know i have never said anything about this book before and i see the title get thrown around all the time.
however to base a sex life on the book from someone with no actual experience in the subject is ludicrous at best…
Before you past judgement on the book why don’t you try reading it. That is the way book critics usually do it.
as far as the term hell goes I wasnt meaning that you actually said that you stated about “sin” sin = trip to hell read your post then read mine dont just read two or three lines and assume i am putting words in your mouth…

A transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate.

  1. *]Theology

    1. *]Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God.
      *]A condition of estrangement from God resulting from such disobedience.

      *]Something regarded as being shameful, deplorable, or utterly wrong.
      **sinned **, **sin·ning **, **sins **

      1. *]To violate a religious or moral law.
        *]To commit an offense or violation.
        I don’t see the word Hell anywhere in the definition.


        Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. See Synonyms at pity.

        pl. **pit·ies **

        1. *]Sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another.
          I have compassion for those that suffer from SSA and I have pity on them from not understanding God’s purpose for sexuality.

          I will boycott Ford for advancing that misunderstanding of God’s love and purpose for mankind. For Ford is hurting the people God loves and wants to have a relationship with, that is every man and women in the world, those that accept his love and those that don’t.
Before you past judgement on the book why don’t you try reading it. That is the way book critics usually do it.


A transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate.

  1. *]Theology

    1. *]Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God.
      *]A condition of estrangement from God resulting from such disobedience.

      *]Something regarded as being shameful, deplorable, or utterly wrong.
      , sin·ning , sins

      1. *]To violate a religious or moral law.
        *]To commit an offense or violation.
        I don’t see the word Hell anywhere in the definition.


        Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. See Synonyms at pity.

        pl. pit·ies

        1. *]Sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another.
          I have compassion for those that suffer from SSA and I have pity on them from not understanding God’s purpose for sexuality.

          I will boycott Ford for advancing that misunderstanding of God’s love and purpose for mankind. For Ford is hurting the people God loves and wants to have a relationship with, that is every man and women in the world, those that accept his love and those that don’t.

        1. thats fine but I ask you this

          why do you not talk against the church when they send money to aids patients? most of whom got the disease from non marriage sex, gay sex, rape, and drug abuse?

          why is it ok for the church but not for another buisness?
          I only used this one example of “church medaling into thigs” because i have tried using more than one before and you guys keep getting lost figure if I use only one you can comprehend
          and possibly give me an intelligent answer

          I think the problem is a more personal one from original person starting the boycot, maybe he feels he got “screwed” over and gets people like you who think they are doing good to follow his lead…
I am not bait and swtching as you say you keep calling it that because you know i am absolutly right i was merely compareing one buisness to another they both are doing the same thing but one you consider grand and truthful ( the Church) the other you consider evil and wrong even though they both are doing the same things.

its not a bait and switch, its merely a simple comparison
what you are doing is basically this

sam goes to a hotel with some gal he meets at a bar come out 2 hours later smiling you walk up to him and say you know that was not right you have sinned, ytou need to go to confession

now abe goes to a hotel with a gal he just met at a bar comes out a few hours later and because he is your friend you say dude way to be alright…

this is the same as what you have been doing
where is the bait and switch???
Ford gives money to sin= baddddd
church gives money to sin = awesome

Ford gives money to sin - boycot
church gives money to sin = let give the church more money talk them up and attend as much as possible they have the truth.

once again i ask where is the bait and switch?

I see the word hypocrit here.but since i have joined the church that seems to be the norm anyways so have learned tolerance for that…

I know I am going to start boycotting the church basket instead i will give my 10 % directly to the charities i choose. then i wont be donating to the ones you dont like, I personally like the salvation army, so Friday I will cut them a check and mail it for 10%
Like you said we have to start saving our culture somewhere right
and I am noot in the market for a new car yet,

oh and who is this Don Imus, I am sorry i cannot comment on this as I know nadda about whom or what
The Church does not support sin, you might want to think it does, but it most definitely does not support sin. The Church does try to help sinners…huge difference.

Ford directly tries to propogate sin and sinners.

Now, do you believe in free choice?
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