Ford sales continue downhill slide over homosexual support

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Yet another Starbucks thread,ad naseum. Remember when Proctor and Gamble was deemed Satanic by fundamentalist/evangelicals? Again way out there.

If you don’t like Ford, don’t buy there. How do you know your Toyota salesman isn’t gay? You don’t. Slippery slope.

I will buy Ford again.
Thank you for your understanding.
If you desire a change in this culture, then you must take a stand, if not, then that is your choice.
I will buy a Ford, it’s my earned money. I like their product and have not experience any problems. I know people who dislike Ford and prefer Chevrolet. Who am I to tell them not buy the vehicle of their choice because some way out ideal, that has nothing to do with the driving of the car? I do not think the homosexual agenda is pushing anything on me. I am not fearfu for my children living next door or down the street of a homosexual. I am however, extremely fearful of the scare tactics of the extreme religious right (doesn’t matter the denomination).

I will buy Ford, I will have a cup a joe at Starbucks, and if I so choose will contribute to Susan Komen breast cancer orgainization. I am thankful each day to be called American.
I will buy a Ford, it’s my earned money. I like their product and have not experience any problems. I know people who dislike Ford and prefer Chevrolet. Who am I to tell them not buy the vehicle of their choice because some way out ideal, that has nothing to do with the driving of the car? I do not think the homosexual agenda is pushing anything on me. I am not fearfu for my children living next door or down the street of a homosexual. I am however, extremely fearful of the scare tactics of the extreme religious right (doesn’t matter the denomination).

I will buy Ford, I will have a cup a joe at Starbucks, and if I so choose will contribute to Susan Komen breast cancer orgainization. I am thankful each day to be called American.
It’s people like you that actually make me consider going back to Catholicism… Thanks.
I will buy a Ford, it’s my earned money. I like their product and have not experience any problems. I know people who dislike Ford and prefer Chevrolet. Who am I to tell them not buy the vehicle of their choice because some way out ideal, that has nothing to do with the driving of the car? I do not think the homosexual agenda is pushing anything on me. I am not fearfu for my children living next door or down the street of a homosexual. I am however, extremely fearful of the scare tactics of the extreme religious right (doesn’t matter the denomination).

I will buy Ford, I will have a cup a joe at Starbucks, and if I so choose will contribute to Susan Komen breast cancer orgainization. I am thankful each day to be called American.
Do you feel that our culture needs to be protected? (it is a yes or not answer)

I will also answer, even though you directed your question to Julianna. Yes, our society needs to be protected…but, there are far more problems in this world, than the homosexual issue. Do i think that homosexuality is a sin? According to God, it is, and I follow God’s word. But, so is divorcing…which hetersexuals are doing a fine job of screwing up their families. Terrorism…hate crimes…violence escalating at rapid rates…abortion…these issues are more important to me than if the Ford Motor Company is supporting a gay parade, except to say that I would never buy a Ford again because they don’t make good cars, anymore.

Heterosexuals have a lot of weed pulling to do in our own backyards, and it’s easy to wave a self righteous finger at the gay agenda, instead of pulling those weeds. Not that I dismiss it, I just think the world’s problems have more to do with my above mentioned sentiments, than with the gay agenda.
Do you feel that our culture needs to be protected? (it is a yes or not answer)
Tom as you have said previously Ford is a buisness and therfore what they do with thier own earnings is up to them and religion shouldnt try to force its way into thier accounting room.

with how you say they should operate they can say the same about the church, the churches job is to teach not to force onto others…yet the church ( thank God) does charity work, feeds hungry people many of them Gay and many of them suffering from aids they contracted illicitly, they also help buy medicines for these people as well does that mean the church is also telling us its ok to have sex with anyone we want and at any time?
HARDLY, they are showing ( new word for you ) compassion.
compassion can come in many ways, helping someone sick or injured, talking to some home bound seniors, picking up grocerys for the family down the street that you know are having a rough time of it dropping them on the porch after dark and ringing the doorbell and running away,giving money to a cause such as pro life,save the children,or to pay for an update on a church , buy computers for a school etc. the list is long and never ending.
what else is on the list a charity for gay people, why are they trying to get a gay marriage legal and pushing so hard all of a sudden? is oit really to undermine the church? I dont believe that for a single second, everyone i talk to seems to believe it is so these “couples” can attain medical insurance, and other benefits that have been reserved for married couples, ( which by the way are other Buisnesses, and as you say a buisness should keep to buisness only so no breaks at all for married folks or families each has to buy own insurance after all a marriage is a church thing not for a buisness to medal in…

can you see where this can go?

so using the excuse that Ford is a company and shouldnt get off track most companys are doing the same things in many ways some are forced by our corrupt Govt such as Insurance…

anyways my useless 2 cents again

I will also answer, even though you directed your question to Julianna. Yes, our society needs to be protected…but, there are far more problems in this world, than the homosexual issue. Do i think that homosexuality is a sin? According to God, it is. But, so is divorcing…which hetersexuals are doing a fine job of screwing up their families. Terrorism…hate crimes…violence escalating at rapid rates…abortion…these issues are more important to me than if the Ford Motor Company is supporting a gay parade, except to say that I would never buy a Ford again because they don’t make good cars, anymore.

Heterosexuals have a lot of weed pulling to do in our own backyards, and it’s easy to wave a self righteous finger at the gay agenda, instead of pulling those weeds. Not that I dismiss it, I just think the world’s problems have more to do with my above mentioned sentiments, than with the gay agenda.
very well stated post 👍
Do you feel that our culture needs to be protected? (it is a yes or not answer)
Because America is made up of many religions, races, etc., each brings it’s own culture in, so how does it need protection? I believe you are referring more to “morality” as you define it Because there is no one “culture” way of life that is in need of protection more than any other.

I do not believe that buying a vehicle from Ford is any more or even evil than buying a car from GM. If you believe it is, then that is “you”. You have the right to do what you want with your money.

To believe that company is on the downhill slide because of homosexual support must have missed basic economics in high school. This is pure and simple “scare tactics” and “paranoia”. I don’t make it a point of “knowing” if my friend, co-worker, hair dresser, car salesperson, teacher, banker, grocer are in a relationship with a person of the same sex. If that were the case, and I was that concerned, I’d start looking for a cave.
Because America is made up of many religions, races, etc., each brings it’s own culture in, so how does it need protection? I believe you are referring more to “morality” as you define it Because there is no one “culture” way of life that is in need of protection more than any other.

I do not believe that buying a vehicle from Ford is any more or even evil than buying a car from GM. If you believe it is, then that is “you”. You have the right to do what you want with your money.

To believe that company is on the downhill slide because of homosexual support must have missed basic economics in high school. This is pure and simple “scare tactics” and “paranoia”. I don’t make it a point of “knowing” if my friend, co-worker, hair dresser, car salesperson, teacher, banker, grocer are in a relationship with a person of the same sex. If that were the case, and I was that concerned, I’d start looking for a cave.
So your answer is no (that is all you needed to say).

If a person (this does not apply to you) feels that the culture is heading in a very dangerous direction, they have an obligation to help make a change. That is not a scare tactic, it is simply using faith and free will to help guide the nation onto a better path.
Tom as you have said previously Ford is a buisness and therfore what they do with thier own earnings is up to them and religion shouldnt try to force its way into thier accounting room.

with how you say they should operate they can say the same about the church, the churches job is to teach not to force onto others…yet the church ( thank God) does charity work, feeds hungry people many of them Gay and many of them suffering from aids they contracted illicitly, they also help buy medicines for these people as well does that mean the church is also telling us its ok to have sex with anyone we want and at any time?
HARDLY, they are showing ( new word for you ) compassion.
compassion can come in many ways, helping someone sick or injured, talking to some home bound seniors, picking up grocerys for the family down the street that you know are having a rough time of it dropping them on the porch after dark and ringing the doorbell and running away,giving money to a cause such as pro life,save the children,or to pay for an update on a church , buy computers for a school etc. the list is long and never ending.
what else is on the list a charity for gay people, why are they trying to get a gay marriage legal and pushing so hard all of a sudden? is oit really to undermine the church? I dont believe that for a single second, everyone i talk to seems to believe it is so these “couples” can attain medical insurance, and other benefits that have been reserved for married couples, ( which by the way are other Buisnesses, and as you say a buisness should keep to buisness only so no breaks at all for married folks or families each has to buy own insurance after all a marriage is a church thing not for a buisness to medal in…

can you see where this can go?

so using the excuse that Ford is a company and shouldnt get off track most companys are doing the same things in many ways some are forced by our corrupt Govt such as Insurance…

anyways my useless 2 cents again
Except the Church is not pushing a boycott of Ford, Christians are, a very big difference. This is not about the Church, it is about how lay Christians view their nation/culture.

I will say again, a person of faith and morals must help the nation/culture choose the right path, otherwise the nation will fall into the pits. Boycotting select companies will send the message that we do NOT want their earnings to go towards terrible causes, and if enough people boycott, the company will either change or close its doors. This tactic has already worked against a major icecream chain who was placing millions into Planned Parenthood (PP should really be called “abortions-r-us”). The icecream chain felts the loss of revenues for two years before they finally agreed to stop giving money to PP. I pray Ford will wise up before they have to sell or fold. The problem is, many people like me (I used to own Ford) have learned the lesson that life goes on just fine without Ford products, which means thye either change soon, or else they will lose even more customers. If they are okay with selling the compnay, going bankrupt, or dropping to number ten on the list of auto makers, then that is their choice.
Except the Church is not pushing a boycott of Ford, Christians are, a very big difference. This is not about the Church, it is about how lay Christians view their nation/culture.

I will say again, a person of faith and morals must help the nation/culture choose the right path, otherwise the nation will fall into the pits. Boycotting select companies will send the message that we do NOT want their earnings to go towards terrible causes, and if enough people boycott, the company will either change or close its doors. This tactic has already worked against a major icecream chain who was placing millions into Planned Parenthood (PP should really be called “abortions-r-us”). The icecream chain felts the loss of revenues for two years before they finally agreed to stop giving money to PP. I pray Ford will wise up before they have to sell or fold. The problem is, many people like me (I used to own Ford) have learned the lesson that life goes on just fine without Ford products, which means thye either change soon, or else they will lose even more customers. If they are okay with selling the compnay, going bankrupt, or dropping to number ten on the list of auto makers, then that is their choice.
and like i said before the church has been giving money to aids victims,hungry people etc for many years most of the aids victims got the disease from messing arounf so in your way of thinking because the church is donating money to these people they are promoting that kind of behavior and we should boycot the church then as well, we better boycot medical insurance companies also they help pay the medical bills for counless terrible things, such as drug addiction, ( that one really throws my dander into a rage)
its the very first thing a DRs office notices about your insurance, “oh you have great coverage for substance addiction” I needed a knee surgery a few years ago and that one thing on my insurance made life so miserable trying to find a Dr to do the work that didnt want to fill me full of narcotics.and I couldnt get that part of the insurance eliminated from my coverage had to actually drop the coverage, anyways we better boycot them they turning people into drug addicts with thier coverages and with Drs help of course

Find a pharmacy that wont sell birth control pills or condoms! we better boycott them also.

you said the church isnt pushing the boycot? why?

and on that note you guys are using a Forum people come to to seek answer about the Catholic faith, to push your views, not exactly fair play there either, this site ( which is a buisness is called “Catholic answers forums” not lets boycot whom we decide is not good,or following our set of rules…

My normally useless 2 cents
and like i said before the church has been giving money to aids victims,hungry people etc for many years most of the aids victims got the disease from messing arounf so in your way of thinking because the church is donating money to these people they are promoting that kind of behavior and we should boycot the church then as well, we better boycot medical insurance companies also they help pay the medical bills for counless terrible things, such as drug addiction, ( that one really throws my dander into a rage)
its the very first thing a DRs office notices about your insurance, “oh you have great coverage for substance addiction” I needed a knee surgery a few years ago and that one thing on my insurance made life so miserable trying to find a Dr to do the work that didnt want to fill me full of narcotics.and I couldnt get that part of the insurance eliminated from my coverage had to actually drop the coverage, anyways we better boycot them they turning people into drug addicts with thier coverages and with Drs help of course

Find a pharmacy that wont sell birth control pills or condoms! we better boycott them also.

you said the church isnt pushing the boycot? why?

and on that note you guys are using a Forum people come to to seek answer about the Catholic faith, to push your views, not exactly fair play there either, this site ( which is a buisness is called “Catholic answers forums” not lets boycot whom we decide is not good,or following our set of rules…

My normally useless 2 cents
Again, this issue is not about the Church, and no amount of you trying to tie it to the Church will work. This isssue is about Ford pushing a social agenda that many Christians think is wrong. As free citizens with free will, we can choose to put pressure on Ford to try to make it change its support of certain social issues. This is done outside of Church.
Why not just stop buying their product? If a company’s or movie star’s or charity’s political agenda offends me, then I simply don’t contribute.
Again, this issue is not about the Church, and no amount of you trying to tie it to the Church will work. This isssue is about Ford pushing a social agenda that many Christians think is wrong. As free citizens with free will, we can choose to put pressure on Ford to try to make it change its support of certain social issues. This is done outside of Church.
No its about self declared rightious people using religion to try and strong arm a company into doing what it wants that compnay to do, and like i said you are using a Catholic forum to help push this issue that makes it a part of the church, just like a few board members at ford wanting to spend money on something you dont want and you blaming all of Ford for it… there is no difference…
I wonder if we would be having this debate if the CEO of Ford advocated the war…and sent money towards that effort?:hmmm:

I think I have been sensing by some of the posters an air of superiority…that if one is gay, his/her rights should be diminished. That somehow that one sin, supercedes all other sins on the planet. Now, I’m against homosexuality, from the vantage point that I do believe God is against it. But, as I’ve commented above–there are a plethera of sinful behaviors, less demonstrative perhaps(?), that can affect our children/society, as well. Even more so, honestly.

If the CEO was married 3, 4, or 5 times…would we be having this conversation? If the CEO were a female…and pregnant and unwed…would we even draw a conclusion that sales were declining due to that? Probably not. Would we make such a big issue out it, if ‘heterosexual’ sins were intermingled within Ford’s business?

Sales are dipping, because Ford doesn’t make cars that compete with its Japanese competitors. Period. If they throw money towards the homosexual agenda…that might cause some angry consumers, but truthfully, that car company has been suffering for a long time. I’m not a moral relativist either…I just find it somewhat amusing that we pick our battles, as Catholics/Christians, it seems, when it comes to matters of homosexuality. Again…if the CEO were divorced and remarried…were Catholic, and clearly living in mortal sin…would we be having this conversation? Would anyone say…‘I bet Ford’s sales are down because that CEO never got an annulment, and is Catholic.’


Come on.😉
No its about self declared rightious people using religion to try and strong arm a company into doing what it wants that compnay to do, and like i said you are using a Catholic forum to help push this issue that makes it a part of the church, just like a few board members at ford wanting to spend money on something you dont want and you blaming all of Ford for it… there is no difference…
You are just wrong about this. My view is that Ford has every right to push for any social agenda they want, and their potential customers have every right to reject that agenda. Again (and please get this point), this has nothing to do with the Catholic Church or the Catholic faith, tons of people that are not Catholic feel as I do, including people from many different faiths and even aetheists. Ford can push their agenda, people can boycott them for doing that. It is simply a matter of free people making free choices.

Let me put it this way: Say Ford was putting millions into organizations that enslaves people. Would it be wrong for me, or you, or any person to boycott Ford in order to help stop the enclavement of humans? I would hope you would join me in that boycott. Well, certainly the Ford social agendas do not include anything as bad as enclaving people, yet many people do feel strongly that they are placing profits into bad things.
Why not just stop buying their product? If a company’s or movie star’s or charity’s political agenda offends me, then I simply don’t contribute.
That is what I have done, and what many thousands of other people have done and it is hurting Ford’s bottom line.
I wonder if we would be having this debate if the CEO of Ford advocated the war…and sent money towards that effort?:hmmm:

I think I have been sensing by some of the posters an air of superiority…that if one is gay, his/her rights should be diminished. That somehow that one sin, supercedes all other sins on the planet. Now, I’m against homosexuality, from the vantage point that I do believe God is against it. But, as I’ve commented above–there are a plethera of sinful behaviors, less demonstrative perhaps(?), that can affect our children/society, as well. Even more so, honestly.

If the CEO was married 3, 4, or 5 times…would we be having this conversation? If the CEO were a female…and pregnant and unwed…would we even draw a conclusion that sales were declining due to that? Probably not. Would we make such a big issue out it, if ‘heterosexual’ sins were intermingled within Ford’s business?

Sales are dipping, because Ford doesn’t make cars that compete with its Japanese competitors. Period. If they throw money towards the homosexual agenda…that might cause some angry consumers, but truthfully, that car company has been suffering for a long time. I’m not a moral relativist either…I just find it somewhat amusing that we pick our battles, as Catholics/Christians, it seems, when it comes to matters of homosexuality. Again…if the CEO were divorced and remarried…were Catholic, and clearly living in mortal sin…would we be having this conversation? Would anyone say…‘I bet Ford’s sales are down because that CEO never got an annulment, and is Catholic.’


Come on.😉
You are just wrong on this. Ford is losing numbers because people have lost confidence in their product AND because many thosuands of people have agreed to boycott their products. As for your other examples, if Ford were trying to propogate divorce, and other mortal sins, then that would be cause for boycotting ttheir products. This is not about personal sin, it is about corporate misuse of money.
That makes sense, Tom.
I have a question on this…in looking at the actual ad again…is that how they are promoting the gay agenda…by having their ads shown in gay magazines? I ask, because how many products do we buy that have advertisements air during Desperate Housewives…during Sex & the City (now that it airs on regular tv)…Boston Legal (really should be renamed Desperate Lawyers)…you know what I’m saying? I don’t really watch these shows…have in the past, but have stopped as I felt they just lack any substance, and make women look…well, ‘desperate.’

Or–are they also giving money to lobbyists to support the gay marriage addendum? Just want to make sure I have my facts straight…thanks.
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