Tom as you have said previously Ford is a buisness and therfore what they do with thier own earnings is up to them and religion shouldnt try to force its way into thier accounting room.
with how you say they should operate they can say the same about the church, the churches job is to teach not to force onto others…yet the church ( thank God) does charity work, feeds hungry people many of them Gay and many of them suffering from aids they contracted illicitly, they also help buy medicines for these people as well does that mean the church is also telling us its ok to have sex with anyone we want and at any time?
HARDLY, they are showing ( new word for you ) compassion.
compassion can come in many ways, helping someone sick or injured, talking to some home bound seniors, picking up grocerys for the family down the street that you know are having a rough time of it dropping them on the porch after dark and ringing the doorbell and running away,giving money to a cause such as pro life,save the children,or to pay for an update on a church , buy computers for a school etc. the list is long and never ending.
what else is on the list a charity for gay people, why are they trying to get a gay marriage legal and pushing so hard all of a sudden? is oit really to undermine the church? I dont believe that for a single second, everyone i talk to seems to believe it is so these “couples” can attain medical insurance, and other benefits that have been reserved for married couples, ( which by the way are other Buisnesses, and as you say a buisness should keep to buisness only so no breaks at all for married folks or families each has to buy own insurance after all a marriage is a church thing not for a buisness to medal in…
can you see where this can go?
so using the excuse that Ford is a company and shouldnt get off track most companys are doing the same things in many ways some are forced by our corrupt Govt such as Insurance…
anyways my useless 2 cents again