Ford sales continue downhill slide over homosexual support

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A culture is changed one step at a time. While it is very true that many companies do evil things, Christians can make an advance against that evil by having targeted battles.

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sorry thanks for posting the link but I wont even waste my time going to look at a link set forth by a radical movement that makes zero sense…
sorry thanks for posting the link but I wont even waste my time going to look at a link set forth by a radical movement that makes zero sense…
Radical group? Why are they radical, because they want to see a more holy culure?

You asked how Ford gave money to the homosexual agenda, that link answers your question.
No. Ford has plenty of fuel efficient autos. Plus, if you are thinking gas prices are the main reason, then explain why the Ford 150 is still at the top of the list.
Because they are selling it for 11,000.00 instead of 25,000.00
well i hope those same people quit buying everything else in same situation as well then, the foods, going to movie theaters (obviously) watching TV, the list goes on and on…

after all if you are going to try and take someones free will away and Do what Even God himself wont do might as well go all the way with it…

It indeed is a multi-front battle. But boy, if a boycott is successful against a giant like Ford, others may just pay attention and focus on making good products.
Dont start jumping up and down for joy on this all the car companys sales are down for the same period, If it is the boycot that is to blame for the ford problems you still shouldnt be Happy, I am from Michigan so i have seen first hand what the sales decline is actually doing and that is plain and simple putting lots of good people out of work.
and for what to get them to believe as you do? kind of takes away free will,
well anyways if its the boycott several thousand people thank you for getting them laid off, course i know its not that its just a lousy economy esspecially here in Michigan…
I work in the boating Industry I need a vacation “People” whom are homosexuals own and operate Boats as well as cars can you please start boycotting boats and personal wtaercraft so i can get a break as well…

The boycot is not about who Ford sells to nor who they choose to employee, but about the politcal causes Ford is contributing to that promote SSM and other anti-family causes.
The boycot is not about who Ford sells to nor who they choose to employee, but about the politcal causes Ford is contributing to that promote SSM and other anti-family causes.
yep and those same political cause keep our ability to have freedom of religion but i assume you think that is a bad thing also being as its part of that agenda…

anti family causes?? such as becomeing a priest and not “multiplying” but instead remain single and be a community leader? come on people get a grip. you say one thing about something then when it comes back to somethng you believe in its all wrong its plain and simple, Oh and by the way how many priests out there are homosexual and are quite able to lead our community in prayer and religion? more than you could posisbly believe and you look up to them. maybe you wouldnt if you knew they were “gay” huh you would prolly do an about face on them maybe even after years of telling others how good they were and cower like a homophobic usually does…

as I stated before home, hetero, bi, metro,and any other term they are still our brothers and sisters.
I am not saying I agree with the homosexual way,I am merely saying they are people, and therefore our brothers and sisters and neighbors, and I for one wont turn my head and ignore them because of a belief anymore than I would turn my head to someone else whom needed a helping hand or ear to hear them…
I dont remember seeing in the bible "love thy neighbor, unless he doesnt do what you want him to do. I took it as Unconditional. John
John, first, let me say that I understand one of the points that you are trying to make. I struggled with boycotts of Disney in the same way. Some suggested that since Disney was the source of so much evil (and I believe that they are), that we should reject the good that they offer as well (many of their older movies, still being sold by Disney, are very morally good). I had trouble rejecting the good that came out of Disney along with the bad. This appeared to be crossing the line of ‘hating the sinner’, instead of ‘hating the sin’.

I finally realized that ‘Disney’ is not a person. We don’t owe ‘Disney, Inc.’ the same respect we owe a person. (This is Christian moral teaching, not American Law. American Law requires juries to treat legal entities on equal footing with individuals for civil disagreements). Likewise for Ford. Ford is a secular business. However, if our attacks on Ford become personal, directed to individuals, then we are under great obligation to ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’.

If you’ve studied economics, you’ve learned as I have that businesses exist for one purpose; to make money. When they do things that interfere with that one purpose, they lose money. This is what’s happening today. Ford has made some mistakes in their quest to make money. As a result, they are losing money. Will the leaders figure it out and make the changes necessary to rectify the situation, I hope so.

John, first, let me say that I understand one of the points that you are trying to make. I struggled with boycotts of Disney in the same way. Some suggested that since Disney was the source of so much evil (and I believe that they are), that we should reject the good that they offer as well (many of their older movies, still being sold by Disney, are very morally good). I had trouble rejecting the good that came out of Disney along with the bad. This appeared to be crossing the line of ‘hating the sinner’, instead of ‘hating the sin’.

I finally realized that ‘Disney’ is not a person. We don’t owe ‘Disney, Inc.’ the same respect we owe a person. (This is Christian moral teaching, not American Law. American Law requires juries to treat legal entities on equal footing with individuals for civil disagreements). Likewise for Ford. Ford is a secular business. However, if our attacks on Ford become personal, directed to individuals, then we are under great obligation to ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’.

If you’ve studied economics, you’ve learned as I have that businesses exist for one purpose; to make money. When they do things that interfere with that one purpose, they lose money. This is what’s happening today. Ford has made some mistakes in their quest to make money. As a result, they are losing money. Will the leaders figure it out and make the changes necessary to rectify the situation, I hope so.

If Christians had real fortitude, the Disney boycott would have worked. The problem is, kids of those Christians want to go to to Disney World, so the parents cave in…

However, had parents stopped going, Disney would be forced to change, or close their doors.
It is not taking free will away, it is using free will to say we will not buy their products while they push their social agendas. Free will goes both ways.

Ford is not forced to donate to those caues, they are an auto maker, and they should stick to the business of making reasonably priced and high quality autos. If they did that, then people would buy their products. Ford’s use of free will caused this massive boycott.
well, the reality is that although God allows us free will…with it comes consequences. In this case…low sales. If people disagree with something–in this case, the fact that Ford supports the gay agenda, I’m assuming (I don’t know all the details here)–then those people too have a right to exercise free will. I have always found it funny…somewhat ironic, that people say that evil has a right to free will…

so does morality:thumbsup:

I personally dislike Ford for an entirely different reason…but that deserved mentioning.
were and cower like a homophobic usually does…

as I stated before home, hetero, bi, metro,and any other term they are still our brothers and sisters.

Why to you define people by the manner they engage in sex?
John, first, let me say that I understand one of the points that you are trying to make. I struggled with boycotts of Disney in the same way. Some suggested that since Disney was the source of so much evil (and I believe that they are), that we should reject the good that they offer as well (many of their older movies, still being sold by Disney, are very morally good). I had trouble rejecting the good that came out of Disney along with the bad. This appeared to be crossing the line of ‘hating the sinner’, instead of ‘hating the sin’.

I finally realized that ‘Disney’ is not a person. We don’t owe ‘Disney, Inc.’ the same respect we owe a person. (This is Christian moral teaching, not American Law. American Law requires juries to treat legal entities on equal footing with individuals for civil disagreements). Likewise for Ford. Ford is a secular business. However, if our attacks on Ford become personal, directed to individuals, then we are under great obligation to ‘love the sinner, hate the sin’.

If you’ve studied economics, you’ve learned as I have that businesses exist for one purpose; to make money. When they do things that interfere with that one purpose, they lose money. This is what’s happening today. Ford has made some mistakes in their quest to make money. As a result, they are losing money. Will the leaders figure it out and make the changes necessary to rectify the situation, I hope so.

suppose Ford supported the Vatican? Would they be interfering with their purpose of making money? Yes. I am a devout Catholic…but, I also believe in free thinking, and free will. Here’s the solution–don’t buy from them. Not close the doors of every company that supports the gay agenda. That’s rather communistic, in my eyes.

Yikes…that would be scary. How about adulterers? Should we close the doors of companies when we find out their CEO’s are having affairs? How about people who view porno? See…it’s endless. There’s plenty of sin out there, and not a single company would exist…if we were to look at the evil that lurks behind every single conference room door.:cool:
suppose Ford supported the Vatican? Would they be interfering with their purpose of making money? Yes. I am a devout Catholic…but, I also believe in free thinking, and free will. Here’s the solution–don’t buy from them. Not close the doors of every company that supports the gay agenda. That’s rather communistic, in my eyes.

Yikes…that would be scary. How about adulterers? Should we close the doors of companies when we find out their CEO’s are having affairs? How about people who view porno? See…it’s endless. There’s plenty of sin out there, and not a single company would exist…if we were to look at the evil that lurks behind every single conference room door.:cool:
If a company comes out with ads promoting adultery and even funding adulterers then yes, we should boycott them Same goes for porn.
Ford might be sold to a foreign entity, would that make them smart?

Ford is a business, and as such it is supposed to focus on what its customers want, or else they will go out of business. It is that simple.

And, yes it is fine to just pick a few companies to boycott, because if we can change them, then other companies will follow.
if you stop buying from them–they’ll fold. if you dislike a company’s moral agenda…or what they support indirectly with your money, when you stop to think about it, then stop buying from them. i don’t see movies with tom cruise in them anymore, for example, because i have lost respect for someone who hurts women, and degrades God. Eventually enough people must have felt like me, because Paramount fired him.

Maybe now with more openly gay people, the demographic changing and these companies think that they make up a large customer base?
suppose Ford supported the Vatican? Would they be interfering with their purpose of making money? Yes. I am a devout Catholic…but, I also believe in free thinking, and free will. Here’s the solution–don’t buy from them. Not close the doors of every company that supports the gay agenda. That’s rather communistic, in my eyes.

Yikes…that would be scary. How about adulterers? Should we close the doors of companies when we find out their CEO’s are having affairs? How about people who view porno? See…it’s endless. There’s plenty of sin out there, and not a single company would exist…if we were to look at the evil that lurks behind every single conference room door.:cool:
The idea is to put pressure on the company to stay nautral on the issue, let Ford sell cars and stay out of politics concerning this issue. The “gay” agenda by the way is the destruction of the family, which is beyond evil.

Ford is giving money to politcal organizations that would love to see the Catholic Church go away or even be outlawed.

If the boycot goes as far as to close its doors, it will be by the choice of those to proud to care, those at Ford who think it is good business to destroy famlies.
The “gay” agenda by the way is the destruction of the family, which is beyond evil.
Comments like that are beyond being called “ignorant”. “Blind, stupid prejudice” is more like it.

I’m gay. I have a number of friends and family that are gay. All of us recognize the beauty and goodness of the traditional nuclear family. That’s how most of us were raised, in fact. The idea that we desire the destruction of that sort of family is horrible and deeply offensive.

Comments like that are beyond being called “ignorant”. “Blind, stupid prejudice” is more like it.

I’m gay. I have a number of friends and family that are gay. All of us recognize the beauty and goodness of the traditional nuclear family. That’s how most of us were raised, in fact. The idea that we desire the destruction of that sort of family is horrible and deeply offensive.

I guess you are the spokesman for all “gay” people? My comments are aimed not at individuals but at an organized effort by a select few that are pushing, by their words and deeds to do exaclty as I said. That is to push an agenda in which, their ultimate goal is to bring down the traditional view of marriage, in order to eliminate what is considered an important institution by the majority of the world. I’m sorry you have been deceived to believe that it is normal or natural for two men to get married or three men, a women to get married, but these are the goals of many who are at the forefront of the SSM issue.

Tha tactic of trying to paint your opposition as stupid , irgnorant, blind, and prejudice, is a very old tactic that was used by the NAZIs, and the KGB, it is a tatic that has been used to defame Jews and the Catholic Church for decades, if not 3/4 of a century. If you start truly studying history with an open mind you will see this whole issue is more then “rights” for “Gays”.

Those that suffer with SSA, are being duped by an evil agenda which the ultimate goal is to destroy Western Society and Christianity. Homosexuals were used by the NAZI’s in the forefront of their agenda, they were the storm troopers until they became problematic for Hitler and his agenda. Then along with the Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, and the unfit, the homosexuals were sent to the gas chambers also.

Wake up, you think I’m your enemy, your enemy are the ones that want you to buy into a world that is selfish and sells flesh like they sell video games. Your enemy is not I, but the market place of flesh. It is a slave market.

I know that many that suffer from SSA, don’t want the destruction of society, but selfish desires, keep them blind to the truth.:hmmm:
Bennie–what does this paragraph mean exactly? I’m pleading ignorance…please help.

Those that suffer with SSA, are being duped by an evil agenda which the ultimate goal is to destroy Western Society and Christianity. Homosexuals were used by the NAZI’s in the forefront of their agenda, they were the storm troopers until they became problematic for Hitler and his agenda. Then along with the Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, and the unfit, the homosexuals were sent to the gas chambers also.
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