Ford sales continue downhill slide over homosexual support

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#1: I fully support efforts to create equal status, legally speaking, between heterosexual and homosexual couples. In that sense, you could say that I am a part of the “gay community” or, at least, “gay advocacy.”.
Those that suffer fromm SSA have equal rights, what they propose is special rights, based on defect of sexual desire.

When I was in college I was for two years the President of the anti-nuke/anti-war group on campus. Myself and leaders of my group built a coalition with members of the “gay” rights movement. From that experience I became very dishearted with the agenda of many members of that group. They were very anit-Chirsitian, and blamed everyone for their own bad choices. They saw nothing as being sacred.The older members of the group saw it was their personal mission to prey on the young freshman and belittled and harrarssed them if they resisted their sexual advances.(This I also saw a problem with other so called liberal / left wing groups, just as bad, lust and acting out your lust is wrong no matter what sexual orientaion claimed.) Over the years in conversation and discussions with many that have suffered from SSA attraction, one thing I find very disturbing, the majority of them were introduced to the their sexual orientation while they were, young, adolescents by older “gay” adults. Otherwise they were raped into their sexual roles.
##2: Actually, it was the Nazis that were blind and prejudiced. They said the Jews were causing the destruction brought on Germany in the past ten or twenty years, right? They were the ones who said things like “Jews advocate the destruction of society!”.
Once again I invite you deepen your study on NAZISM and take a special look at the role of Ernst Röhm had with putting Hitler into power. Many of the tatics (use of words and bullying of the opposition) used in the upper leadership of the "gay’ rights movement mirrors the Nazis and other extreme groups.
#As far as identifying my comments with Nazism, it’s important to note that I did not call YOU or your church any of those things. I called your STATEMENT for what it was. See point #3 for an explaination/
You didn’t call me “ignorant”. “Blind”, “stupid” and “prejudice” ??
##3: The idea that the “ultimate goal is to bring down the traditional view of marriage” is ludicrious and completely offensive. Why? First of all, myself and like-minded induviduals, like I said, value the relationship between a married man and a woman. The vast majority of my friends and family members who are gay *came *from such families. We don’t want to destroy it. It is not our goal. We love our families and support them…
I humbly differ with on you on that, for if you respected traditioanl families you would be happy with the equal rights you have and not try to redefine what marriage is and for, that is an institutuion and a sacrament for building strong families and communities.
#Your original comment is sort of like someone saying that because you’re Catholic, you support child molesters. The idea itself is so prejudiced, anti-catholic, and just stupid that if one said such a thing in any kind of decent company, they ought to throw you out…
This is always thrown at members of the Church, to suggest that the Church and members shouldn’t judge. The truth is through this past weakness the Church will become stronger. For it is evidence against your cause. The Church failed young people by overlooking or having a blind eye to homosexuals in the priesthood. If you look into the studies concerning the abuse, you will find that 80+ percent of the incidents was male adults preying on male children. In the majority of those incidents the preditors were male Homosexuals committing statuary rape on male adolescents. This is what happens when society winks at the nature of the problem of Same Sex Attracttion.
#What you said is no different, my friend.
What I said is that I support the Boycott of the Ford Motor Co, because I love you and all others that suffer from SSA along with all others that are blinded by the culture of death.

And this is the verdict,
that the light came into the world,
but people preferred darkness to light,
because their works were evil.
For everyone who does wicked things hates the light
and does not come toward the light,
so that his works might not be exposed.
But whoever lives the truth comes to the light,
so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.

link to todays reading

I have been praying for you EXALT, hope to see you in heaven.
Comments like that are beyond being called “ignorant”. “Blind, stupid prejudice” is more like it.

I’m gay. I have a number of friends and family that are gay. All of us recognize the beauty and goodness of the traditional nuclear family. That’s how most of us were raised, in fact. The idea that we desire the destruction of that sort of family is horrible and deeply offensive.

Are you homosexual or gay?
Let’s please remember our charity when posting in this thread!
Does anyone have numbers for GM and Chrystler’s sales? As my husband (who works for Ford, see previous post) pointed out, the two months where sales were up were the two months when new models were released. He said that all the Big Three were suffering from poor sales.

This shows me, at least, that the poor sales have less to do with the boycott and more to do with the economy and American’s confidence/willingness to buy American cars. Of course, if you throw in the car sales from foreign makers, too, and see that their sales are down as well, then it really blows the “Ford’s sales are dropping because of homosexual support” theory out of the water.

I also would love to see data from the homosexual community, researching their car purchases since this boycott started.

And while I’m sitting here wishing for nice little bar graphs, I’d also like one showing “the beneficial effects of shoving your kids outside to play on nice days” (because my kids, who currently HAVE been shoved outside to play, are whining like it’s the end of the world. :rolleyes: )
I have 3 Fords, I had a Ford Aerostar, no problems with it for 15 yrs. I would buy Ford again.

Ford sales are not tanking because of support for homosexuality. The scare tactics on some of these threads never cease to amaze me. Dare to think for yourself. The big 3 are tanking, as they do every so often, because the economy and deficit spending is out of whack. Car prices are way up there, as are gas prices.

Yet another Starbucks thread,ad naseum. Remember when Proctor and Gamble was deemed Satanic by fundamentalist/evangelicals? Again way out there.

If you don’t like Ford, don’t buy there. How do you know your Toyota salesman isn’t gay? You don’t. Slippery slope.

I will buy Ford again.
**Perhaps it would interest you to know they actually do contribute to the Catholic Church?

Latino Catholic Pastoral Initiative

Madonna University (Franciscan and Catholic)

The Province of St. Joseph of the Cauphchin Order

Catholic Charities

Sisters of the Good Shepard School/Home

ALso i hope those who are for boycotting Ford never go to a musem, theater, watch public television, drive on certain roads, get treated at hospitals or send/attend thousands of other universities across the US.**

If you don’t like Ford, don’t buy there. How do you know your Toyota salesman isn’t gay? You don’t. Slippery slope.

I will buy Ford again.
It is amazing, it’s not individual people the boycott is aimed at, it is the politics of certain so called “gay” right groups that are pushing to redifine marriage and the idea of tradition family the boycot is aimed at. I do business with “gay” individuals everyday and have friendships with and associate with “gay” individuals just as I know and do business with anyone else.

But tolerance or general acceptance of the idea of SSM is not showing love toward anybody. The generalization that all people that oppose SSM are some right right hate group is one the worse stereotyping that has ever come about.

To make that generalization is saying that the Catholic Church is pormoting hatred. that PB XVI, and JPII are hatemongers. That is far from the truth.

Now all these things happened to them in figure: and they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore, he that thinketh himself to stand, let him take heed lest he fall. Let no temptation take hold on you, but such as is human. And God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able: but will make also with temptation issue, that you may be able to bear it. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, fly from the service of idols.** 1Co 10:11** -14
Bennie P, you’ve completely missed my point. Gay people desire no destruction of the traditional family. Heterosexuals, if they so desire, ought to get married and have lots of kids, if they want it. I love children. I have three beautiful little cousins who were born over the past 4 years. It’s an awesome thing, and every gay person I know (and I know quite a few) values that family and promotes it’s wellbeing. However, you’ve stated that gay people desire the destruction of that family. That’s wrong. It’s both factually wrong and morally objectionable. You still havn’t dealt with the issue at hand.
They were very anit-Chirsitian, and blamed everyone for their own bad choices. They saw nothing as being sacred.The older members of the group saw it was their personal mission to prey on the young freshman and belittled and harrarssed them if they resisted their sexual advances.(This I also saw a problem with other so called liberal / left wing groups, just as bad, lust and acting out your lust is wrong no matter what sexual orientaion claimed.) Over the years in conversation and discussions with many that have suffered from SSA attraction, one thing I find very disturbing, the majority of them were introduced to the their sexual orientation while they were, young, adolescents by older “gay” adults. Otherwise they were raped into their sexual roles.
I’ve heard people say terrible things about the black people, Catholics, jews, the poor, and others. Some of them might be true. Some might not. But it doesn’t paint a complete picture. I’ve had great experiences with Catholics - but that doesn’t mean that horrible Catholics don’t exist, or that someone else might have a terrible experience of Catholicism. I’ve had horrible experiences with muslims - but that doesn’t mean muslims is general are terrorists.

Just because you had a bad experience with homosexuals in the 60’s or 70’s doesn’t mean they’re all bad. It doesn’t paint a complete picture. It’s an unfair stereotype. Allow me to explain:

I’m homosexual. I don’t agree with the Church teaching on homosexuality. According to you, I am associated with preying on younger males and putting pressure on them to have sex with me. Furthermore, I’m likely to have been pressured into believing I was homosexual by an older adult. It isn’t the first time I’ve been told that - and other things. I’ve also been told that my father was likely to have been cold and distant and my mother overbearing. I’ve been told that I must have been molested at a young age. There’s a whole bunch of psychological explainations out there, mostly coming from Religious groups attempting to justify the moral evil of homosexuality. But they all have one thing in common - they don’t fit me.

The truth? I’m a very kind, compassionate person. I’ve never molested anyone. Nor have I ever preyed on younger people. I have never been molested. I have never been pressured by older men to do anything sexual, ever, at any time. Nor has any older figure ever made an attempt to “introduce me” to this sexual orientation. In fact, all of the important adult figures of my childhood opposed it (parents, pastor, etc). No adult - not until the past year or so, has ever actually supported my opinions on homosexuality, or the fact that I was gay.

Is that enough to break your gay stereotype?
It may not be your goal. But it will be the result, nonetheless, of pushing for homosexual ‘marriage.’
ok thats a very strong statement so I assume that means that if allowed ( gay marriages you would quit any hetero marriage and seek a gay one? also along with everyone else? come on not everyone is gonna switch over so I hardly think the end result will be the destruction of the family
Not sure what you mean by the question marks but I can go to almost any dealership in my area and get an F150 for right around 11,000.00. Sells are still high because Ford is virtually giving away their trucks and suv’s.
Bennie P, you’ve completely missed my point. Gay people desire no destruction of the traditional family. Heterosexuals, if they so desire, ought to get married and have lots of kids, if they want it. I love children. I have three beautiful little cousins who were born over the past 4 years. It’s an awesome thing, and every gay person I know (and I know quite a few) values that family and promotes it’s wellbeing. However, you’ve stated that gay people desire the destruction of that family. That’s wrong. It’s both factually wrong and morally objectionable. You still havn’t dealt with the issue at hand.
You don’t understand my point, you cannot speak for all ‘gay’ people no more then I can. I’m not projecting a sterotype, but a very sad truth of the leadership of those that are leading the politcal movement for SSM. You are seeing the issue through your young eyes and with time I truly believe you will become ashamed of the methods and attitudes of those that are pushing for SSM. Believe it or not I once thought if people would be more acceptable about homosexuals and leave them alone that the world would be a better place. I still get appaled when people turn to violence against anyone ‘gay’ straight or otherwise.
But what is happening with this movement for SSM is pushing people to the corners and through my eyes I see it as an attack on family values. If you listen the talk of the hardcore ‘gay’ leadership, you will hear the hate in voices
I’ve heard people say terrible things about the black people, Catholics, jews, the poor, and others. Some of them might be true. Some might not. But it doesn’t paint a complete picture. I’ve had great experiences with Catholics - but that doesn’t mean that horrible Catholics don’t exist, or that someone else might have a terrible experience of Catholicism. I’ve had horrible experiences with muslims - but that doesn’t mean muslims is general are terrorists.
I accept the fact that many that suffer with SSA are truly just trying to figure out who and what they are. But I believe that it has more to do with enviroment and culture. Some may have born with an inclination for SSA. But to act out that inclination in homosexual sex goes against natural purpose each one of us have. To have SSA is not wrong in itself. No more then being upset or angry at someone for not understanding your point of view, put to put hat anger into an improper action (such as in violence) is wrong. Yes I see homosexual acts as violent acts. because the acts go beyond sharing of your bodies into acts were one has to the object/submissive and in depending on the act it can be physical harmful and “never” produce the intended result, that is new life.
Just because you had a bad experience with homosexuals in the 60’s or 70’s doesn’t mean they’re all bad. It doesn’t paint a complete picture. It’s an unfair stereotype.?
I’m old but not that old, I didn’t go to college until after I spent the 70’s as an soldier in Europe.
When I entered college I was a very liberal and “open minded”. I think I see the picture very complete. I never said that I think all that all suffer from SSA are “bad”, but I do believe many are missguided.

Allow me to explain:

I’m homosexual. I don’t agree with the Church teaching on homosexuality. According to you, I am associated with preying on younger males and putting pressure on them to have sex with me. Furthermore, I’m likely to have been pressured into believing I was homosexual by an older adult. It isn’t the first time I’ve been told that - and other things. I’ve also been told that my father was likely to have been cold and distant and my mother overbearing. I’ve been told that I must have been molested at a young age. There’s a whole bunch of psychological explainations out there, mostly coming from Religious groups attempting to justify the moral evil of homosexuality. But they all have one thing in common - they don’t fit me.
I have no idea when it comes to you why you have an inclination for SSA. but I safely predict that you will struggle with it and it will be a struggle within yourself, more then it will be with others. I pray it will not make a angry and hateful person as you grow older. *
The truth? I’m a very kind, compassionate person. I’ve never molested anyone. Nor have I ever preyed on younger people. I have never been molested. I have never been pressured by older men to do anything sexual, ever, at any time. Nor has any older figure ever made an attempt to “introduce me” to this sexual orientation. In fact, all of the important adult figures of my childhood opposed it (parents, pastor, etc). No adult - not until the past year or so, has ever actually supported my opinions on homosexuality, or the fact that I was gay.?
*Ditto Above.
Is that enough to break your gay stereotype?

1a. An over-generalized and preconceived idea or impression of what characterizes someone or something, especially one that does not allow for any individuality or variation;
1b. Someone or something that conforms to such an idea, etc.

I treat each person as an individual, when it comes to political movements, the individual gets lost into the group.
I’m opposed to SSM for I do believe it to an attack on family and society. But I also believe it to be only a small part of the attacking force. In fact I believe it is a diversionary front, so even more destructive forces can attack undetected.

If you feel pigionholed, then maybe you are focusing on only yourself and not the greater picture.

Exalt you are not my enemy, I see you as a victim that needs to be loved. And love only comes from God.
Fords decline in sales has nothing to do with who they support and everything to do with poor workmanship, unreliability, crash test results, and their recent laughably inane response to crash test results.
Not sure what you mean by the question marks but I can go to almost any dealership in my area and get an F150 for right around 11,000.00. Sells are still high because Ford is virtually giving away their trucks and suv’s.
The Ford F-150 base model starts at $19,200 and then goes well into the 40ks for the fully loaded models. If you can buy F150 for 11k, then they are likely used, or the dealership is taking a 10k bath on each truck.

Beyond that, the F150 sells well because it is the best pickup out there, and has been for a long time.
**Perhaps it would interest you to know they actually do contribute to the Catholic Church?

Latino Catholic Pastoral Initiative

Madonna University (Franciscan and Catholic)

The Province of St. Joseph of the Cauphchin Order

Catholic Charities

Sisters of the Good Shepard School/Home

ALso i hope those who are for boycotting Ford never go to a musem, theater, watch public television, drive on certain roads, get treated at hospitals or send/attend thousands of other universities across the US.**
In order to change the culture, one must take a step-at-a-time approach. If we can put enough pressure on a handful of companies, then the others will follow. Companies exist to make products for a profit, if their customer base stops buying, they must change or close their doors.
Does anyone have numbers for GM and Chrystler’s sales? As my husband (who works for Ford, see previous post) pointed out, the two months where sales were up were the two months when new models were released. He said that all the Big Three were suffering from poor sales.

This shows me, at least, that the poor sales have less to do with the boycott and more to do with the economy and American’s confidence/willingness to buy American cars. Of course, if you throw in the car sales from foreign makers, too, and see that their sales are down as well, then it really blows the “Ford’s sales are dropping because of homosexual support” theory out of the water.

I also would love to see data from the homosexual community, researching their car purchases since this boycott started.

And while I’m sitting here wishing for nice little bar graphs, I’d also like one showing “the beneficial effects of shoving your kids outside to play on nice days” (because my kids, who currently HAVE been shoved outside to play, are whining like it’s the end of the world. :rolleyes: )
From AFA:

December 27, 2006

*New: Update on Ford Boycott

*The boycott of Ford Motor Company is beginning to take effect. In November, Ford sales were down 9.7%. General Motors showed a 6.1% increase during the same month while Chrysler sales were up 4.7%. In seven of the nine months since AFA began the boycott, because of the motor company’s support for the homosexual agenda - including homosexual marriage, Ford’s sales have gone down compared to a year ago. **
I have 3 Fords, I had a Ford Aerostar, no problems with it for 15 yrs. I would buy Ford again.

Ford sales are not tanking because of support for homosexuality. The scare tactics on some of these threads never cease to amaze me. Dare to think for yourself. The big 3 are tanking, as they do every so often, because the economy and deficit spending is out of whack. Car prices are way up there, as are gas prices.

Yet another Starbucks thread,ad naseum. Remember when Proctor and Gamble was deemed Satanic by fundamentalist/evangelicals? Again way out there.

If you don’t like Ford, don’t buy there. How do you know your Toyota salesman isn’t gay? You don’t. Slippery slope.

I will buy Ford again.
If you desire a change in this culture, then you must take a stand, if not, then that is your choice.
…but a very sad truth of the leadership of those that are leading the politcal movement for SSM…
#1. Who? Which people specifically?

#2. Even though someone representing belief X while being a horrible person in reality, doesn’t *neccessarily *mean that X is wrong. I’ve heard of quite a few mean, angry Christians (Westboro “Baptist” Church, anyone?), but that doesn’t *neccessarily *mean that their ideas are wrong. Just thought I’d point that out. Believing so is an Ad hominem fallacy…
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