Ford sales continue downhill slide over homosexual support

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Bennie–what does this paragraph mean exactly? I’m pleading ignorance…please help.

Those that suffer with SSA, are being duped by an evil agenda which the ultimate goal is to destroy Western Society and Christianity. Homosexuals were used by the NAZI’s in the forefront of their agenda, they were the storm troopers until they became problematic for Hitler and his agenda. Then along with the Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, and the unfit, the homosexuals were sent to the gas chambers also.
Study the history of the raise of the NAZI party in Germany, pay attention to the Brown Shirts, the SA, which the leadership was made up of many Homosexuals. Pay attention to Ernst Röhm, when Hitler saw it to his convenience he wiped out the leadership headed by Ernst Röhm, then declared homosexuals as enemies of the Third Recht. He used them set his evil agenda into motion then killed them off after they were no longer useful for his agenda.

Otherwise the agenda today is to destroy Western Society and Christianity, and those that suffer from SSA are being used to lead the forefront.

Otherwise I’m saying it is the Church that loves and cares for those that suffer from SSA, not the few pushing the agenda of SSM and the destruction of the family.
Study the history of the raise of the NAZI party in Germany, pay attention to the Brown Shirts, the SA, which the leadership was made up of many Homosexuals. Pay attention to Ernst Röhm, when Hitler saw it to his convenience he wiped out the leadership headed by Ernst Röhm, then declared homosexuals as enemies of the Third Recht. He used them set his evil agenda into motion then killed them off after they were no longer useful for his agenda.

Otherwise the agenda today is to destroy Western Society and Christianity, and those that suffer from SSA are being used to lead the forefront.

Otherwise I’m saying it is the Church that loves and cares for those that suffer from SSA, not the few pushing the agenda of SSM and the destruction of the family.
I think one could say that sexual immorality…ranging from adultery, to porn, to various forms of sexual promiscuity is leading Western society astray. I think that people have forgotten what sin is…perhaps? If we admit we are sinning, then we have to change.

I still don’t understand the connection with Nazi Germany…I have studied Germany’s history extensively…and Hitler really didn’t discriminate…he really hated anyone who wasn’t of the Arian race…

We have gone off topic…but this could be a fruitful new thread.

I still don’t understand the connection with Nazi Germany…I have studied Germany’s history extensively…and Hitler really didn’t discriminate…he really hated anyone who wasn’t of the Arian race…

We have gone off topic…but this could be a fruitful new thread.
Well I left out Henry Ford’s connection in pre-war Germany.

Now are we back on topic?🤷
I struggle with this issue so much.

My husband, who is the sole breadwinner for our growing family, gets his paycheck from Ford.

Without Ford, we wouldn’t have been able to move from Michigan to Mississippi (just ask anyone in Michigan how great the housing market isn’t 😦 ), where we got a bigger house (growing family) in a safer neighborhood for less money.

Without Ford transferring us, we wouldn’t have been able to have me quit work once we moved (cost of living in the Detroit area vs. where we are now was much, much higher), enabling me to finally be able to stay home with our growing family.

Without Ford, we wouldn’t have the health insurance we have, the dental insurance, life insurance, etc. etc. My husband has only a high school diploma, but was able to work his way up the Ford ladder. There is no other company that would hire him at the position he’s at now, with the educational level he has. Staying with Ford has paid off.

On the other hand, we have been told that since Ford has been experiencing such losses that there will be no merit pay increase for salaried employees this year. Our health care coverage is going up, while what is being covered is being reduced. I wonder to myself, how is it that Ford is in such dire financial straits, yet still sees fit to support the homosexual agenda? Why would Ford, which can’t provide even cost of living increases this year, fund “gay pride” parades? Does the homosexual segment of America (all 1-3% of it) REALLY buy that many Ford products?

I’m at a loss. As a devout Catholic, wife, and mother, I hate this culture of moral decay, and want to fight against it, particularly when it comes to my door. But as that same wife and mother, I fear for my husband’s job, because he is the sole provider for this family.

What a twisted web we weave…
I’m at a loss. As a devout Catholic, wife, and mother, I hate this culture of moral decay, and want to fight against it, particularly when it comes to my door. But as that same wife and mother, I fear for my husband’s job, because he is the sole provider for this family.

What a twisted web we weave…
My prayers are for you and your family, I understand your conflict.

I truly wish Ford would concentrate on the business of making cars. As noted in an earlier post, the Ford sales decline has to do with many factors not just the Boycott. Up until this last year I had bought three Brand New Fords in a row. In November I got rid of my F-150 and bought a used mini-van. I wrote Ford a letter and expressed my concern over the issue being discussed, they didn’t even send me a reply, but I have received a multitude of Ford Sales promotions. To me that shows how bad the management is, to send out sales promotions to a person that said he would not any longer buy their product if they didn’t withdraw support to the politcal agenda that offended me. They continue to waste money and refuse to acknowledge those of us that are concerned over it.

As to understand your conflict I do know it is hard. Two years ago I made the choice to get out of retail and gave up my job up in store managment so I could have more time with my family. Today I work for 1/5 of the money I made two years ago. I Work part-time for my parish.

I not saying everyone should or could do this, for it has been hard on us financially, it cut the family income almost in half, but for the improvement in the quality of life of my family, it is well worth it. We are still trying to learn to live a more stream lined lifestyle.

Like I said, it might not seem like much, but I will pray for you and your family and for Ford to come around and focus on making cars and not setting political agendas. May God bless you.
Why to you define people by the manner they engage in sex?
read the whole topic and then ask me dont read a small part of a post quote it entirely out of text and ask something like that.

esspecially when its not even remotely correct from me, look at the original post and ask them why they are doing what they are doing…
The idea is to put pressure on the company to stay nautral on the issue, let Ford sell cars and stay out of politics concerning this issue. The “gay” agenda by the way is the destruction of the family, which is beyond evil.

Ford is giving money to politcal organizations that would love to see the Catholic Church go away or even be outlawed.

If the boycot goes as far as to close its doors, it will be by the choice of those to proud to care, those at Ford who think it is good business to destroy famlies.
Now Ford is plotting against the Catholic church??? is this your opinion based on any facts or just a very far fetched opinion driven by the dire need to see some trash filled boycott succeed, because the way I see it Ford Gives millions to religious charities
to help feed.cloth and educate people in every country.

a lot of the things i have read from these boycot pushers actually borders on liable, things are being slung around that are not even close to reality, but thats typical of something of this nature people want to believe they are right so bad then go to win so bad they will make up things or stretch the truth to get more on the bandwagon to “bear false witness” I would suggest you take a good clear look at exactly what the funding is yourself …
Comments like that are beyond being called “ignorant”. “Blind, stupid prejudice” is more like it.

I’m gay. I have a number of friends and family that are gay. All of us recognize the beauty and goodness of the traditional nuclear family. That’s how most of us were raised, in fact. The idea that we desire the destruction of that sort of family is horrible and deeply offensive.

I am not gay and the comment is highly offensive to me as well

its also called bearing False witness, this person has obviously heard something someone said and now not only believes it to be true but also spreads the same rumors…
read the whole topic and then ask me dont read a small part of a post quote it entirely out of text and ask something like that.

esspecially when its not even remotely correct from me, look at the original post and ask them why they are doing what they are doing…
Your the one who posted a whole list of people defing them solely by the manner they engage in sex.
I struggle with this issue so much.

My husband, who is the sole breadwinner for our growing family, gets his paycheck from Ford.

Without Ford, we wouldn’t have been able to move from Michigan to Mississippi (just ask anyone in Michigan how great the housing market isn’t 😦 ), where we got a bigger house (growing family) in a safer neighborhood for less money.

Without Ford transferring us, we wouldn’t have been able to have me quit work once we moved (cost of living in the Detroit area vs. where we are now was much, much higher), enabling me to finally be able to stay home with our growing family.

Without Ford, we wouldn’t have the health insurance we have, the dental insurance, life insurance, etc. etc. My husband has only a high school diploma, but was able to work his way up the Ford ladder. There is no other company that would hire him at the position he’s at now, with the educational level he has. Staying with Ford has paid off.

On the other hand, we have been told that since Ford has been experiencing such losses that there will be no merit pay increase for salaried employees this year. Our health care coverage is going up, while what is being covered is being reduced. I wonder to myself, how is it that Ford is in such dire financial straits, yet still sees fit to support the homosexual agenda? Why would Ford, which can’t provide even cost of living increases this year, fund “gay pride” parades? Does the homosexual segment of America (all 1-3% of it) REALLY buy that many Ford products?

I’m at a loss. As a devout Catholic, wife, and mother, I hate this culture of moral decay, and want to fight against it, particularly when it comes to my door. But as that same wife and mother, I fear for my husband’s job, because he is the sole provider for this family.

What a twisted web we weave…
yes housing market in this state ( Michigan is at an all time low) houses that appraise at 250,000 selling for much less than 85,000, more foreclosures than ever,
a lot of people also dont understand how Ford and other auto makers effect everything , lil shops where people have 29 years in closeing doors, in my neck of the woods 2 shops going down one in July closeing forever in Manton Mi Avon automotive, one in Cadillac closing within 6 months
City of Manton will be devastated when the plant closes it employs about 85% of the local population, and there really is no other jobs available within 100 miles that can pay rent etc,
one place was hireing in cadillac last month 11 dollar an hour jobs ( not much really to raise a family) had 13,000 applicants in 4 hours…
anyways schools will be hurting next year, local small businesses that employ the other 15 % will also close down
this is going on all over Michigan why? because the auto companies are not doing so good…

its much more than One company and a 11 member board…

I wish you well and hope nothing bad happens from a few “do gooders” whom have no clue what goes on in this world and nothing matters but thier own selfish agendas…

maybe they will end up killing thier own jobs as well
I am not gay and the comment is highly offensive to me as well

its also called bearing False witness, this person has obviously heard something someone said and now not only believes it to be true but also spreads the same rumors…

I always get amused in thes threads when people jump in to defend homosexuality while at the same timemaking sure that we know that they themselves are not homosexual.!
I always get amused in thes threads when people jump in to defend homosexuality while at the same timemaking sure that we know that they themselves are not homosexual.!
you just love to twist things dont you, I was responding to a person whom obviously you cannot read said he was gay and offended at the comments I was offended as well and am not gay. so keep twisting things or why dont you at least try to be semi honest and post the quote i resonded to, this is typical of the radicals that start a boycot such as this twist facts to make others follow them and thier own way of thinking

not all people are stupid and when i resond to something such as this they will go back and see what I responded to in the original response they wont simply take your no truth twist as it is
Ford is my new favorite car company. Anyone who boycotts them for supporting homosexuals are awful.
I guess you are the spokesman for all “gay” people? My comments are aimed not at individuals but at an organized effort by a select few that are pushing, by their words and deeds to do exaclty as I said. That is to push an agenda in which, their ultimate goal is to bring down the traditional view of marriage, in order to eliminate what is considered an important institution by the majority of the world. I’m sorry you have been deceived to believe that it is normal or natural for two men to get married or three men, a women to get married, but these are the goals of many who are at the forefront of the SSM issue.
#1: I fully support efforts to create equal status, legally speaking, between heterosexual and homosexual couples. In that sense, you could say that I am a part of the “gay community” or, at least, “gay advocacy.”
Tha tactic of trying to paint your opposition as stupid , irgnorant, blind, and prejudice, is a very old tactic that was used by the NAZIs, and the KGB, it is a tatic that has been used to defame Jews and the Catholic Church for decades, if not 3/4 of a century. If you start truly studying history with an open mind you will see this whole issue is more then “rights” for “Gays”.
#2: Actually, it was the Nazis that were blind and prejudiced. They said the Jews were causing the destruction brought on Germany in the past ten or twenty years, right? They were the ones who said things like “Jews advocate the destruction of society!”

As far as identifying my comments with Nazism, it’s important to note that I did not call YOU or your church any of those things. I called your STATEMENT for what it was. See point #3 for an explaination.

#3: The idea that the “ultimate goal is to bring down the traditional view of marriage” is ludicrious and completely offensive. Why? First of all, myself and like-minded induviduals, like I said, value the relationship between a married man and a woman. The vast majority of my friends and family members who are gay *came *from such families. We don’t want to destroy it. It is not our goal. We love our families and support them.

Your original comment is sort of like someone saying that because you’re Catholic, you support child molesters. The idea itself is so prejudiced, anti-catholic, and just stupid that if one said such a thing in any kind of decent company, they ought to throw you out.

What you said is no different, my friend.
Ford is my new favorite car company. Anyone who boycotts them for supporting homosexuals are awful.
It seems that Ford is willing to go bankrupt, or have its entire company sold to a foreign entity, rather then to drop its social agendas. Companies are not supposed to be in the business of social engineering–they exist to make and sell products.

Would you rather see Ford go belly-up, or would you rather see Ford change its agenda?
#3: The idea that the “ultimate goal is to bring down the traditional view of marriage” is ludicrious and completely offensive. Why? First of all, myself and like-minded induviduals, like I said, value the relationship between a married man and a woman. The vast majority of my friends and family members who are gay *came *from such families. We don’t want to destroy it. It is not our goal. We love our families and support them.
It may not be your goal. But it will be the result, nonetheless, of pushing for homosexual ‘marriage.’
Ford is my new favorite car company. Anyone who boycotts them for supporting homosexuals are awful.
This is why people get irritated and frustrated with discussions with some liberals. I find it almost exclusively among the self-proclaimed open-minded and tolerant, this attitude that if you don’t agree with me, you are a Bad Person.
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