Study the history of the raise of the NAZI party in Germany, pay attention to the Brown Shirts, the SA, which the leadership was made up of many Homosexuals. Pay attention to Ernst Röhm, when Hitler saw it to his convenience he wiped out the leadership headed by Ernst Röhm, then declared homosexuals as enemies of the Third Recht. He used them set his evil agenda into motion then killed them off after they were no longer useful for his agenda.Bennie–what does this paragraph mean exactly? I’m pleading ignorance…please help.
Those that suffer with SSA, are being duped by an evil agenda which the ultimate goal is to destroy Western Society and Christianity. Homosexuals were used by the NAZI’s in the forefront of their agenda, they were the storm troopers until they became problematic for Hitler and his agenda. Then along with the Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, and the unfit, the homosexuals were sent to the gas chambers also.
Otherwise the agenda today is to destroy Western Society and Christianity, and those that suffer from SSA are being used to lead the forefront.
Otherwise I’m saying it is the Church that loves and cares for those that suffer from SSA, not the few pushing the agenda of SSM and the destruction of the family.