Ford sales continue downhill slide over homosexual support

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He is expounding on 2000 years of Catholic Tradition and Christ’s teachings, these are not his unfounded opinions.
well for 1800 of those years they believed that the mans sperm contained a baby that needed to be placed inside the woman to grow is that in the book as well thats part of the 2000 yrs of Catholic teaching,and tradition…oh and never wrong
well for 1800 of those years they believed that the mans sperm contained a baby that needed to be placed inside the woman to grow is that in the book as well thats part of the 2000 yrs of Catholic teaching,and tradition…
You are claiming that was a teaching on faith and morals?
well for 1800 of those years they believed that the mans sperm contained a baby that needed to be placed inside the woman to grow is that in the book as well thats part of the 2000 yrs of Catholic teaching,and tradition…oh and never wrong
Right. The Church has no authority to change any of Christ’s teachings. There is no oral or written tradition from Christ that states man’s sperm contained a baby. It has always been my understanding that man’s sperm is his seed.
they see nothing valid from a civil marriage, or one that has a non baptised person in it the list goes on and on.
Really? So you are saying the Church rejects natural marriages between pagans? And if non baptized persons marry they do not have a valid marriage? Where can a I read this?

I assume you know the differences between , natural, valid, sacramental marriages and how that is all parsed?
As a catholic I am not allowed to marry anywhere but inside the church, yet i see not one thing about that in scripture.
If you are Catholic you are bound by canon law. Where does Scripture say Christ founded a book and if it is not in the book one is free to do what one desires?
anyways its all irrelavent anyways, the Church tries to instill the do as i say not as I do attitude to keep people following her and if you look at this thread you can see the brainwashing that has gone on.
You need to be explicit I ain’t too brite.
even though this is a gross and not valid statement the church could donate money to the mob and be considered charitable for it, where as if someone/something else did they would be wrong and labeled…
Again, I am slow. Please help me?
its a double edged sword, you or I are not gonna change our way of thinking. you feel if the Church was to tell you to kill yourself you would be in Gods will of things and do it, where i see it as suicide.and not something to follow…
Sorry, but I refuse to accept you are that you that simple minded. Do you really think those who try to be faithful are brainwashed and lack the ability to reason critically?
would you go to a foot Dr to get rid of depression??
would you go to a Lawyer for religious teaching

then why go to someone whom has never been in a sexual situation to learn about that?
I clearly explained this earlier. Theology of the Body is not a mechanical how to book. 😦
Sorry, but I refuse to accept you are that you that simple minded. Do you really think those who try to be faithful are brainwashed and lack the ability to reason critically?

That book Catholicism for Dummies is giving him a false impression. He must think we all are dumb blind sheep without any reasoning ability.

He greatly underestimates the intellectualism in Catholicism, don’t you agree? He is spouting the same old ateistic stuff that they all start with.
Sorry, but I refuse to accept you are that you that simple minded. Do you really think those who try to be faithful are brainwashed and lack the ability to reason critically?
no not all but many are they want to be so “holy” they willing to go to extremes to be thought of that way…

That book Catholicism for Dummies is giving him a false impression. He must think we all are dumb blind sheep without any reasoning ability.

He greatly underestimates the intellectualism in Catholicism, don’t you agree?
oh boy the name calling and for your information i have never read the book. but you are showing your true colors, cant win an arguement or difference of opinion hit the name calling or insinutations.

That book Catholicism for Dummies is giving him a false impression. He must think we all are dumb blind sheep without any reasoning ability.

He greatly underestimates the intellectualism in Catholicism, don’t you agree?
I really do not want to be seen as picking on him or anyone else for that matter. Yes, it seems we have a genuine misunderstanding about these matters. I really am trying to figure out what is being stated here.

I agree with you I do not like being portrayed as some robot who is non thinking. I guess that Aquinas guy needed some remediation?
On the topic in general we have had a few “bad apples” in the priest hood molesting children, does that mean we should Boycot the entire church? afterall its just a very few priests, and they were listening to our confessions, giving us communion etc.
with Ford motors its a very few people not the whole, hopefully you can see where I am coming from as well, I do see where you all are coming from but if you going to start with Ford motors then you need to go everywhere and not just Pick on one or 2 things to get your views across…There is a difference here. The Church does not promote or teach the correctness of what these “few bad apples did” the Church teaches it is wrong. Ford is promoting something we believe to be wrong and harmful to society as well as the individual.

why dont we just give right up on the human race there are a lot of bad apples in this world, instead of trying to change them with compassion and kindness and some understanding lets ignore them, not feed them ship them off to some islnad and forget them. I don’t think anyone here has promoted this view and it is certainly not in line with Church teaching. We are called to love everyone–but love does not mean accepting all actions and affirming them. The best example I have seen is Mother Teresa.
we reap what we sow, I for one dont want Jesus to boycot me because of my mistakes,I have made many myself as I am not perfect…No one is and the Church recognizes that. Jesus does not boycott us because of our mistakes–thats us boycotting Jesus–but Jesus does call us to follow him. The path is narrow–this is what many don’t want to accept. At the end there will be a judgement–and how well we loved–took care of others–saw Jesus in them will determine our fate. That said how well do we love others–if we stand by and do nothing as they live lives that lead to eternal death?

Now if Ford Motor company was to tell all thier dealers they are not allowed to sell to Catholics because they do not believe as the board does you would be appalled.prolly seek a lawyer to force them to sell cars to you. maybe try and get some “free money” in a lawsuit etc. Not the same issue. Ford is free to well to anyone and I have not seen it suggested that they should not sell to a particular group–hence no descrimination. You are suggesting a senario in which there is active descrimination.

I am not saying I agree with the homosexual way,I am merely saying they are people, and therefore our brothers and sisters and neighbors, and I for one wont turn my head and ignore them because of a belief anymore than I would turn my head to someone else whom needed a helping hand or ear to hear them…
I dont remember seeing in the bible "love thy neighbor, unless he doesnt do what you want him to do. I took it as Unconditional. I haven’t seen anyone here suggesting that we fail to love anyone, that we turn our backs on anyone. Please explain how not wishing to have society approve of and sanction a behavior–is ignoring or turning away?

Mark in Oregon

no not all but many are they want to be so “holy” they willing to go to extremes to be thought of that way…
I do not think that is fair. I try not to judge others motivation. Now, I disagree with you. I genuinely want to come to a greater understanding of why you hold the view you do.
Their support of homosexuals is not something I support, but then again, I wouldn’t buy a Ford anyway. Ford, along with Chrysler and GM, are garbage, plain and simple. I’ll stick to Hondas.
would you go to a foot Dr to get rid of depression??
would you go to a Lawyer for religious teaching

then why go to someone whom has never been in a sexual situation to learn about that?
The Church is a hospital for sinners. All members are sinners. You seek God, Jesus and His Chruch for spiritual healing and growth. The way to become a complete human. Human sexuality is definitely within this domain.
I do not think that is fair. I try not to judge others motivation. Now, I disagree with you. I genuinely want to come to a greater understanding of why you hold the view you do.
In other words they go way beyond Church teaching and view but satill use the Churches teaching to make thier won view look as if it is of the church, case in point this boycot its appearing its of the churches teaching yet its an extreme view of what SHOULD BE in that persons mind, they are going beyond the church on this same as how most protestant religions started. they were started by people whom thought the church should be doing something other than what it was doing…or started by people whom thought they were doing what was proper and good.

see I am looking at the big picture on this boycot, who loses if Ford is sold? not the board members whom gave the money away they get the money from the sale and will move on to other buisnesses as board members and leaders, its the working men and women whom will lose.
when these same board members move to another buisness thier ideals go withthem so the money flowing to the agendas you oppose will still be flowing just from another company,
however the working men and women whom rely on Ford for a paycheck and a living for thier families are the ones caught here.
its no different a way of thinking that our Govt being in Iraq right now who is losing out? the iraqi people and our troops and thier families, is our Govt losing anything at all? men are women are dieing daily over there on both sides and its accomplishing not a single thing why? because the policy we have right now is not for accomplishing anything its use force to get our point across
feel as we do or face elimination…

see the equation here with your views Ford see things our way or face bancruptcy ( elimination from market)

why not fight at the “grass roots level” advertise more for admiration of Christ, I see billboards daily for planned parenthood
bars etc yet i know of only 2 for anti abortion and thats because a local person put them on thier own property with thier own money.they receive no backing from the very foundations that want to see these things “fixed”

Now am i making some sense???
I could get into so much more detail but I am a very very loisy typer and this takes me forever to get typed out and its easy for me to get side tracked when i am typing because it does take me so long
The Church is a hospital for sinners. All members are sinners. You seek God, Jesus and His Chruch for spiritual healing and growth. The way to become a complete human. Human sexuality is definitely within this domain.
explain please how marital sex is within this realm, because you say it is or because the church wants to know what going on in your sex life… not being arguementative at this point i want to know how and why you see it that way, I know my own feelings about just this at this point…

In other words they go way beyond Church teaching and view but satill use the Churches teaching to make thier won view look as if it is of the church, case in point this boycot its appearing its of the churches teaching yet its an extreme view of what SHOULD BE in that persons mind, they are going beyond the church on this same as how most protestant religions started. they were started by people whom thought the church should be doing something other than what it was doing…or started by people whom thought they were doing what was proper and good.

see I am looking at the big picture on this boycot, who loses if Ford is sold? not the board members whom gave the money away they get the money from the sale and will move on to other buisnesses as board members and leaders, its the working men and women whom will lose.
when these same board members move to another buisness thier ideals go withthem so the money flowing to the agendas you oppose will still be flowing just from another company,
however the working men and women whom rely on Ford for a paycheck and a living for thier families are the ones caught here.
its no different a way of thinking that our Govt being in Iraq right now who is losing out? the iraqi people and our troops and thier families, is our Govt losing anything at all? men are women are dieing daily over there on both sides and its accomplishing not a single thing why? because the policy we have right now is not for accomplishing anything its use force to get our point across
feel as we do or face elimination…

see the equation here with your views Ford see things our way or face bancruptcy ( elimination from market)

why not fight at the “grass roots level” advertise more for admiration of Christ, I see billboards daily for planned parenthood
bars etc yet i know of only 2 for anti abortion and thats because a local person put them on thier own property with thier own money.they receive no backing from the very foundations that want to see these things “fixed”

Now am i making some sense???
I could get into so much more detail but I am a very very loisy typer and this takes me forever to get typed out and its easy for me to get side tracked when i am typing because it does take me so long
There are many battlegrounds in the so-called culture war. It is impossible to take on every company and every cause. I was involved in a boycott of a major icecream chain, the chain was pouring millions into Planned Parenthood, and PP pours millions and millions into abortions. It took over two years of extensive boycotting, but the icecream chain finally stopped funding Planned Parenthood. That is a case where pressure from consumers worked, and I hope the same type of pressure will cause Ford to drop its bad social agendas. If Christians cease buying products from those tyes of companies in a very un-emotional way, then over time other companies will cease contributing to such evil agendas.

Again, we are free people and we have every right to try to make the culture the way we think it should be.
oh boy the name calling and for your information i have never read the book. but you are showing your true colors, cant win an arguement or difference of opinion hit the name calling or insinutations.
Ok. So what do you actually know about Catholicism?

Have you studied it? Where?
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