In other words they go way beyond Church teaching and view but satill use the Churches teaching to make thier won view look as if it is of the church, case in point this boycot its appearing its of the churches teaching yet its an extreme view of what
SHOULD BE in that persons mind, they are going beyond the church on this same as how most protestant religions started. they were started by people whom thought the church should be doing something other than what it was doing…or started by people whom thought they were doing what was proper and good.
see I am looking at the big picture on this boycot, who loses if Ford is sold? not the board members whom gave the money away they get the money from the sale and will move on to other buisnesses as board members and leaders, its the working men and women whom will lose.
when these same board members move to another buisness thier ideals go withthem so the money flowing to the agendas you oppose will still be flowing just from another company,
however the working men and women whom rely on Ford for a paycheck and a living for thier families are the ones caught here.
its no different a way of thinking that our Govt being in Iraq right now who is losing out? the iraqi people and our troops and thier families, is our Govt losing anything at all? men are women are dieing daily over there on both sides and its accomplishing not a single thing why? because the policy we have right now is not for accomplishing anything its use force to get our point across
feel as we do or face elimination…
see the equation here with your views Ford see things our way or face bancruptcy ( elimination from market)
why not fight at the “grass roots level” advertise more for admiration of Christ, I see billboards daily for planned parenthood
bars etc yet i know of only 2 for anti abortion and thats because a local person put them on thier own property with thier own money.they receive no backing from the very foundations that want to see these things “fixed”
Now am i making some sense???
I could get into so much more detail but I am a very very loisy typer and this takes me forever to get typed out and its easy for me to get side tracked when i am typing because it does take me so long