Former Catholics become anti-Catholic

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Here’s my totally biased theory from a cradle Catholic:

Going from Protestant to Catholic is usually an acceptance of a more rich and complete Christianity. It usually invloves accepting doctrines and practices that one didn’t have as a protestant. On the other hand, going from Protestant to Catholic involves more of a rejection of doctrines and practices. I think since rejection is more inherantly negative than acceptance, the rejecters tend to view what they rejected in a negative manner while the accepters view their Protestant background as the roots of what matured into a complete Christian Faith (Catholicism).

I have no idea if this is the case, but it kind of makes sense, no?:hmmm:
I find that Catholics are unkind without knowing they are being unkind. They are negative but cant admit being negative.
They are harsh but do not realize they are being harsh or hatefull.]
posted by Xavier
Peter was married.
game,set, match
And Paul?
I find that Catholics are unkind without knowing they are being unkind. They are negative but cant admit being negative.
They are harsh but do not realize they are being harsh or hatefull.]
Yes, that can be true. Just as many Christians can be incredibly hurtful when they deny the essential Christianity of Catholics. Thank God Christ died for our sins.

Too bad so many people did not read the Bible they cling to and remember that we were told that there will come a time when people with false doctrines will come along… :hmmm: who came along? Kind of like when people say Catholic added books to the Bible. :ehh: How can the group of Christians that existed first add books to God’s Holy word that they first established was Holy?

Protestants came along after Catholics preaching false doctrine just as the Holy Scripture foretold. Protestants decided what should be in the Bible after Catholics thereby removing books from God’s inspired word.

God Bless,
Also, if a Catholic does not know his/her own faith, they will fall for any misguided reasoning that gets thrown their way from non-Catholic churches.

Just my thoughts.

I agree; (although I am protestant; but seeking truth); I find this gets reinforced by preachers and people who have never been in the Catholic church. I also believe that people sometimes throw out an “intellectual search for truth” because they think that it negates faith. There is nothing more aggravating than one who argues from a position of ignorance.
Have a good day.
👋 mj330,
I find this gets reinforced by preachers and people who have never been in the Catholic church. I also believe that people sometimes throw out an “intellectual search for truth” because they think that it negates faith. There is nothing more aggravating than one who argues from a position of ignorance.
It is funny, I actually knew nothing about Catholic doctrine. But when people would find out I was an infant baptized in the Catholic Church they would say “Well, that’s good. (That I was not in the Catholic Church.) Catholics believe…”(fill in the blank worship Mary, don’t think they are saints…anything that would mean they are not Christians) I finally bought a catechism because so many people asked me to explain why Catholics do the things they do.

Every time I looked up what Catholics are supposed to believe, it never matched what a person thought it was.

I love the Catholic Church that respects my intellect as well as nourishes my faith. Led by the Holy Spirit? :yup: Right into the Catholic Church.

God Bless you on your search for the truth.

I think a lot of the anti-Catholicism comes from the fact that, by its claims and by its very existence, the Catholic Church is felt by many Protestants to be sitting in judgement of them and their beliefs. For them to be right they must show that the Catholic Church is wrong. Same thing with many non-religious people – they also feel the Catholic Church is sitting in judgement on them. Catholics, OTOH, don’t feel that Protestantism (or the secular world) is sitting in judgement of them.
That may very well be true for some Protestants (and you did qualify your statement), but for myself it’s not. Growing up Protestant, I never received any anti-Catholic rhetoric with my lessons. In fact, I never heard *anything *about the Catholic faith. I knew it existed, and that I wasn’t a part of it, just as I wasn’t a Lutheran or Baptist. There was a point in my life that I developed some anti-Catholic sentiments, but they weren’t fueled by any anti-Catholic teaching, but rather a profound ignorance of Catholicism. I think this probably goes for a lot of Protestant Christians. Sure, there are those that intentionally fuel the feelings (e.g., my brother bases all his vehemence toward the Church on “The Gospel According to Rome”). But by and large I find that people’s bias is based on ignorance and misunderstanding, not anti-Catholic teaching. Thus, the more I’ve investigated and searched, the closer and closer I’ve come to the Catholic Church.
Peter was married.
game,set, match
So? This is no answer :
Either you Bible thumpers believe and obey ALL of the word of God or not… This is not some cafeteria religion that one can pick and choose the parts to believe…yet you do!

I hand you clear scriptural evidence of your errors and you play word games…

So the very words of Christ himself count for nothing?

Oh yeah and THIS crack…
I find that Catholics are unkind without knowing they are being unkind. They are negative but cant admit being negative.
They are harsh but do not realize they are being harsh or hatefull
…from the guy who’s the most rabid anti-Catholic poster in here right now? Gimme a break

Whatsa matter Xavier? No answers when the Catholics show that they know and practice the Bible’s teachings accurately? Just more cheap shots and bunk… I stand by my original post and still expect you to make a real answer…which I don’t believe that you will.
Don’t go look it up: Here its is right here.
How do you figure unBiblical?
Matthew 19:10-12
"10 His disciples say unto him: If the case of a man with his wife be so, it is not expedient to marry.11 Who said to them: All men take not this word, but they to whom it is given. 12 For there are eunuchs, who were born so from their mother’s womb: and there are eunuchs, who were made so by men: and there are eunuchs, who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven. He that can take, let him take it. "
Ist Corinthians 7:6-9
“6 But I speak this by indulgence, not by commandment. 7 For I would that all men were even as myself: but every one hath his proper gift from God; one after this manner, and another after that. 8 But I say to the unmarried, and to the widows: It is good for them if they so continue, even as I. 9 But if they do not contain themselves, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to be burnt.”
…And just what’s unhistorical about obeying the very words of Christ and the apostle Paul, from the very Bible that YOU say is the sole source of all we are supposed to believe. You don’t know what you’re talking about…

Seems to me that your interp is unBiblical sir…(And out of context)
Pax vobiscum,
As I understand it, Xavier, only the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church prohibits priests from marrying. There are other rites in which you will find married priests.

Church Militant:
So? This is no answer :
Either you Bible thumpers believe and obey ALL of the word of God or not… This is not some cafeteria religion that one can pick and choose the parts to believe…yet you do!

I hand you clear scriptural evidence of your errors and you play word games…

So the very words of Christ himself count for nothing?

Oh yeah and THIS crack…

…from the guy who’s the most rabid anti-Catholic poster in here right now? Gimme a break

Whatsa matter Xavier? No answers when the Catholics show that they know and practice the Bible’s teachings accurately? Just more cheap shots and bunk… I stand by my original post and still expect you to make a real answer…which I don’t believe that you will.
Don’t go look it up: Here its is right here.
Game, set, match!
Game, set, match!
Same ole same ole. Guess you gotta go see your preacher to see what he tells you to answer. I didn’t even have to check to see what the church says…it’s all right there in the Bible that you claim so loudly to be your be all end all of authority.You still have no answers…just deceptions and misdirection.

So Peter was married… before he met Jesus, this does nothing to affect the FACTS of the actual words of Jesus, to which you have no answers…just your messed up, biased, self-important version of what YOU think.

I submit that you are dishonest and unworthy to wield the Word of God. If this is your idea of a “Win” then no wonder you’re a Prot. I bet you’re gonna be a"preacher" too aren’tcha? Cryin’ shame… 😦 God have mercy on the poor people who will be led astray by you.

I tried your version of the gospel…it’s not true and it’s incomplete. I found the truth right where it’s been for all 2,000 years of Christianity’s history…

You might as well pack it in and not bother to post here anymore…you got nothin’ to offer and don’t want the truth.
Church Militant:
Same ole same ole. Guess you gotta go see your preacher to see what he tells you to answer. I didn’t even have to check to see what the church says…it’s all right there in the Bible that you claim so loudly to be your be all end all of authority.You still have no answers…just deceptions and misdirection.

So Peter was married… before he met Jesus, this does nothing to affect the FACTS of the actual words of Jesus, to which you have no answers…just your messed up, biased, self-important version of what YOU think.

I submit that you are dishonest and unworthy to wield the Word of God. If this is your idea of a “Win” then no wonder you’re a Prot. I bet you’re gonna be a"preacher" too aren’tcha? Cryin’ shame… 😦 God have mercy on the poor people who will be led astray by you.

I tried your version of the gospel…it’s not true and it’s incomplete. I found the truth right where it’s been for all 2,000 years of Christianity’s history…

You might as well pack it in and not bother to post here anymore…you got nothin’ to offer and don’t want the truth.
The Roman Catholic Church has decreed that its priests (with certain exceptions) should be unmarried.
It is totally within their prerogative to make this a requirement.
To say it is biblical, is in error. You know, or you should know of the numerious scriptures (even those written by Paul) which allow and even bless the married life for the disciples/apostles of the Lord.

Man, what is your problem?
If any nonCatholic ripped into you the way you do they would be banned.
The Roman Catholic Church has decreed that its priests (with certain exceptions) should be unmarried.
It is totally within their prerogative to make this a requirement.
To say it is biblical, is in error. You know, or you should know of the numerious scriptures (even those written by Paul) which allow and even bless the married life for the disciples/apostles of the Lord.

Man, what is your problem?
If any nonCatholic ripped into you the way you do they would be banned.
St.Paul was celibat,but St.Paul was not the Pope,Peter was.Xavier I read your threads on Mary and you have no cause to rail into Church Millitant who is defending our faith against your tireless attacks:mad: You are suppose to be here to learn and dialog and all you do is falsely accuse.:tsktsk: When we deny your accusations you do not believe us anyway, how do you expect Church Millitant to react or anyone else for that matter.Would you propose we lay down and be a welcome mat for you to tread all over without reprisal?Well?
St.Paul was celibat,but St.Paul was not the Pope,Peter was.Xavier I read your threads on Mary and you have no cause to rail into Church Millitant who is defending our faith against your tireless attacks:mad: You are suppose to be here to learn and dialog and all you do is falsely accuse.:tsktsk: When we deny your accusations you do not believe us anyway, how do you expect Church Millitant to react or anyone else for that matter.Would you propose we lay down and be a welcome mat for you to tread all over without reprisal?Well?
I dont expect a welcome mat.
I do expect civility.
I dont expect a welcome mat.
I do expect civility.
Well you are able to recieve both if you make an attempt to hear us:) God Bless
PS Try to understand without pre-judgements and it will help;)
The Roman Catholic Church has decreed that its priests (with certain exceptions) should be unmarried.
Man, what is your problem?
If any nonCatholic ripped into you the way you do they would be banned.
Hey…as you always say… the truth hurts…I haven’t ripped you…YET.
I simply point out that you are dishonest in your posts since you choose to ignore any passages that mitigate the Catholic teachings. You say one thing and then play dumb with the Bible when it doesn’t back your false teachings…it’s as simple as that and I can assure you that any number of the posters on this and other threads will say the very same thing. What exactly are we supposed to do Xavier…just sit here like a pack of idiots while you come in and make false allegations and spout false doctrines that might mislead more than the church that you are part of? Don’t be silly…If you don’t wanna hear the truth then don’t post crazy stuff that the Bible (that you claim is your authority) doesn’t back up.
It is totally within their prerogative to make this a requirement.
To say it is biblical, is in error.
IN YOUR biased opinion, that is not supported by the very same passages of the NT that I have already shown you and which you continue to even acknowlege…which is the very same thing that I saw in all the non-Catholic churches that I attended for over 34 years. the only thing that you got right in this statement is that it within the Catholic Church’s authority to set whatever we want for our clergy.
You know, or you should know of the numerious scriptures (even those written by Paul) which allow and even bless the married life for the disciples/apostles of the Lord.
So? No one debates the sanctity of marriage! Does your church allow divorce and remarriage? If so then you have an unscriptural position… This of course has nothing to do with the fact that the NT **clearly ** espouses celibacy for those who are the servants of God. Don’t blame the Catholic Church if YOU and your church friends can’t hack that. But at least be honest enough to admit that the NT DOES teach that whether you like it or not.
As for the idea of being banned…I haven’t broken any forum rules, but I Guarentee that I and many of the posters here have been tossed from N-C boards for simply stating the Catholic position and with a great deal more charity and consideration than you have shown us here. This forum is VERY lenient… but then we TRY to be considerate about other people’s religions and don’t attack their beliefs. If no one says anything about our beliefs then we have very little to say, unlike folks like you.

I will never cut you slack when you are dishonest…
Pax vobiscum
**With 50 years as a Lutheran and now 7 years as a Born Again Catholic, I would agree with your statment. For me, going from a negative to a positive is always a plus, but the reverse can bring out your hidden anger! **
Here’s my totally biased theory from a cradle Catholic:

Going from Protestant to Catholic is usually an acceptance of a more rich and complete Christianity. It usually invloves accepting doctrines and practices that one didn’t have as a protestant. On the other hand, going from Protestant to Catholic involves more of a rejection of doctrines and practices. I think since rejection is more inherantly negative than acceptance, the rejecters tend to view what they rejected in a negative manner while the accepters view their Protestant background as the roots of what matured into a complete Christian Faith (Catholicism).

I have no idea if this is the case, but it kind of makes sense, no?:hmmm:
Church Militant:
Hey…as you always say… the truth hurts…I haven’t ripped you…YET.
I simply point out that you are dishonest in your posts since you choose to ignore any passages that mitigate the Catholic teachings. You say one thing and then play dumb with the Bible when it doesn’t back your false teachings…it’s as simple as that and I can assure you that any number of the posters on this and other threads will say the very same thing. What exactly are we supposed to do Xavier…just sit here like a pack of idiots while you come in and make false allegations and spout false doctrines that might mislead more than the church that you are part of? Don’t be silly…If you don’t wanna hear the truth then don’t post crazy stuff that the Bible (that you claim is your authority) doesn’t back up.

IN YOUR biased opinion, that is not supported by the very same passages of the NT that I have already shown you and which you continue to even acknowlege…which is the very same thing that I saw in all the non-Catholic churches that I attended for over 34 years. the only thing that you got right in this statement is that it within the Catholic Church’s authority to set whatever we want for our clergy.

So? No one debates the sanctity of marriage! Does your church allow divorce and remarriage? If so then you have an unscriptural position… This of course has nothing to do with the fact that the NT **clearly **espouses celibacy for those who are the servants of God. Don’t blame the Catholic Church if YOU and your church friends can’t hack that. But at least be honest enough to admit that the NT DOES teach that whether you like it or not.
As for the idea of being banned…I haven’t broken any forum rules, but I Guarentee that I and many of the posters here have been tossed from N-C boards for simply stating the Catholic position and with a great deal more charity and consideration than you have shown us here. This forum is VERY lenient… but then we TRY to be considerate about other people’s religions and don’t attack their beliefs. If no one says anything about our beliefs then we have very little to say, unlike folks like you.

I will never cut you slack when you are dishonest…
Pax vobiscum
All of Gods word is truth

I have pointed out that you have “cherry picked” scriptures to attempt to back your position. What about 1 Cor 9:5, 1 Tim 3:1-12, Titus 1:6, 1Tim 4:1-3.
Surely you know these, so stop acting as you dont.
All of Gods word is truth

I have pointed out that you have “cherry picked” scriptures to attempt to back your position. What about 1 Cor 9:5, 1 Tim 3:1-12, Titus 1:6, 1Tim 4:1-3.
Surely you know these, so stop acting as you dont.
Stop yelling, please. It hurts my eyes.
Stop yelling, please. It hurts my eyes.
Will do.
Thank You for proving my point. Church Militant has yelled in virtually every one of his posts on this page, yet I do it once and now Im the one yelling.
First off, this has gotten way off thread. We are not discussing whether or not priest celibacy is biblical, we are observing why it is that when Catholics leave the Church, they are more atagonistice toward it than when a prostestant becomes a Catholic is to the church they left.

I do feel that it is worth noting that both positions of Xavier and Church Militant are correct and if for one minute the two of you would stop being so dead set on being right, you would see this.
It is obvious from Scripture and Church history that some of the first to follow Jesus were married. It is also plain that celibacy was not a requirement in the first few centuries.

Now here is where you are using a Church discipline to try to disprove all of the rest of Catholic doctrine, Xavier. There are many Biblical reasons for this practice, but there is no definitive statement prohibiting marriage for priests.

Paul recommends that those who can live by this discipline should do so. Jesus says that it is a worthy life if one can lead it.
The Church has determined through the years that its flock is better served by men who are not married. It does allow married men to become priest, especially those that come from the Anglican church, but it does not allow a priest to marry after ordination.

This really is such a moot debate. There is Scripture to support both sides. That is why Eastern rites allow married priests. It makes no sense to use this arguement to bash the church. As you stated, Xavier, it is the Church’s right to make this decree.
You are wrong, however, that the basis for it is unbiblical.

Will do.
Thank You for proving my point. Church Militant has yelled in virtually every one of his posts on this page, yet I do it once and now Im the one yelling.
Well, you did yell. You made it a point with that particular sentence to yell. (I thought you were going to blow a gasket.)

Church Militant, you need to calm down, too.

Now, I have to speak to Xavier for a minute.

Xavier, you posted with this:

“I find that Catholics are unkind without knowing they are being unkind. They are negative but cant admit being negative.
They are harsh but do not realize they are being harsh or hatefull.]”

What were you hoping to accomplish by saying that? I have been in many,many Protestant churches as well as Catholic churches and you could have been describing anyone of them. It sounds very much to me that you are angry with Catholics. People are people and you will find unkindness, negativity, harshness and hatefulness wherever you go.

You could have been describing yourself, as well.

Please step back for a moment. If you want to make a point that is contrary to what the majority of posters here truly believe, then don’t get smart-alecky about it. Game-Set-Match? That was kind, positive and constructive in discussing the Truth?

Now everybody:

It isn’t easy discussing beliefs that we hold deep inside. Beliefs that are our very identity. We are discussing things that we hold to be truths. Let’s all remember to be Christ to one another, ok?

Now I’ll get off my soapbox.
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