I’m not saying the book is for everyone, but it has and is helping my parish and other parishes across the nation get more involved and realize that being a Catholic means a lot more than just attending mass. I don’t say that to downsize mass at all. But some people get stuck in a rut that attending mass and saying a rosary at mass is all they do. I like the fact that his book has helped many good Catholics become better Catholics, many fallen away Catholics to return to the church and calls us (like Christ) to share our faith with others. If your parish and spiritual lives are thriving then I’d say there is no need to read the book. It is only the work of a normal human being. She is not a saint, just someone who has done her research and is passionate about helping others get closer to God. Certainly the book could have been better However, I believe, based on experience, it has helped our parish grow spiritually, wanting to do more and learn more.
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