Forum on Tolerance to Muslims

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Anyone here ever hear of Muslims worrying about being tolerent of Christians?
The short and long answer is NO.
That is why I don’t worry about being tolerent of them.
Contarini said:
:This is because the fundamental technique of evangelization to Christianity is peace:

Tell that to the people of northern and Eastern Europe forcibly converted in the early Middle Ages. Tell that to the pagans whom Justinian crucified in the sixth century. Tell that to the Hindus of Goa whose worship was suppressed by the order of St. Francis Xavier.


P.S. I don’t disagree with the views being expressed here as totally as it sounds. In another forum, I’d express the other side too. Unquestionably the use of force is more central to Islam than to Christianity, and it’s ridiculous to claim that Islamic terrorists (or anyone else) are “misrepresenting” their own religion. We as Christians have no business deciding what is “true” Islam or not. We simply call it as we see it. And there’s clearly a spectrum of opinion within Islam, of which Bin Laden is one extreme and Westernized Muslims who totally reject religious violence are the other. I don’t say this often here because lots of other people are saying it. But I do think it.

A couple of things.
  1. A few exceptions with limited historical backing does not a religion make. There have been many “bad” Christians but it is not a fundamental teaching of their faith to kill and enslave the non-believers. When it is done it is condemned as not being Christian.
  2. Can a Christian not read the Koran or any other religous books on Islam? Osama believes his actions are rooted in Islam. So did Muhammed when he when on his killing sprees. If you were to read the Koran, you could make an extremley solid case they were following their religion. Do you know any current Christian that justifies mass killing in the name of Christianity? Could you find in the New Testament where such action would be justified?
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