Fourth-Grader Switches Genders Over Winter Break

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Her brain was born a boy??? Oh come on! Sounds like this kid either has some serious mental issues or some serious 'I want attention" issues! 9 years old? My kid can’t even decide what cereal to have in the morning, let alone all this ‘gender’ stuff!
May I submit another possibility? At this age, I also wanted to “be a boy”. I only wore pants, hid my hair in a ball cap, etc. I did not have a mental issue, it was because I was being molested and wished I was not a girl. (because I thought it would not happen if I was a boy) The last thing I wanted was attention! I pray that this is not the case for this girl, because this gender-switching thing could result in heaping more and more pain on her in the long run.
By the way, that born with a boy brain thing is, I agree, completely ridiculous. This is the result of the homosexual agenda’s affect on society. They cause mass confusion :confused:
You can count on my prayers! I know how horrible this struggle can be. It sounds like a very heavy cross. And the permissive culture surrounding you only makes it heavier, I imagine. All I can say is that God’s grace is incredible, and the more you receive the Sacraments, the stronger you will become. For me, the Church’s teaching on contraception was a difficult cross, until I fully understood it and continued to pray for the grace to follow it. Now, I find it incredible how easy it now is to embrace this teaching. I pray that you feel this way about your difficulty someday!
Oh, and by the way, I, too, still feel better in pants than a skirt, although I am trying to wear them more often. So that is something we could offer up together! 🙂
You can count on my prayers! I know how horrible this struggle can be. It sounds like a very heavy cross. And the permissive culture surrounding you only makes it heavier, I imagine. All I can say is that God’s grace is incredible, and the more you receive the Sacraments, the stronger you will become. For me, the Church’s teaching on contraception was a difficult cross, until I fully understood it and continued to pray for the grace to follow it. Now, I find it incredible how easy it now is to embrace this teaching. I pray that you feel this way about your difficulty someday!
Oh, and by the way, I, too, still feel better in pants than a skirt, although I am trying to wear them more often. So that is something we could offer up together! 🙂
Thanks, I appreciate it. I edited my original post in this thread and copied the it to my own thread titled “I struggle with Gender Identity Disorder” in the Moral Theology section.
I do not which is a greater mental hygiene issue the absurd parents, the poor, poor child, or the so-called medical professionals?
I can hardly believe it…I find myself in agreement with you twice in one day!
I was the BIGGEST “tom boy”, and had more fun beating them up. 😃 then I did anything else.

Then, that mistical-magical time of life happened, and I started to FLURT with them…(what wassss I thinking :rolleyes: )

Lots of little girls are “tom boys”, this is not that unusual, and yes, we outgrow it just fine. 👍

This poor child will be so confused when she grows and matures. The parents should be investigated for emotional abuse instead of allowed to “change” her identity.
When the girl hits puberty and starts losing tomboy tendencies and takes an interest in boys.
I think they will do hormone treatments to avoid the real puberty that she would go through. What a ridiculous experiment they are doing on their child. Perhaps she will change her mind, and be a girl afterall. This is child abuse. DCFS should be contacted.

The child has the severe mental disorder (GID), yet one could say the parents have a severe problem as well.
I do believe that people can be born “in the wrong bodies”. However, sometimes I think that if you are a boy ina girls body, why cant you just be into guy things and u dont have to wear makeup and dresses and you can act like a guy but you dont need to go through all the surgery and actually become one. Ive seen Oprahs and stuff where kids really feel this way…and while its a difficult situation seeing your child in the position I would definately wait until the child is much older, preferably until he or she is 18 and can make the decision for themselves. It could be this girl just doesnt like girl stuff and wants to be a boy but this may change. Its a hard call though. I do believe its some kind of hormone imbalance and people really do feel this way…why else would they put themselves through a sex change operation? But I do think 10 is too young, although the parents probably just want the kid to be happy.

The child has the severe mental disorder (GID), yet one could say the parents have a severe problem as well.
I’ll say. Can a child of 9 who is asexual have GID (we used to call it being a tomboy) or is she just unfortunate enough to be part of a wacky family that has to give a medical diagnosis to everything. If she has been tested and has been found to be biologically female, then just let nature take its course. It is too early to make a diagnosis with serious ramifications like GID.
I hate being a girl…i spent most of my childhood wanting to be a boy, praying to God everynight that I would be a boy…but thats more beause of how things worked out in my home…still I am not feminine, I don’t wear makeup, jewlery or skirts. I have my hair pulled back carelessly in a style reminicant of a long-haired dead head…

Its a shame the parents are going along with this though…

I agree–and even as an adult, one should not step off into the realm of gender reassignment.
I can remember wanting to be a boy at that age. Thank God I wasn’t abused or anything like that–I just perceived that boys had some of the advantages. My brothers got to be altar boys and on the safety patrol and I couldn’t do any of that. I didn’t want to wear dresses or play with dolls. I just wanted to climb trees and run around with my brothers. My father handled it beautifully: he told me how much he loved and esteemed women and would be very sad if I chose to do this, but…if I really wanted to be a boy I could become one if I kissed the end of my own elbow. 🙂 Well, I failed at that and a few years later I was really glad.

It would be terribly abusive if these parents actually “treated” this poor girl with some kind of hormone therapy.
The girl needs parents who truly care about her overall health.
I’ll say. Can a child of 9 who is asexual have GID (we used to call it being a tomboy) or is she just unfortunate enough to be part of a wacky family that has to give a medical diagnosis to everything. If she has been tested and has been found to be biologically female, then just let nature take its course. It is too early to make a diagnosis with serious ramifications like GID.
I would hardly equate being a “tomboy” with GID. As I child, I wanted to be a boy and I have frequently been told that I would have gone farther, faster in my life if I had been male. However, I still turned out fine, though I’ll always wonder what might have been.

That being said, there is certainly something going on in this child’s life that is in need of prayer.
It seems several females have expressed that in their younger days they wanted to be boys–that is quite interesting, especially since I think the higher percentage of GID is among males.
It seems several females have expressed that in their younger days they wanted to be boys–that is quite interesting, especially since I think the higher percentage of GID is among males.
That is interesting, but I’m guessing that most of the people who are posting on this board didn’t have what would today qualify as “GID”. Although, who really knows? The psychiatric community is identifying all kinds of normal things as disorders (i.e. oppositional defiance disorder) and disorders as normal things (i.e. homosexuality).
It seems several females have expressed that in their younger days they wanted to be boys–that is quite interesting, especially since I think the higher percentage of GID is among males.
I was naturally inclined to be an athlete but, in my community, girls were strongly discouraged from sports other than cheerleading. In my family, my parents didn’t think girls should go to college. They paid 100% tuition for my brothers but refused to pay for college for my sisters and me. Because I couldn’t get anyone to accept that girls could go to university and play sports, too, I figured it would have been easier if I had been a boy.

Again, being a “tomboy” has no relation to GID.

Reading your account, I suspect you are a babyboomer. In today’s culture females do better in college than the males and females are expected to go to college today. I wonder if girls today feel the same as you did when you were a girl.
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